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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Strong value for money entertainment from the non footballing city embra yo-yo's. Fair play.
  2. The, and I'm choosing my words carefully here, fucking imbecile retweeted further down how sending people to this "wonderful welcoming country" will act as a deterrent. If there's the potential for a free flight to this apparent East African refugee Disneyland paradise for all channel migrants how is this supposed to put them off? It's almost as if this is all just ultra cynical race baiting culture wars pish.
  3. This, is very much what will happen. Interfering lefty commie b*****d lawyers and their unBritish treason laws etc.
  4. The accident of UK geography, being further north west and with a moat doesn't remove our responsibility to provide asylum or participate in solving the global refugee crisis. I know you're not making it, but this is a fucking shit argument.
  5. "Rwanda is a country in Africa and Rwanda is at the forefront of that." Fucking hell.
  6. Imagine signing up to the navy to defend your nation and you end up aboard HMS Cuntbuckle bobbing about in the channel performing ethnic cleansing duties just to deflect from the PMs latest criminal f**k up.
  7. Total riddy for the Cladestine Channel Threat Commader (best sung to the Ninja Turtles theme)
  8. An absolute fucking mystery why you see more young adult males successfully fleeing war zones across deserts, over mountains, across shipping lanes on lilos and not more obviously deserving humans like old people, pregnant woman, the disabled and acceptably cute little kids.
  9. Or the UK government who wanted the UN to investigate the Rwanda government for human rights abuses, last year.
  10. "Rwanda has a good record on human rights" - Simon Hart, Secretary of State for Wales.
  11. Straight out the Lynton Crosby playbook. Aided by the media lapping shite like that up. Too busy to remember how angry you are at the awful shite they did yesterday because of the equally awful shite they're up to today.
  12. Move the narrative on. Announcing something utterly cunty. When the next round of fines come out it will be national service, the death penalty or they'll just euthanise Liz. Government by trolling.
  13. Oh what a lofty and demonstrably unattainable ambition to be merely boring, as opposed to tedious.
  14. Genuinely some of the very very worst twatter I've ever seen. She's a fucking ghoul.
  15. The "but but shallow graves in Ukraine Gary" was particularly horrendous. The despicable wee shite.
  16. Weird as f**k to hear the radio this morning talking about the Russian state backed media creating an alternative reality. c***s.
  17. It's not the individuals in question that are at fault now, as despicable, shameless and cunty as they are. It's their disgusting little cronies and familiars like Ross and Dorries. Not a picogram of decency or honour amongst them.
  18. Can't recall parliament to discuss the response to the Russian use of chemical weapons against civilians in Europe, because the PM might gets asked about his multiple acts of criminality. What a fucking backwater this place is. Blows the "can't replace a war pm" shite out the water too. Not that the c***s give one single solitary toss of course.
  19. To the surprise of absolutely fucking nobody that spineless ringpiece-scouring pig-faced human tongue Douglas Ross says "something something WAR" so actually its fine that the c***s in Number 10 were shitfaced nonstop at ABBA themed parties while I couldn't see my dying mum in hospital. He disgusts me more than Johnson tbh.
  20. These were just 50, so far, entirely reasonable instances of hard working people going about their lawful business of saving the country while smashed. And as for those trying to smear these heroes I can only say, why do you love Putin? And why do you want him to kill arr brave ladz in ze war we're not fighting but our gallant prime minister has already won? God Save Liz. Dunkirk. Vaccines.
  21. You're forgetting that time Nicola forgot the date of a meeting once.
  22. Weird how Tory MPs think the law, even on the sexual abuse of children, shouldn't apply to them when their leader thinks the law shouldn't be applied to him.
  23. It hasn't got better, it has probably got worse but this is still true.
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