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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Han Dodges saying the normal 54 letter threshold has been met to bin her. But as she's safe for a year Brady is going to wait until half the MPs have their letters in before changing the rules.
  2. How will the mooted December elections in the Norn go do we think? Will a weather reduced turn out give the DUP back their slim advantage? Will the shinners just refuse to power share again in a tit for tat (tit) move. With brexit demonstrably nowhere near resolved, will the DUP still refuse on principle to enter power-sharing even if they win (stop laughing at the back)?
  3. Which is of course precisely why The Scottish Labour and Unionist Accounting Unit can absolutely take a running f**k to itself.
  4. Jesus is if only SLab stood up to the Tories like Drakeford has done here. Instead of jumping into bed and rutting.
  5. I'm Yes to No because this lady and her fridge magnets were right, making decisions is hard.
  6. I voted Yes in 2014 but by putting little union jacks on the boxes of vaccines and seizing the opportunity created by the worst public health crisis in 100 years to empty the treasury into their own back pockets for PPE that didn't work and definitely cost the lives of patients as well as nurses and doctors has made me see in vivid red white and blue technicolour just how wrong I was.
  7. Speaks volumes about her personal integrity, intellectual capacity, self awareness and self respect that she hasn't resigned and has allowed herself to be an avatar for Jeremy fucking Hunt.
  8. Rangers* literally booting the ball out the stadium and feigning head injuries in panic against a depleted Motherwell. 'barrassin.
  9. Linesman backs children's author on complicated and sensitive debate that requires an intellectual capacity their chosen careers don't require.
  10. BBC Oatcake. We found a Tory to interview. Baron Offord of Garvel, 2 weeks ago you backed Trussonomics to the hilt, that's now all in the bin, where does that leave you and the prime minister? You don't seem to understand how the UK works Martin, I'm a life peer. I could litetally take a shite live on air right now and I'd still have a job forever. Why do you think I'm here and not any of my cunty little elected colleagues?
  11. That sounds like an argument against PR . . . Aye but Farage is arguably the most influential post war UK politician and he was never elected to Westminster. The ability to exert such nfluence with neither standing, mandate or accountability is not the sign of a functioning democracy.
  12. There's barely a difference between the two. -So a political generation is 7 years? EXCEPT THAT. -And we'd have an easily negotiated common travel area. AND THAT
  13. I disagree. It is not rejoining that is key but the ability to do so, should we so choose. In the same way that it is not leaving the EU which is the central gripe, it is rhe manner in which it was carried out. With a complete disregard for anything other than what was most likely to keep, those c***s in power. Brexit could have been OK, not my choice but it was possible for it to have been manageable if never really acceptable. I want iScotland to be full EU members, I think that's rhe best place to be. But there are a multitude of other possibilities. Similar to the monarchy, eyes on the prize. First things first. We can get shot of those grifters in due course. Step 1 is achieving the ability to do so.
  14. Yeah she'll be diagnosed with a very rare and sudden case of HighlyConvenientButWithAHeavyHeartIMustStepAside-A-Titis. Bundled off for experimental treatment in a secure facility on Ascension island,, where if she isn't completely silent she'll find that her condition is fatal. No-one will be allowed to criticise or even mention the disaster that was her premiership as "HOW DARE YOU, THE POOR WOMAN WAS UNWELL YOU HATEMONGERS" and to avoid the membership being asked again (because they'd almost certainly choose Boris) they'll just slip in a Mourdant or Sunak and batter on until 2024 like nothing happened. Thing is, they really do hate each other. So the fait a complit candidate is going to piss off a sizable chunk of the parliamentary party, whoever it is. But I will enjoy the new PM telling Cardboard Cut-out Keith that "now is not the time for a general election."
  15. At the risk of giving the game away here, have unionists ever considered running the UK...well? I can't think of anything more effective at blunting the Yes campaign and my own personal views are included here than the UK government not being either cartwheeling goat fucking shambles or a shameful vindictive spiteful jumped up tinpot embarrassment, still unable to come to terms with the loss of Empire and its much diminished status in the world.
  16. The border between Scotland and England, wait for it........already exists. Nobody is partitioning anything you galoot. Because the partition is already there...... There are already legislative differences between one side and the other, Independence would create new ones, ones I believe can have most of the new frictions mitigated. But we don't know the circumstances. Maybe if an iScotland has an immigration system that isn't an evil fucking disgrace, rUK will have kittens and want enhanced controls on the movement of people, but I doubt it. So a common travel area is almost guaranteed and (as should have happened in the first fucking place) the UK/EU/Single Market border can move to Gretna and the negotiated light touch regs can be there. And not where only a few years ago mad b*****ds blew up border posts, and shot each other. Because the UK had actually fucking partitioned somewhere. Maybe iScotland and the EU will want to stop the shitey deregulated goods and foodstuffs Britannia Unchaineds morons want to allow in to England. Like GM and chlorinated chicken. The fact is we don't know but, there won't be guard towers, minefields, machine gun nests and folk tunnelling under no man's land to get a glass bottle of irn bru./the really nice selection of cheeses you get in Booths. This is shite. It was in 2014 and it is now More's the pity. Personally I'd create a DMZ from Preston to Lockerbie filled with dog shite, broken glass and atomic midges mutated by all the nuclear waste from Dounray and the rotting cold war submarine fleet, which we'd park in there and all. On the border. Which already exists.
  17. You do realise that separatism would mean 4 chancellors in as many months instead of the frankly normal British 3 and TURBO-Charged Trussenomics, because reasons.
  18. Truss admits the situation is "difficult" h1NxqtPIkmD2z3xOuWaJSf-e8NN51By4w2x50ql0gI8.mp4
  19. Apparently the putting someone's name at the bottom of a letter is standard civil service practice and has been for decades. Which just means someone else made this mistake decades ago and being the pompous fucks that they are, just claimed NO THIS IS TOTALLY NORMAL, ACTUALLY. And so here they are still doing it.
  20. The creepiest creeping servile arselicker in the universe, runner up (to Douglas Ross), Chris Philp, also away apparently. Truss is such a moron, who the f**k is she going to BlameFire the next time now?
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