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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. As likely they'll do all the really f**k awful stuff now like ripping off a bandage then spend the next 18 months doing nothing but flags and maybe the odd bit of performative invading.
  2. £45bn of tax cuts, funded by borrowing, announced in a non budget, the largest cut since 1972 (which didn't go well) and without any forecasting. We now go live to the cost of government borrowing:
  3. Built under PFi about 20 years after they should have closed and binned Alloa, Falkirk and Stirling. We can thank Mickey Forsyth for upgrading Stirling RI instead in the 80's 90's then Labour for the FVRH aberration. Late, not big enough, shitey design, ludicrous finance restrictions and really difficult and expensive to adapt. But it does have an M&S food.
  4. Easy to miss when it's hiding behind all the more money for b*****ds tax cuts but, the sunset clause on all EU regulations by December 23 is probably the most terrifying. These fucking clowns, who are unashamedly driving a deregulation agenda will have to replace about 2000 pieces of legislation or they will automatically fall. So we need to have faith that they have the time and the competence to make sure they don't accidentally remove our right to annual leave and the already shitey levels of sick pay. Or more likely they let them lapse on purpose because they are c***s.
  5. It's the "in plain sight" stuff that is so damning. I know of public bodies that would ordinarily love a bit of celebrity that would simply ignore the approaches from the BBC and on at least one occasion tell Savilles team to f**k off, immediately, when they just showed up.
  6. Brilliant stuff lads, what will get Scottish voters flocking back to the Labour party is devolving more power to Street and Burnham the Beadles of East and West Arsechester.
  7. Yeah was just about to add that. It would really help her fight to be taken seriously if she would just stop being so fick. On PR she was at a hastily scribbled crayon level of understanding.
  8. Listening to Angela Rayner on some podcast telling us how whether people would be able to eat or heat themselves this winter "suddenly paled into insignificance" when she was handed a note saying "the Queen was unwell." I know it's unfair but to hear that accent just bow and scrape and lick the shite covered heels of aristocracy and privilege at direct cost to actual people, rips my knitting. Mental.
  9. Another round of licences for all that worthless North Sea Oil and Gas that's running out.
  10. Seems far more lively that they'd use chemical weapons than nuclear. Use of non persistent agents were part of Soviet doctrine and unlike the west they don't or haven't classed them in the same way as nuclear. The use of them in Syria with no meaningful Western response has enhanced this view. Seems like using a persistent agent to deny ground in a scorched earth maneuver to fix lines over the winter might be a likely shitebag move which would boil the west's pish, but perhaps force them to consider negotiating from where the lines were at the time.
  11. It's because, despite it being the national sport worth millions to the economy, the SFA is still run like a fucking bowling club with nothing but blazered cretins calling the shots.
  12. I think the issue is that they both have both previous and current for being a dick.
  13. Russian politico on Radio 4 going full Borat. Worth going to 0810 on the today programme for "Your Crazee Biden and Lizzzy Tress" Obviously the threats of a full strategic nuclear exchange were less chucklesome but, rough with the smooth etc.
  14. "Why oh why OH WHY has one half of Glasgow's footballing duopoly not been charged with a crime even though I'm sure it isn't a crime, something something Humza Yousaf [yawning literary chasm where criticism of the other half should be] it is a DISGRACE." Seems like she's been writing Scottish Football columns for years and is remarkably well informed and attuned to the journalistic zeitgeist imo.
  15. Regardless of my own personal feelings on the constitution, it was Important for me to be able to look the next generation in the eye and say "I wasn't there."
  16. Porteus shouldn't have put his arm around the interwebs then dragged the criticism down on top of him imo.
  17. Peanut butter + Chocolate is of course great but Reeses Chocolate is below the standard of those hideous wee Chocolate Santa's folk hang off trees which taste like soap.
  18. 1. Raisin and Biscuit Yorkie 2. Star Bar 3. Dark Chocolate Bounty
  19. Obviously the Tories and brexitwonks don't care as the US trade deal was just one of a 1000 nonsenses they spewed out to achieve the hardest possible brexit. But Labour should be utterly mortified for going balls deep on tory ultrabrexit, knowing full well none of the possible advantages (for the country and population*) were achievable. *Obviously massive deregulation and the abandonment of workers rights so you can dispense with holidays, the already laughable UK sick pay etc and push urchins up chimneys and down mines and so forth are now possible but, and please correct me if I'm wrong, these seem contrary to Labour values.
  20. I hope that those who don't want to take part will be mindful of the occasion and be respectful enough to let those who do want to Boo do so without condemnation ridicule or reproach.
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