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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. It's very likely but you should hear the helmets in allegedly progressive circles down south saying in this circumstance Labour would be able to deny a section 30 order. Which one assumes would be the absolute minimum the SNP would require. Could be just a few seats in it. But let's hope that democracy prevails and none of this hypothetical goat f**k has anything to do with us.
  2. Labour are highly unlikely to get an overall majority as things stand. Their great hope is that tactical voting down south will gain enough Libdem seats to not require the SNP to form a government. While they might do a few swaps with the Tories and maybe the odd gain from the SNP they aren't going to get more than single figures up here as their entire policy platform (anti EU, anti Immigration, anti SM & CU, anti FoM and silent on constitutional reform like PR and the HoL), it would appear to me anyway, is designed to piss off as many people in Scotland as possible. (assuming we're still here at the next GE of course). While Sarwar seems more competent than some of his predecessors, Starmer and the right of the main party have sidelined him completely so my guess is he'll be no more successful than that Rupert Lapdancer fellow he replaced. f**k Labour. f**k the UK etc etc.
  3. They are but numbers particularly in London seemed to have dropped off a bit recently. What's been detected is vaccine derived polio so someone who has been inoculated with live virus vaccine and has either shed some of the virus or shed some which has then mutated. We don't inoculate with live polio virus vaccines in the UK or developed parts of the world now as case numbers are very very low and the risk of live vaccines re-seeding an outbreak is too high. We use inactivated virus vaccines to reduce the chances of this. Explained beautifully on sky earlier by P&B favourite and all round good egg Devi Sridhar.
  4. That boy and the Scotty Fibdems are just rank.
  5. The bits that might pass don't matter and the bits that matter won't pass.
  6. Just f**k off you racist apologist piece of trolling shit ffs. A new low even for you and your alter ego(s) Of course you're absolutely right but that's no excuse for giving this desperate little shit the time of day. Desist.
  7. MPs pay rises are recommended by an independent review body and one of the factors they use to calculate recommended increases is public sector pay. I've no idea and can't be arsed looking at figures but I don't think there's much to moan about here tbh. They get paid pretty well and I'm OK with that but that should also mean they shouldn't have second jobs and their personal finances, gifts, freebies etc should be totally transparent and squeaky fucking clean. ETA what an entertaining meltdown above. Lovely to see, will read again.
  8. What he should ask is whether Paul Dacres very recently rumoured Baronetcy and place in the HoL was in direct exchange for pulling the story about his wife or as compensation for not gifting him OFCOM as promised.
  9. It's the abuse of power that's not acceptable here. I think he should probably go because he's in a position of responsibility and it puts junior employees in a wholly unacceptable position. However, making unwanted advances which are rebuffed and then stopped is right down at the bottom end of the politi-nonce scale. It's not like they allowed a rapist to vote because it was convenient. Twice.
  10. There's no doubt in my mind that the UK needs huge constitutional reform and a large part of my desire for independence is that I don't believe the UK is capable of it. All the personality, policy and process arguments are moot here and it's usually a failure to want to debate the crux of independence which leads folk to warble on about ferries, currency and borders. The UK is run on the basis that there's little or no point trying to win the votes of anyone other than about 33% of England. It's a winner takes all approach, it suits already well established people, institutions and does little or nothing for the rest. Boris and Brexit are just symptoms not the disease, along with the pork barrel politics of only offering funding to tory councils and then the naked bribery/corruption of the levelling up funding. Maybe things won't be better if we're independent, I don't think so but it is a possibility. However, things cannot get better for Scotland within the UK as there is absolutely no advantage to be gained and therefore no incentive for any UK party to make it so. f**k the Tories (always) but look at Labour to prove this is the case. We constantly hear that Labour cannot win without Scotland. But their policies and attention is laser focussed on the brexity/hard on crime/middle or norf England. We are rich, we are educated, we are ideally geographically placed and have all the components to make a successful independent state. It will be hard, we will make mistakes but it will in the end be far better for the people who live here to decide how and by whom we are governed.
  11. That's corporate washing. Pink, Black, Green washing depending on the subject.
  12. On the one hand maybe it's not true, on the other he's a lying c**t, the UK press are on the whole, baw deep in the Tories (or the tories are baw deep in them) and the journalist stands by his story and his sources.
  13. Privilege like being able to get this story pulled within just a few hours of it being published.
  14. Trying to out Gammon the Gammon and Cuntivist party.
  15. It's worse than that. This "first safe country" shite is just making some of the poorest nations on earth shoulder the burden. Offshore applications could be part of the solution but then we'd be expecting other nations to host these people on our behalf in the meantime. They could appeal and have a 49% chance of it being overturned and at present there is a 75% chance of statues being granted at initial decision.
  16. "Lord grant that Marshal Wade, May by thy mighty aid, Victory bring. May he sedition hush, And like a torrent rush, Rebellious Scots to crush, God Save the King." Scotland the Brave is the obvious and better alternative to FoS. But we'll need to change that line in the 3rd verse. Oaft. Wild are the winds to meet you, Staunch are the friends that greet you,
  17. The problem with this debate, as with so many others, is you have to wade through and knock down a whole pile of nonsense put out by c***s and repeated constantly by other c***s, useful idiots and morons before you can get to a place where you're talking about the same things. So feel free to add your own but: There is no requirement for people to apply for asylum in the first safe country they reach. The UK is not pulling it's weight on the global refugee crisis For almost all wishing to come to the UK, there are no safe and legal routes The majority of asylum applicants are not economic migrants The Rwanda policy is not to send migrants to Rwanda to have their UK claims processed, they are just being offloaded there, without being allowed to apply (for asylum in the UK) The accident of UK geography, being off the North West coast of the European continent does not remove our responsibility as a wealthy developed nation to take our fair share (you can find a map of Europe without me providing a link) Asylum seekers in 2022 are not stealing the NHS or your local services in the same way EU nationals weren't stealing your kids music lessons in 2016 How many times today will you hear one or more of the above untruths repeated unchallenged? Moreover quite why in the name of f**k we are making it as hard as possible for people who want to work to come here in the midst of a labour crisis is beyond me. Accepting all of these things the solution I believe is clear. Have a fair, transparent and efficient asylum process. Provide safe and legal routes for people to come here and for their claims to be processed. Cooperate and build strong relationships with other countries so those who are not successful can be sent if not "home" to a safe destination where they can build a life for themselves. The only issues with this solution is it requires effort, investment, honesty, cooperation with international partners and it removes the ability to use the crisis as a political wedge issue. The current UK government are the very worst c***s we've had in power in anyone's lifetime and the official opposition are the very worst cowards we have had as a potential alternative. Until we can debate this issue honestly it's just not going to change though. See that utter weapon Quentin Letts getting huffy at having his lies called out on GMB yesterday, c***s like that don't want a solution. They just want to keep using it to fire up their cunty base and have decent peoples arguments continually bogged down in knocking back their lies. f**k the UK, it is a midden.
  18. I wish I could find it but I can't but somewhere there's footage of American or maybe Australian news doing a bit on the OO and their celebrations. In it some knuckle draggers throw a bucket of water on the ground and a bloke in fancy dress on a horse rides over the puddle "to symbolise, (someone called Bill presumably) crossing the water." Cut to the studio and both presenters are pissing themselves at the absurdity of it all.
  19. These days. You get arrested, and thrown in jail, just for saying THE ENGLISH. These days, arrested and thrown in jail, just for saying the English. Arrested. Thrown in jail. Just for saying the English. These days. If you say the English, you get arrested and thrown in jail. Just for saying the English, these days, you get arrested. And thrown in jail. If you say the English. Arrested and thrown in jail. These days.
  20. Probably but f**k them, a wins a win and if it wasn't this despicable pissing about with the lives of some of the most vulnerable people on earth then it'd be shite about hoovers or kippers needing ice pillows. Make no mistake Priti has failed on this policy and she'll be raging in her puppy skin coat tonight.
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