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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. He'll have to be forced out and with the Moggs and Dorries types clinging to notion of a personal presidential style mandate from 2019, it won't go full Jan 6th assault on the capital (he's just not that popular) but it will be protracted and horrifically messy as f**k. And fun to watch.
  2. She's the kind of pond life that would use her dead pal to suck up to the racist beanbagcunt. A monster. Will go far.
  3. What kind of idiot/masochist/psychopath would actually want to be chancellor right now?
  4. The guy that charged tax payers for his horses heating bill is going to be the chancellor of the exchequer during an enormous cost of living g crisis.
  5. Yes Ruth, well done to the people who were appointed by Boris who've had the decency to step down. Off you fucking pop.
  6. Native Dorries guzzling chardonnay and cocaine while screaming at her iPhone.
  7. Most British (Shittish) thing ever. The government is collapsing and the BBC are showing tennis. And Sunak too. Kaboom.
  8. "I'm sorry, I should have known people don't change" *Irony meters exploding everywhere.* Ooh the Saj is away. Dominoes falling.
  9. I reckon you'd remember the hilarious nominative determinism of Mr SqueezeyBoobs or Ms D'Ictoucher, squeezing some boobs or touching some dicks. Particularly if you made jokes about it at the time.
  10. The only guy whose face was made smaller by a caricature artist fleecing tourists on the banks of the Seine.
  11. Zelensky's memoirs will be fascinating. "Every week we got another 3 billion in weapons and aid from the UK when Boris called, in the middle of some filthy scandal, asking me to tweet something nice about him. Of course I felt dirty doing this but, if he wasn't such an absolute scoundrel we might not have won."
  12. Could very easily have put a Downfall gif in there instead. Have to expect a new cunty policy announcement this afternoon. Probably the death penalty or maybe they'll fire the impersonators and wheel Lizzie's corpse out the freezer.
  13. It's said so so often but that letter from Lord Macdonald would bring down any other government. Heard him on the radio saying he didn't believe in anonymous briefing and that if he felt he had to say something, he should do so publicly. Good lad.
  14. There's a very good reason why Keir Starmer an MP, leader of the party and potential PM gave the speech on keeping brexit exactly the same. While Anas Sarwar, a list MSP gave his on abolishing the House of Lords and Andy Burnham, a jumped up town crier and Beadle of Arsechester, spoke about Labour adopting PR. In other news, Angela Flappsbutter, 62, lollipop lady from Folkstone and Labour party activist will today announce Labours plan to provide safe and legal routes for those seeking asylum and her bichon-frise "Precious" will lay out the parties new progressive taxation policy that will definitely definitely happen.
  15. Nigel Farage, Johnny "mad dog" Adair or Oswald Moseley?
  16. A totally bizarre situation where rather than fix the mistakes the tories have made and which have fucked up peoples lives, Labour want to get elected so they can fix the Tories policies for them and presumably f**k up people's lives more effectively. I fucking despise the Conservative and Unionist party but i'm really not sure whether I would rather have incompetents implementing their cunty policies badly or competents implementing demonstrably cunty things well.
  17. Who are the SNP to claim the next UK election is to be fought on a single issue? The next election won't be fought on independence it will be fought on this, erm other single issue we want it to be about. Clowns
  18. Keith to deliver a major speech on why doing the right thing is too hard, only a minority of English votes matter and that mayonnaise is too spicy.
  19. Since it's put on over the head isn't it technically a fascinator? Or faschinator if you will?
  20. The thing is and this may well break the very small and angry brains of certain people, an independent Scotland would now be a more attractive and better candidate for EU membership than the UK.
  21. Actually not too terrible and lightyears better than Martin Kettles seething mess from a few days ago. Still absolutely fascinated by what the "offer" to Scotland will be to keep us in, that isn't just the same old shite, that they have no ability to deliver and wouldn't even if they could.
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