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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. https://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/fp/dundee-among-driest-cities-in-the-uk/#:~:text=Dundee has been ranked among,124)%2C together with Edinburgh.
  2. I see your point about onion pies but https://indy-prints.com/products/twa-pehs-an-an-ingin-ane-in-aw
  3. Just catching up but I was just about to post the same thing.
  4. Is that's Granny Danger's kit? It's got his initials on it.
  5. Normally I'm one to give people a second chance but there's such a history here that I can't this time. I'm not going back to Tannadice while he's still in charge. I've no season ticket to worry about and I doubt United will miss my dozen visits each season.
  6. I wonder what it says. It can't be about the immediate court case since they'll all be keeping their powder dry. Is it to do with the next steps? Hears and Thistle in trouble with the SPFL?
  7. I suppose that mean a bit of a hiatus in her Instagram posting. Out of respect.
  8. I'm not saying every footballer should smoke 40 a day and have a pizza for dinner 3 times a week. Most of them keep themselves in good shape and fitness compared to their age group peers. What I'm suggesting is that we shouldn't be expecting every club player to exhibit Ronaldo's levels of commitment. As a group, I wouldn't expect footballers to be any more driven than a similar group from another profession.
  9. It wasn't a dig at anyone (except maybe Fat Jobby Kris Boyd). It's just that I think we sometimes expect more from footballers than from ourselves. Cruyff, Socrates and Ardilles were all full-on smokers. It didn't do them any harm. Except that 2 of them are now deid.
  10. I've no reason to believe that footballers are any different from any other group of employees. You'll have some who are prepared to go the whole hog, treat their body as a temple and practice beyond what is expected of them. Then there are the journeymen for whom it's just another job. In my line of work, there are programmers who study all the hours, pay for their own training courses and stay on top of all the industry developments. Then you have the majority who come in at 9, do their best until 5 then go home and switch off.
  11. I'm thinking Arsene Wenger. His lack of trophies while keeping a brave and professional face would suit our ethos.
  12. Can you really imagine any 'legal expert' putting their professional reputation on the line by calling this? There might also be some element of not wanting to be found guilty of contempt of court by commenting on a live case. IANAL.
  13. If Dundee's No vote had been accepted and the proposal failed, I'm sure the SPFL would have re-run that same vote within a couple of days once they knew Dundee had changed their minds. I suspect that will be on the judges' minds - a process issue but, as it turned out, not material.
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