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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Here's the bit that terrifies folk on the No side, it's seen as normal. A perfectly legitimate and laudable goal of wanting the people who live in your country to manage its affairs and elect its government.
  2. I thought it was ok but not spectacular however I am chuckling at Politics Live digging up critics of Nicola and her approach, and only finding the usual bollocks from arch-Zoomers Alex Neil and Jim Sillars.
  3. Can't be too careful, better to be safe than sorry so I think we should relegate Hearts.
  4. Not the abject disaster predicted but no complaints about the result. Perhaps a bit unlucky how their second came about but in both halves we waited until they scored before trying to do anything. More injuries to add to the list as well make this a far from great afternoon.
  5. Go easy, Hartson said it wasn't a plelantly which it wasn't as it was a penalty, which it clearly was.
  6. Gurr having a bit of a nightmare, is certainly an unexpected turn of events.
  7. Here's the thing, I think you are a dangerous charlatan and the next time you want to have a reasonable conversation about things, don't tell easily disprovable lies and don't place your dogshit opinions in a magic tower above those of others. I don't wish you well and I'll happily continue to go in two footed every time you spin some nonsense for attention and internet points as I believe what you are doing and the way you go about it has the potential to do harm. I hope that's crystal clear and will engage whatever you have by way of a conscience in thought and with any luck, silent refection.
  8. I think that's fair but the leaders of the no masks gang like JHB, Toby Young, Shipman and the like are going hard on the civil liberties angle while I think the UK governments messaging and example on masks has been shamefully weak, confusing or clearly hypocritical.
  9. The "FACE MASKS = TYRANNY" crowd on twitter are quite fun. Could be the end or at least another nail in the coffin for Johnson as the libertarian/ERG/CRG brexit-jihadi clackwankers are furious about freedom, or some other such hysterical drivel.
  10. "It was certainly a rule and appeared to be a law that perfect AIs always Sublime."
  11. For easy scanning I've placed in bold the things that are simply untrue. a)You excluded the salient part regrading the 500k model "if no further action" because it inconveniently contradicted what you posted b) while restrictions existed, major parts of the country were not locked down (the conflation of some minimal measures with LOCKDOWN!!!! is a wholly misleading yet typical tactic. and c) "almost exclusively very old" is a gross over simplification. I think you are being too generous, it is a deliberate misrepresentation. Or a lie by omission. Either way it's frankly unforgivable from someone who waves his credentials around like a tiny little dick attached to a drunk fat man dancing in a brothel.
  12. Was that when they finally locked the country down and dropped transmission rates by stopping people from interacting? The 500k model prediction was with no interventions, it didn't "become apparent" the government belatedly took action to avoid this. This time last year the vaccines were not yet deployed and we had no specific therapeutics either. By then the UK had had 60k deaths from covid. By February 2021 that had doubled to 120k. And you think that from spring 2020 the only people who were worried were folk that "loved a bit of drama?" This is vainglorious attention seeking contrarianism at its worst. Abject. Beneath contempt, and so effortlessly easy to contradict. Or "bollocks" if you're more comfortable with layman's or muggle terms.
  13. They are unequivocally the good guys, the party of stable, sensible, progressive devolved government, lead by the greatest political leader of the modern era with a primary aim of delivering an independent Scotland which will be legitimate and recognised on the world stage.
  14. Dividing them into the 1.6% who were mad enough to vote Alba and will not now embarrass the SNP and Scottish Government but will still vote YES when the time comes and everyone else? Legend that she is.
  15. The reporting of this new variant CONFUSES & INFURIATES us.
  16. Well at least we know Liz Truss has failed to secure a trade deal with Eswatini
  17. IMO, this is one of the worst takes I have ever read on P&B and that's a big achievement. "Asylum is a boom industry". But I'm prepared to change my mind. Convince me, show me examples of lawyers who are earning a lot more now represtening asylum applicants than they did representing clients in non-asylum cases previously.. You have to assume that he is at it. Surely nobody is so dense as to think social workers, the police and the NHS are profiteering from asylum claimants? Shirley.
  18. Wasn't sure where to put this but, here will do. Not all the tories are despicable c***s, some are just complete cretins.
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