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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Will the company shareholders really be prepared to sell one of their few concrete assets just to keep the club alive, though? If they sell Ibrox/MP to an outside agency and use the money to run the club for a while longer - they've now zero assets and the share price goes through the floor. If, instead, they move the assets to the company and hive off the club, selling it to DK for a quid, they can ask the club for rent - but who pays that rent? And who pays the (presumably) reduced running costs of the club until the ST money comes in? Bookies Love Me may be right. Enter the King.
  2. You may be right but I'd bet a pound to a penny that he doesn't put any of his own money into the company. It'll all be financial instruments and promissory notes, smoke and mirrors. I wouldn't be surprised to read in a year or so that no actual money was provided.
  3. I feel like a stuck record but... Let's say Rangers can shed half their monthly outgoings via a controlled admin (see how airily we toss these financial terms around these days? This thread has been an edjukashun.) Where does the money come from to pay even those reduced costs? I thought they had zero, zilch, nada, nothing in the bank.
  4. If this news of a controlled administration this week is correct, I'm still not sure how it will help. Even if Rangers can shed player contracts (where does the redundancy money come from?) and re-negotiate other contracts ('Hey, PC Plod, can we renegotiate the policing costs for Ibrox on match days? Pretty please?'), I don't see where the money comes from to see them through to season ticket time. Let's say their monthly outgoings are currently £2M pm (I'm making this up) and they can half that to £1M pm, where does that £1M come from if they're already broke?
  5. The price has climbed based on less than 1% share turnover. Wait until someone wants to shift 1M shares or more. The fan groups are trying to buy the company, sock by bloody sock.
  6. Cracking politics from Dave. None of the Rangers' support have actually said they'll withhold their season ticket money (but even if they did, it's at his bidding) but that's the start of his diatribe.
  7. I admire your optimism but I suspect the majority of Rangers fans will not accept living within their means. It's a vicious circle - cut costs to match income, fans give up in disgust at mediocre results, income continues downwards, cut costs again, rinse and repeat.
  8. I long for the day when they're both gone. Not only would it open up a level playing field for the rest of us (I can't believe any team will get the kind of grandfather-to-father-to-son succession planning again) but it would force those tossers in the media to learn to write about football rather than just spewing pish about war-chests and the endless bigot-fest.
  9. And £1M worth of penny shares, too - I make that 115 million new shares (maths genius, me). With only 65M shares in existence at the moment, does that effectively treble the number of shares in the company? If so, why does the share price keep ticking up? Or is it 'just' the 15% interest (= 15M new shares)?
  10. I'm sorry for starting this whole flaming O-Level/O-Grade rubbish, although Kinky's got to take some of the blame, too. Can we get back on topic now?
  11. I hate to say it but you're right. It was O-Grades back in the 70s and it was t'English that did O-Levels. All these years I've thought I had O-Levels. I feel dirty, somehow. BTW Latin was the dead language of choice for us left-footers at 'the ecedemy' in Dundee.
  12. Did you not pay attention during O-Level Greek? If you're going to claim the intellectual high ground, make sure of your ground first.
  13. £1.5M at this stage is like make a dead frog's leg twitch with an electric current. It's still dead.
  14. 'No threat of a second administration.' Does he mention whether liquidation is also ruled out? [ETA: Plasma beat me to it.]
  15. The difference is that, as far as I'm aware, there's no current media/internet noise about United operating to a 'negative profit' business model. Our debt has gone down over the last couple of years. Yes, there was the possibility of us going bust at one point but then Thompson turned things round and our total debt has since gone down. Unless you cut your outgoings or increase your income, your debt is only going to get worse. £1.5M this month, another £1.5M next month, paid back from the season ticket money. Next year's issues then start a couple of months earlier and so on. Remember those shouts of 'Rangers are a debt-free club'? They never were and it's only going to get worse.
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