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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. It's 2022, trending on twitter is exactly the same as a guilty plea or verdict
  2. Alpine sports millinery. Style and function in perfect harmony
  3. Couple of guys just installed a wee milk delivery safe outside our office. World is fucked if our 4 litres of semi skimmed needs this level of security
  4. No criticism from me for these videos. This is the kind of thing they should have done last year and disgracefully didn't. Of course its a bit embarrassing but not as embarrassing as shitting yourself in public after fighting with your cousins then the police. So well done the club/company for doing a little more than the bare minimum. Looking forward to the Prince William edition and Murdo Fraser blaming the Spanish police tactics on the SNP.
  5. Accurately conveying the real sense of apathy, frustration and dejection at Pittodrie is clearly a talent wholly misunderstood and underappreciated by the P&B nekulturny.
  6. Have they ever even considered just not being poor?
  7. Hmm I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there. I think writing down what we are going to vote on so we know what happens next is quite important.
  8. Of all the mad shit the tories do (and supported by those spineless half - tory wetwipes in the remains of the Labour party) the persistence with the hard line, justice led response to drugs is amongst the least evidenced and the most damaging. Fought for over half a century now, the war on drugs has killed millions, cost trillions and achieved nothing. Nothing at all.
  9. Not the queen, obvs but similar levels of heads gone/worshipping of false gods. Cant help thinking it would have been better all round to leave her like this:
  10. Concerned I'd be too busy laughing to remember to vote Yes.
  11. I'm almost looking forward to the reams of feigned offence articles from the Mail and Express when she finally snuffs it. "Blackford disgracefully pictured smiling just 3 weeks after we lost ar gracious liz" "Sturgeon disrespects Queens memory by not being totally dressed in black, silver earring scandal snap reveals."
  12. Hurray, it's over. Now let us never speak of this season again.
  13. It's shite like this that makes me think you're just another multi banned alias. "dEsTrOyInG sCoTlAnD" Away and get fucked lad.
  14. In that situation Labour can be in government or it can be in opposition. The recent articles from the likes of Rory Scothorne, that the SNP should abandon indy or a referendum as a prerequisite of any coalition and focus on getting the tories out is just the same shite that the likes of Rentoul, Daisley and Farquarson have been pumping out for years. "The SMART thing for the SNP to do is to give up what it wants so Labour (we) can get it wants for free."
  15. The current one hasn't yet been carried out. I accept and indeed share the frustrations of the microscopically small number of folk in the Alba gang but just assembling the Avengers and declaring DISSOLVE THE UNION isn't going to cut it. FWIW I reckon the SNP will put forward legislation reasonably soon, it will get challenged in court and win or lose we'll know where we we stand and either hold a referendum in 2023 or go into the 2024 GE with the knowledge that UK is no longer a voluntary union and the price of a Starmer coalition would be an S30.
  16. It's often overlooked in the PPE scandal debate but one of the reasons the UK government were forced to spend over the odds in a hyper inflated market for PPE was they had ignored warnings and let the emergency stockpiles be run down and much of it was stored inappropriately and when broken out was unusable. This was bad enough but then ignoring established suppliers to fund the commissions of middlemen and line the pockets of their friends, at even greater expense than the inflated market and often for kit that was unusable (which definitely cost lives) really should result in actual heads on actual fucking spikes.
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