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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Think I'll wait until I see the full results later this year before I invest in this miraculous money-machine. ETA: similar unaudited interim trading accounts for the 6 months to December 2017 showed a slight loss of £0.9M which had strangely turned into an overall loss of £14.3M by the time the full year's audited accounts were released. Quite the turnaround. You'll forgive us if some of us are a bit... cynical.
  2. Be realistic - 'destroying' the team sitting one place behind us?
  3. Preach, thanks for reminding me, those dunts played hell with my long term memory. Obviously, when Jacksgranda had to nudge your memory.
  4. I did something similar a couple of months back. Left an atlas by the bog and read up on the Japanese islands, African countries, United Arab Emirates and Caribbean islands. Did OK on those questions in the quiz for a few weeks but I've forgotten it all already. Gone with the wind.
  5. Her tits will be down to her knees by now. The game wouldn't make the best use of wide screens.
  6. It seems, according to the Sun (I know, I know), that it will still have cost him more than £600K and Rangers another £50K. That must hurt. What's strange about two Sun reports (last week's https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/3885047/rangers-dave-king-shares-takeover-bid-failed-ally-mccoist-club-1872/ and yesterday's https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/3892607/rangers-dave-king-65000-bill-takeover-fail/) is that the later report says he controls 34% of the shares and would have needed 16% acceptance to push him into buying the shares but the earlier report said that 19.82% had accepted, suggesting his bid had succeeded (or failed, depending on whether you;re Dave King or not). I suspect they're a bit confused.
  7. I've just been reading about her in Sandbrook's Seasons in the Sun. She sounded a bit unhinged. As, indeed, did Wilson himself - he thought there were spies under every bed and behind every mirror in Downing Street. Happy days.
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