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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Are the jury selected from the legal services these days?
  2. Assuming their doubling assumption is right, it's probably too late to prevent that now. Those dying in 14 days will almost certainly be infected by now. The new measures and any lock-down will only stop it getting significantly worse than that. If we're lucky. Ignore me. I can't read.
  3. Done. Question 9 will be a no-brainer for everyone except The Rangers' fans.
  4. Can I have your widescreen TV while you're not using it? Glad you're starting to feel better.
  5. Jammy me. I was thinking of the famous Hibs/Hearts derby in the early 50s. Luckily, I was 10K out on that one! Can I change my guess to 150? Just to annoy Caspian Chris?
  6. FFS Lord Sugar goes down in my estimation - and he was at rock bottom already.
  7. Have you got a van? ETA: JTS98 beat me to it.
  8. Are you sure it was only a couple of weeks ago, Sarge?
  9. Figures for the States out. Most other countries' new cases rising at 5% -10% new cases day on day. USA at 20%.
  10. We could ask Granny to do the maths and then divide his prediction by 100.
  11. Yurp, that is exactly what we are seeing, bizarrely enough you can make perfectly good meals from what is left but if they haven't read about in the papers,they don't want to buy it. They are utter fuckwitted shitgibbons. I'm adding 'fuckwitted shitgibbons' to my insult list.
  12. So, some of us are going to be re-infected? I was hoping for immunity after death.
  13. I think he'll be Boris's scapegoat in a couple of weeks.
  14. '...there are some people here who are not aware of gravity' is a cracking insult. I wonder if she meant '...are not aware of the gravity of the situation' but I prefer the insulting interpretation.
  15. Same experience. The Comet 4-in-1. Maybe a year or two earlier. Myself and both my younger brothers were attacked by our Ma on Sunday night after our baths and had to be whisked down to the barbers for a tidy-up (No 2 all over) before we could go to school on the Monday morning. Great adventure.
  16. Can you ask him if he could help square off some new doors I'm about to fit?
  17. His supporters will be lapping that up.
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