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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Celtics defence is terrible but we have neither the quality nor composure to do anything about it.
  2. Incredible we haven't seen any yellow cards yet. Anyway, thoroughly looking forward to Dave McCormacks statement attacking the Scottish Government for making it impossible to defend a throw in.
  3. He either stole from the taxpayer, supplying £5 worth of food at a cost of £30 or the fat b*****d is sitting on a mountain of Frubes and cheese sandwiches.
  4. Total, complete, and abject car crash on Marr. Big ears did a semi-decent job and the fluffy bumblecunt was all over the fucking shop. Implying slaughtering then incinerating pigs is the same as selling them for money a particular highlight. No doubt con+5
  5. Because he turned his coat quite some time ago.
  6. It's the same reason they made no preparations whatsoever for the changes required to make the UKs post Brexit economy and supply chains work. They'd have had to admit all the shite they told to gull little Englanders into voting for it was, well shite. Kwasi Kwarteng was saying yesterday that this is just a transition period where things might be a bit bumpy. As though they didnt entirely waste an actual transition period which they fucking well negotiated.
  7. Would be nice if someone at Holyrood had the testicular fortitude to chin the NonceMother on this today but I doubt it. I mean she visited the irn bru factory earlier this year so she's really just one of us and we should be grateful she's spending our cash on hiding her paedophile son in Deeside. GSTNM
  8. Hayes really needed to connect there to round this disaster off properly. Poor.
  9. They always do this. As if we should all run out of our huts and wave palm fronds at the UN who've been parachuted in to dig us a well.
  10. That'll do for me. BTW what are the Barnet consequentials for noncing pay offs?
  11. If HRH and The Royals PLC pay her off with our fucking money that may just be the tipping point required to finally bin the monarch as head of state and sweep these grifting b*****ds into the sea.
  12. This is the same as getting Capone with tax evasion. Throw away the key imho.
  13. Not that I have anything against the ballet but, it is demonstrative that there's a visa exception for Europeans who la-di-da about in tights for a living but no such dispensation for folk who can deliver our food and fuel.
  14. Keith still unable to say "racism" in case he offends any of the racists he wants to win back from the tories and join him in his completely non-nationalist, unifying patriotism, which just so happens to fucking hate foreigners, immigrants and our nearest neighbours and friends.
  15. This is the Working-class Playwright sketch. "With your fancy Harvard degrees!" jfc.
  16. Aye, but she's just about as qualified to speak on the economy as that dick who runs the garage, for example and you can't compare independent academic expertise with individual business owners.
  17. What i can't fucking stand and this also is why the Trump/Brexit comparisons are absolutely spot on is the undermining of bone fide, quantifiable, internationally recognised and often world leading authority to suit narrow and utterly selfish ends. Folks like Leitch and Bauld have worked their fucking arses off to get to where they are and are demonstrably very very very smart. Their walls are plastered with bits of paper with "x is a very very smart c**t, lots of love, Harvard" but, for various reasons, it's not convenient for some to hear their opinions and ignore the weight that they carry versus the comparative man on the street. And that tallies absolutely with the MAGA/Vote Leave experience. Far be it from me to quote Oaksoft but you boys are literally taking your cues from gold-plated, copper-bottomed, diamond-encrusted, hazard-c***s like Steve Baker.
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