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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. On audience you may be right, although it's not ridiculous to assume the worst on repeated past performance, on only representing Scotland when in Scotland, we're already there. There's been quite a lot going on recently from Afghanistan, to supply chains, energy, labour shortages and Covid but we haven't seen the UKs 3rd party yet and it might be nice to have heard their views in a UK and not strictly Scottish context.
  2. Pretty sure Mentorn have said they do the audience balancing on the basis of UK elections. Which is why the one in Dundee a while back looked like a masonic lodge fundraiser.
  3. This game could go 7nil either way or 5 all. Cards everywhere and much fizz and excitement from the jute-making nekulturny proles in the stands who've been drowning themselves in factory issue alcohol since sunrise. A great spectacle for the neutral this one. Can't wait.
  4. A full two months of QT the flagship BBC current affairs programme without the SNP appearing once but, next week its the biannual tartan episode of #BBCQT from Glasgow. Looking forward to them screaming at whoever the SNP put up about the Nike Conference and drug deaths so that Scotland's elected representatives are denied the opportunity to hold the UK government to account. Also can't wait to see who will be representing the Lanarkshire marching band, hate crime and street violence community. Maybe the entire Moray Conservative and Unionist Association will be (in) the audience, again.
  5. The only countries with larger non elected legislatures are: China, Uzbekistan and Burkina Faso. Joke country, run exclusively for and by c***s.
  6. As a fully paid up and diligent Nicola disciple I just want to have a quick chuckle at the idea that vaccine passports and other public health measures are actually part of a devious plan to permanently steal people's freedom. Maybe quite a long chuckle in fact.
  7. Incitement. Section 59 of the Serious Crimes Act. Off to the penal colony with you m'laddo.
  8. I won't link to it as it's ludicrous poisonous shite but, I've noticed the Shortbread Libdems like to go on GBeebies and spread conspiracy theories about RaEsssEnnPeee. It's embarrassing how low they will go for attention these days.
  9. I listened to a fascinating thing about local or community DC generating grids which could power "above the table" low power devices like phones TVs laptops and stuff while the national AC grid would power your "below the table" high power devices like washing machines and ovens. Sounded like a good idea to me.
  10. Fascinating nexus on display here of climate change denial, covid scepticism, being a bit of a dick and a perverse, extremist attitude to crime and punishment.
  11. You can make the argument for Angela Merkel, certainly the taking in of a million refugees was probably the bravest and best single act of a world leader in modern times. Happy to rank them side by side if you prefer.
  12. Medium to long term I agree, short term I would have thought the ludicrous exceptionalist response to covid wasn't great.
  13. We solved the constitutional crisis of our own making by entering into an agreement with our nearest neighbours and friends in bad faith, with zero intention of complying with what we heralded as a great success just so we could beat that b*****d who wanted to give everyone free WiFi.
  14. Imagine if Alistair Campbell had just said "Aye, we just made WMD up then threw that Dr Kelly bloke under a bus. The US had our balls in a vice and f**k it, at least we got Saddam" in about 2004.
  15. Accusing the greatest politician of the modern age of covering up a thing that didn't happen and then lying about the thing that didn't happen is becoming a bit of a theme here.
  16. Some of these comments have proven MT to be absolutely right. Which is a shame. Come on Scotland.
  17. Restricting movement is an absolutely standard public health response. This has nothing to do with nationality. Swing. Miss.
  18. You need people to transport goods. Not quite so many of them tho.
  19. Is the transport of goods and people different? Can't remember, maybe people carry lettuces in their hand luggage? Is that how supply chains work? Amazing.
  20. If there's a plague controlling borders is a perfectly acceptable response, as opposed to shite about wages and not liking having neighbours what talk funny. Nice false equivalence tho. Sure you read that in Spiked or maybe was it on GBnews? iS nObOdY aLlOwEd To DiE aNyMoRe? Fucking hell.
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