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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. EXCLUSIVE people who won't be in the job by Monday are DOING SOMETHING that will SINK STURGEONS OBSESSION. Are they? Are they really journalisming fellow.
  2. It's enormously fucking weak and needy of them. Constantly forming their policies on the basis of tory attack lines. Clowns.
  3. Not impossible this one's progenitors rented the team bath in the home changing room as a birthing pool with Neil Lennon as a celebrity midwife.
  4. Thankfully for United, there's 600k from the ugly sisters champions league coming their way next season, so if they invest this wisely they can use that to bridge the gap. By punting Jack Ross into space presumably. 8 snigger.
  5. Fucking boo. Horrendous collateral damage for the long overdue emptying of tedious rubbish. Boo and indeed hiss.
  6. The gulf in intellect between Cosgrove and the sportsound monkeys is the same as the likes of your Bayern Real and Dukla Pumpherston
  7. Did I also hear McCann saying that he got paid more than 500k to relegate Dundee. Snigger
  8. About 600k euros per club not in European competition while around 30m for the ugly sisters. But obviously there's something wrong with you if you don't think this is brilliant. "That's the argument put to bed" McCann is too fucking stupid to grasp the issue here but McIntyre isn't. c***s. An absolute fucking travesty of a discussion.
  9. The Rest In Peace thread arguments about doing Scottish football down and wanting to make the Old Firm worse and not the rest better pish, mumbled out, less eloquently. Execrable weegie moron fodder.
  10. Tbh, war with France could put the Scottish constitutional question to bed. Some things transcend domestic politics and I just can't see a way back after we back France, sack York and annex Faslane.
  11. Acht let the jellied eel munching morris dancing kiss me quick hat selling whippet farming flat cap wearing "av a banana" global has-been embarrassments have their little haggis joke fun. While their green and pleasant land is being dessicated by drought and they're splashing about in a tsunami of their own shite they've paid some c***s a fortune to cover it in.
  12. So I have one day on the lash and when I come back you've managed to partition the politics forum. Divisive IMO.
  13. I was making the point that the cost of the EU referendum was much more than the £ value and yet we all know which one is always described as horrible divisive and wrong. In any case circa £20m for a democratic exercise is buttons.
  14. The EU referendum cost £129m and the life of an undoubtedly talented and principled young MP. Indyref cost £15.9m and an egg was thrown.
  15. It shouldn't need to be said but it is important it is said. As Maitlis says there is nothing at all unusual about government spin doctors calling the BBC to complain. What is unusual is having the government position accepted and then parroted within hours of the complaint being made, the journalist or programme instantly launched under the bus and the chilling effect this must and demonstrably does have on other programming. It is censorship, it is Mickey Mouse, tin pot banana republic stuff and you can tell from the exodus of talent, Sopel, Marr, Campbell, Goodall O'Brien etc that it is not an isolated incident. Leaving Brexit and Indy to one side. The Cummings to Barnard Castle and #Partygate stories were broken by the Mirror, months and months after they occurred. Imagine the damage that would have been done to the party and confidence in government (not necessarily desirable I admit) if in late March/early April 2020 we knew Cummings was roaming the country and on the day of Phil the Greeks funeral we knew No.10 was having a fucking Toga Party last night. There is no fucking way journalists in the BBC and elsewhere didn't know about these stories almost as soon as they happened, #partygate in particular as we know some of the chief cretins from the Speccy and Torygraph were fucking well there and like the arrogant morons they are, told everyone about "wine time Fridays." And yet they did not for fear for their careers, or by editorial decree could not report without fear or favour. I assume that to a degree it has always been the case that the BBC and UK Government had a cozy relationship and tbh that does make sense and has advantages. The ability to communicate to the public in a public health emergency for example demands that. But here we have one of the most respected journalist at the state broadcaster saying that one party has the ability to screen journalists for roles, pass judgements on policy and determine the ability and way in which news stories are covered in pretty much real time. Meanwhile it does seem odd that the Sarah Smiths and James Cooks, still reeling from the awful way in which the dog whistled by the ESSENNPEENASSEES secessionist scum are stopping good honest BBC journalists from doing their work, are fucking silent on this. Isn't it? ETA never mind Cook & Smith it's hard (not seen anything on twitter from the usuals) to find any Scottish journalist commenting on Maitlis's speech, which was made in Scotland. Weird isn't it?
  16. Lord Evans, chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, also condemned the proposals when they were first made public, saying: “This is a bit like giving a toddler a gun. “It may not immediately lead to disaster but it is an extremely dangerous thing to do..
  17. If we hadn't joined the union Scotland would have remained frozen like a Jacobean Jurassic Park, where we all get about on oxen drawn carts, get married by tying our hands together with dirty strips of tartan, life expectancy is 38 and the main occupation is reiving. Just like Airdrie.
  18. Well I'm delighted as I wrote to Father GERSmas asking for some complete banger to start a special GERSmas thread predicting all sorts of doom and self loathing fiscal calamity only for the notional applied deficit, which only describes Scotlands position within the UK and is irrelevant to the finances of an iScotland, to be half of what it was pre pandemic. It really is the most wonderful time etc etc.
  19. If Truss leads them into a GE and loses the Tory majority, she could well be knifed in the back quick smart and a more moderate* like Hunt or Clark put in place. And the LibDems would be right up for that. Agree that they'd be unlikely to prop up a Boris lite, lunatic brand tory but were the LDs in a position to matter, the lunatics would inherently be in very hot water. *just shows you how the dial has shifted that I just typed out Hunt, moderate. c**t.
  20. You're just too poor to be allowed to make your own decisions so we'll have to keep subsidising you, say the c***s who wouldn't subsidise freezing children with the steam aff their pish.
  21. Jesus Aretha really let herself go during her SPFL Cinch Premiership years.
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