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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Isn't the slight decline due to the fact that Tuesday's figures were artificially high because one lab didn't work over the weekend and reported 3 days' worth of figures in one go?
  2. Cheers min, it does get a bit freaky when the wheezing is at its peak but it only seems to be affecting one lung weirdly so no real panic. Mainlining Lemsip Honey & Lemon & taking Paracetamol so will hopefully subside quickly. Lemsip has paracetamol in it, mate. Don't overdose.
  3. I can't find a single image to cover this. Can we settle on the following. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Frevision-of-nurse-uniforms.eu%2Fserver%2Fdyk0%2Fjw13.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Frevision-of-nurse-uniforms.eu%2Ftelevision%2Fthe-singing-detective.php&tbnid=Iwihw6oSoHiJoM&vet=12ahUKEwjg5YbX0MXoAhWSAhoKHYVtBzIQMygDegUIARD0AQ..i&docid=LCSNCDv8Piyl_M&w=152&h=209&q=joanne whalley nurse&ved=2ahUKEwjg5YbX0MXoAhWSAhoKHYVtBzIQMygDegUIARD0AQ
  4. TBF I was only 15 and she was an 'older woman'. BTW NOT Jenny Agutter.
  5. Funnily enough, I went out with a lass like that in 1977 who now looks like this:
  6. Our cleaner has a water tank in the back of his van.
  7. ETA: Apologies - should have cut the second snap off. And, to keep Granny totally happy:
  8. I wouldn't be too sure about that last one.
  9. You're just assuming that I recognised his arse.
  10. That's still a couple of years after my sex life expired.
  11. Thanks, strichener. This seems to come down to whether the law should be changed to recognise what AS admitted to as being sexual harassment and/or assault. I don't see it as being an attack on Salmond, per se - he's already admitted to the behaviour in question.
  12. I haven't seen the full letter, just excerpts on the BBC site. Anyone able to post it? Am I right to assume that what the women are saying is that what Salmond admitted to doing isn't currently considered a crime but should be? Looking for a change in the law?
  13. Couldn't help but notice his continuous coughing either.
  14. The latter. Courtesy of an informed viewer.
  15. She'd see out a 14-day lock down, no problem.
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