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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Esophageal cancer is a shite way to go and 58 is no age. Never his biggest fan but he was a tremendously talented goalkeeper. RIP Andy.
  2. Brilliant work from Keith. On Brexit, on crime, on immigration, and on the most basic democratic principle Labour are having their policies dictated by Conservative party headquarters. The most damning, and fairest criticism of the Tories last 12 years in government is their utterly ruthless pursuit of what is narrowly politically expedient for them to stay in power and hang the consequences. You can now very easily make the same accusation of those half-tory wankers in what used to the Labour party too. Of course this is outrageous and f**k them for having the chutzpah and absolute contempt for Scotland to take these positions but, no clearer argument for independence can be made than "f**k how you vote, and how you have voted multiple times in consecutive elections for almost a decade, winning votes in England is far far more important than that." Fabulous work from the cardboard cut out turncoat torylite c**t.
  3. In fairness, and I do hate to be fair to them, the branch offices would all become new independent parties in their own right. While there of course would be a transition period, new governance structures and some affiliation perhaps to the UK registered parties, they will eventually stop being the craven little finger puppets they are now. Capable of their own thoughts and policies and not pushed out each week to humiliate themselves defending the indefensible and pretending they get to choose their own socks and bedtime.
  4. The ECHR, The ICC. This subservience to courts stuff is totally bonkers. The very very very good reason that there should be an international body or court in place to protect rights and liberties not beholden to the state alone, is that often the body impinging upon these rights and liberties is the state.
  5. The fact the UK has the second biggest unelected chamber on earth, shares an electoral system with just Belarus in Europe and it generates unassailable majorities from about 33% of only one of the 4 constituent nations is a pretty good argument. Also, Labour the putative alternative party of Government are clowns, equally beholden to a minority view in only one of the nations. Which isn't Scotland.
  6. Should Scotland be an independent country? Yes/No The ballot paper was released the other day and i reckon the result would indicate a preference pretty strongly. I suspect you're getting mixed up a bit with elections and referendums here. But good try tho.
  7. following the retaliatory exposé in response to him criticising the governments rwanda policy, the Prince of Wales has promised not to accept enormous bags of cash from despots ever again and thats the end of NEVER MIND THAT SHIT YON BLACK PRINCESS COW WHO STOLE OUR SUSPICIOUSLY GINGER PRINCE SOMETHING SOMETHING
  8. *Checks if we're independent* No? Result respected.
  9. If the No side wanted respecting the result to mean everyone has to stfu for 30 years or whatever they should have written these things down in a prospectus before the vote. As it is everything other than not leaving the UK and becoming independent is respecting the result. If they wanted it to mean more than that they should have written it down.
  10. The Yes side warned of the risk to our place in the EU in the UK, the No side denied it and made it a central plank of their campaign. This doesn't negate the EU argument for a referendum it cements it. You don't hold against the losing side the claims they made which turned out to be true when they show the winning side to have been wrong. That's totally upside down, back to front, inside out and bollocks.
  11. I'm not quoting you because you're either a dog and couch thief or a multiple banned alias who is only here to troll.
  12. Again, for zillionth time, it's a weird sort of democracy that enshrines something the losing side said and no current government cam bind the hands of a future one. APART FROM IN THIS ONE SINGLE INSTANCE BECAUSE REASONS The once in a generation argument is fucking desperate and indicative of a lack of testicular fortitude or belief in being able to argue the case for the union. If there was a codified interval, fine. But there isn't so there's no basis to put any weight on this issue. I'm any case 9 years is a perfectly reasonable number, they've been 3 UK general elections, 3 PMs (probably will be 4) 2 Scottish elections and 2 fundamental rewritings of the devolved settlement, one without consent and there will be a 3rd before October 23. A generation, several in my opinion, has passed. There is a cast iron mandate, confirmed multiple times and it does supporters of the Union no favours to pretend otherwise. It would probably be a better idea to start putting together your arguments for the Union and put away the specious offensive dribbley pish about Scotland having the right to self determination is "Above its station."
  13. Opinion polling is not a democratic exercise and we don't use them to make decisons in the same way we don't use a tombola or sorting hat. Carry on.
  14. What's the democratic route to you giving Stormzy his dog and couch back?
  15. Codifying the interval between referendums is fine. But it would need to be part of a constitutional settlement which spells out the exact process for achieving one. Just no more talk for 20 years can gtf. ETA the established UK union of flags and the Norn precedent of 7 years would seem about the right number to me. This wouldn't just benefit the Yes side but would put the appropriate pressure on Unionists, UK wide to make the case for No and the thought of remaining a part of this multination state less of a fucking terrible idea and wholly unappealing offer.
  16. In the Norn, it's 7 but that's not proper Brittin in this single unitary state of one country which is different but the same and all together.
  17. Plenty of good and decent Yes bears out there. In keeping with the Everyone Anyone policy I expect Newco will prohibit the flying of divisive Union flags for the next two seasons.
  18. Hate to give the game away or paint this in primary colour crayon for you but every avenue in the pursuit of a vote is win win. If no s30 and SC rules against a consultative referendum this will make a fundamental change to the constitutional make up of the UK. It will stop being a voluntary union where the question can be avoided with "now is not the time" to an established position that "now can never be the time." It will kill the union in concept and reality before any vote in Scotland takes place.
  19. They've had all afternoon and most of the evening to recover from the shock of being out manoeuvred and all they've got is "publicity stunt" "can down the road" and the ramblings of a household solvent addicted old racist who thinks this is in some way similar to the creation of Pakistan.
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