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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. In shock news the New Zealand trade deal shafts UK sheep farmers for a possible 20p off Sauvignon Blanc and a negligible benefit to the economy.
  2. His lawyers statement is amazing. Highlights include: A cavalry officer and tory MP said he was good guy, the evidence that would have exonerated him wasn't collected by the security services, there were other occasions when he didn't shoot anyone and the army brought about the peace process. Barking. Also a twitter search of his name is absolutely wild with ARE BOYZ / LEST WE FORGET
  3. But if they're telling folk to do it and "Do our bit" then the fuckers might consider doing it themselves.
  4. Non civil service role, it's the Tories current Jobs For Da Boyz wheeze. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/at-least-16-tory-supporters-given-paid-independent-roles-in-government/ Oh and that Coladangelo woman Hancock is/was boffing.
  5. Not a fan tbh but I am quite partial to Bouillon
  6. Absolutely true and I think the comment about a "national mobilisation" is a criticism of government not the public. Whether you think mask wearing is effective or not, advising the wearing of masks in crowded indoor places but every day on TV ministers not wearing masks in indoor crowded places, along with multiple PM only Xmas bubbles, Barnard Castle and Hancock's hand shandy all corrode the notion of collective national effort.
  7. Her wee lean back and smirk as he just launches into a rant is priceless.
  8. Too as in "as well" is an odd statement as I'm not sure anyone has made that claim. But I am sure I haven't. At the risk of overloading you, perhaps you could consider the topic header "the normalisation of the far right continues" and whether you need to be on the far right to normalise it.
  9. Well I can thoroughly recommend to you "How not to be wrong" by James O'Brien, if that helps?
  10. This is a bizarre accusation. Social media has provided plenty of clips to highlight, among other things, their slap stick approach to news production and a defence of paedophila and I have seen the Scotty Libdems on these clips a number of times. So my conclusions are fair, proportionate and valid without ever tuning in, in the traditional sense. Please place this post at your earliest convenience into your pipe and smoke it.
  11. Pretty damning stuff from Ian Wood saying "well I hope it's not a political decision" and "Scotland is quite politically vulnerable." I wonder at what point, like jilted lovers, unionists will finally realise their sycophancy and baffling loyalty will never, ever be reciprocated by those in power down south?
  12. No, I saw a GBeebbies clip retweeted by Arsehole Coal-Scuttleson.
  13. We're not under attack tho, we're just terrible. Did enjoy the pop at Kenny McIntyre and yes credit for fronting up and going on the radio, excuse me "ray-dee-shjo" but it was a bit unhinged and I think we'd all rather this was happening to someone else.
  14. It's the tedious inevitability of it all that really gets you down. Ban anonymous social media accounts under ‘David’s Law’, murdered MP’s friend says
  15. Highlight for me was after a fair bit of ranting and biting a chunk out of Kenny McIntyre, Daryl Broadfoot asked "so Dave how do you keep your manager calm?"
  16. The banter years baton over this way please. I can practically hear him wearing two shirts. jfc
  17. Suppose that's a fitting trubute and in keeping with the legacy of Jo Cox when they decided to stop being such utter utter b*****ds to migrants in her memory.
  18. Well the tweet links to a thread with details of "a massive randomised trial" in Bangladesh of community mask wearing. So that's not really true.
  19. Come on loons, let these yo-yo clubbers have their fun. We're a shambles just now and what we have to ask ourselves is would we trade our unbroken history of top flight football, unassailable position as Scotland's most successful European club and consistent if occasionally only just above average seasons for the hilarious rollercoasters of the odd high profile cup win, plummeting to the seaside leagues, Lithuanian money laundering, repeated administrations and the ignominy of being relegated by an email from Dundee? Quite possibly tbh.
  20. These days you get arrested and thrown in jail just for saying "The English" don't you? Arrested and thrown in jail. These days.
  21. Cop26 corporate sponsors condemn climate summit as ‘mismanaged’ "“They had an extra year to prepare for Cop due to Covid, but it doesn’t feel like this time was used to make better progress. Everything feels very last minute,”
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