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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Budgie doesn't want Hearts in a Championship that might be cancelled or curtailed. End-of-message.
  2. That was the reason for my question to Kincy. The EPL made noises about banning transfers by any clubs using the furlough scheme - 'we can't afford to pay wages for our existing staff, but we'll just spend a lot of money (that we told you we don't have) to bring in another salary commitment'. No idea whether the SPFL said anything similar or whether HMG might be interested in this. ETA: this isn't a question specifically aimed at Rangers - the same might apply to all other clubs using furlough, including United. Are transfers moral or legal at the moment?
  3. I've not kept up with other clubs' furlough arrangements, Kincy. Did Rangers furlough any of their staff or team?
  4. 8 hours? The left and right wingers, wid. The central pairing, nah.
  5. Is he really saying that the ONLY reason he left London was because some people in the street outside his house were being nasty? Bollocks.
  6. This is going to be a car crash. Can't wait.
  7. That's who I was referring to. ETA: In any case, his wife blogs incessantly and had never mentioned autism.
  8. I suspect the kid's granny and grandad haven't had any specialised training.
  9. Boris could, have looked after him - he's already had the virus and he'd be at roughly the same mental age as a 4-year-old.
  10. There's a greater amount of suitable childcare in London for autistic kids than there is in Durham.
  11. I don't understand the differentiation people are making between making sure childcare was available if needed and then actually using it. If the pair of them were down with CV-19, it would be a bit late to go looking for childcare then. Not defending Cummings - he's an entitled c**t and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near government - but the 'did't use it after all' argument is unsound.
  12. Can't be arsed reading back - sorry if it's been posted before.
  13. Lobby Dossar has already explained - Sky have exclusive rights. They're only allowed to show 48 matches plus play-offs but NOBODY else is allowed to show the other 200+ matches in Scotland (UK?) without Sky's permission, and a likely renegotiation of the contract.
  14. Were we all so busy with the Cummings story that we missed Trump accusing a guy of murder on Twitter? https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/joe-scarborough-trump-murder-conspiracy-adam-kinzinger_n_5ecafc35c5b69baf89fdcd9e?ri18n=true&ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000067
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