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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. "The UK would be humiliated on the world stage" Where've ye been Dave?
  2. One suspects the answers are in here and they're not great for the one great family of nations crowd.
  3. The SNP must be defeated! -Like at the Ballot Box? No.
  4. Hmm, not so sure. There's definitely a nod and a wink here to the undoubtedly racist (brrittin is foool) crowd, and there is something deeply wrong and insiduous about them knowingly serving up hot steaming shite while loudly proclaiming it's luxury ice cream, look how lovely we are, you ungrateful b*****ds etc etc.
  5. These. Fucking. People. "Rwanda is a safe country and that is why we made an agreement with a country that we knew to be safe." Gnnnnarrrrgghhhhh!!!
  6. Ridiculous to think co-authorship means endorsement. Or any of these endorsing articles. Bloody woke left press.
  7. I think Hearts have finally been outmatched by these guys in the InterEuroShitehousingCharityShield
  8. Good to know. No. Of course the fucking thing broke after about 3 months.
  9. Could be both. He might just be hanging on as he has the excuse that he agreed to do so and can continue to live in fantasy land for a few more weeks. Can't see him getting one of the great offices, and he wouldn't accept a Jr role.
  10. You have to assume the only reason Sunak hasn't conceded is that they've agreed to spin this out for the whole summer to give BawJaws his series of holidays and avoid doing any work or making any decisions.
  11. I had one of these babies. Because the bottom bit sliding down at the mere touch of a button made me cool and important and matrixy.
  12. Very much a toss up between betraying my knowledge of anti-personnel munitions or gaming and going with the Master Chief.
  13. If women can't afford to pay for sanitary products why don't they just self identify as men? And as for this male period Tsar in Dundee. Honestly, let's get back to basics, Guide Dogs for the Blind to have a Labrador CEO, Tarka to run the International Otter Survival Fund and the Halo Trust by any two women called Betty and Elsie.
  14. He's trying to make a joke out of the disaster he had when he had a pop at Normalling at a petrol station. Where he filled up some Normals Kia (not his) for the cameras then tried to pay for his Normal can of Normal drink and fluidic hydrocarbons by just waving his arms around the chip and pin machine like a complete fanny. Tbh it's smart PR. By rolling with it and being self deprecating you draw some of the sting. But at the end of the day he is still just reminding everyone that the former Chancellor is so astronomically rich and so completely removed from Normality that he has had a man to pay for things for him for so long, he has forgotten how to do it himself.
  15. Everything to the left of the Third Reich is centrism. JFC. Put, the c**t, on ignore.
  16. It is undoubtedly irritating to see serial losers pontificating and strutting about parliament. But I see the Kerrs and Frasers as the cost of a better form of democracy. Absolutely there's room for improvement but I'm kind of with Granny here, there's bigger fish out there.
  17. The most annoying thing for me is that these tubes clearly just like attention, and don't care about the damage they do. There are legitimate reasons to protest and legitimate reasons to be angry that a closed contest is being fought up here on the basis of how best to ignore us and circumvent the people we do elect. Even more irritatingly one of the only online reports from the hustings which isn't utterly terrible, contemptible tory fanzine pish is from James Cook. And I am not a fan. He may be the best of a bad bunch but post 2014 he said in some podcast that the BBC not only didn't really scrutinise the NO side but that they didn't need to. ETA but that doesn't, for the avoidance of doubt, make screaming traitor at him acceptable or asking how Scottish he is not spine bendingly cringeworrhy and embarrassing.
  18. It is an embarrassment and totally counterproductive. And it will just deflect all the attention away from the two choppers who rocked up here to tell us to shut up and f**k off.
  19. I'd feel a bit bad as Perth is good night out but now would be the ideal time to get the other drop ship down from the Sulaco, dust off and nuke the whole site from orbit.
  20. It's because we know that there is a measurable gender pay gap (between 10 and 20%) and an under representation of genders and minorities in more senior positions and an over representation in more junior entry positions. You can validly argue for or against positive discrimination as the or a solution but first you have to accept that there is a problem which needs addressed. Not pointing fingers at you especially but I often hear criticisms like the ones you are making that appear to come from a place which believes there isn't an issue.
  21. I do, but i got row for using it in a Teams meeting.
  22. It BEGGARS BELIEF that in the middle of a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS that THAT ESSENNPEE should TAKE THEIR EYE OFF THE BALL by focusing on THE DAY JOB. It just goes to show how STURGEON is OUT Of TOUCH with her *checks notes* recycling scheme OBSESSION.
  23. Summoning a certain poster to detach his cranium. Is the VirtueSignal the new SuprasHorn?
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