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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Then you should know better and fall into the same category as the mad bishops and agitators who demanded that we must have Christmas last year, shortly before another 70k deaths. A real abuse of apparent authority which places you beneath the contempt I hold the 5g antivaxxers in as at least they have the excuse of being fucking idiots.
  2. And when the national pandemic stocks had been run down, allowed to go out of date and stored inappropriately they panicked.
  3. That's very selective remembering you're doing there. Plenty of scientists were urging for lockdown and there was clearly undue heed paid to a certain subgroup of behavioural scientists from the cabinet offices nudge unit. Not sure how we could have had research on Covid prior to its discovery but you can't, although I'm looking forward to you doing it anyway, claim that masking hasn't been an accepted, verified and unarguably effective method of infection control for quite some time. The fact it's a bit annoying and has become a culture wars battleground is really a pretty sad state of affairs and indicative of the post truth "we've had enough of experts" wasteland of national discourse developed over the last few years. I'm sure if there were social media kudos points for saying you can safely stick your fingers in plug sockets or take the toaster for a bath, you'd be here arguing for these too. You total hazard.
  4. If only religion was based upon decades of academic research, clinical and real world public health experience as opposed to just talking convenient fucking nonsense to get acclaim in the form of coloured circles from strangers.
  5. Hilarious that caution, safety and giving a shit about people are now cast as negative "psycho" traits in a leader.
  6. Have you watered it regularly, placed it in a sheltered southerly facing part of the garden and given it a long cane to support upward growth? Will let you all know how this turns out.
  7. Sad news. Never his biggest fan but undoubtedly a giant in Scottish football who will be missed. RIP
  8. Odd to hear this as an accusation but no, never been a 3 stripes kind of guy. Fear not lads this craze of clam diggers and flip flops like all things too shall pass. Functional denim however is eternal.
  9. Boot or straight-cut jeans are the only acceptable jeans for gentlemen. Skinny man-jegging attired males should be on a register. And probably already are.
  10. Nobody has been refused entry to a nightclub in all of England and Scandinavia? Well I am stunned at this completely true fact of yours.
  11. Down 40% from where? I'd posit that it's up from last year. Glass half full folks. I'd be surprised and delighted to hear how the Nordics and England have solved the people being dickheads when refused entry to nightclubs issue and keen to hear more details of this miracle at your earliest convenience.
  12. The Scottish Government have invented people being arseholes when knocked back from nightclubs is a new and interesting take. The article conspicuously notes it is individuals refused entry for not having a vaccine passport, if only there was some action individuals could take to solve this. An appropriate alternative headline would be "Vaccine Passports Working." But then where's the fun and faux rage to be had there?
  13. If I'd wanted to post a picture of Lee Wallace, I'd have done so. It was more of an inherently dislikeable, crawling, attention seeking, moderators pet sort of vibe I was aiming for.
  14. *Paste link then hit return to embed* Soft yellow if ever I've seen one. Anyway I reckon we're getting fucking horsed here but I've never eaten at Chiquito's so retain moral superiority. I have waited for a taxi nearby tho and pondered the meaning of life while driving wind blown sand and sleet skelped my face as the restaurants incongruous mariachi music blasted across the boulevard. Good times.
  15. If only we could go back to the good ol' days of Hayes and McGinn taking all them short so they could put them out for a nice safe defensive throw in.
  16. Not enough being made of the 4 nil hounding we took on corners imo.
  17. Thoroughly enjoyed his keepy uppies which McGregor ended with a yellow that could easily have been red.
  18. Ride a motorcycle? Use power tools? Eat too much? Go rock climbing? Crash your car while going too fast? There is an argument to be made there, but I disagree with it and it is not the way "we" have decided to run our services. Well by that definition neither are the unvaccinated. They are simply restricted from attending a very few select events and venues. In a similar if not identical way to how the populace as a whole are restricted in the way they can purchase alcohol.
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