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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Do you really not see that it's happening all over again? Your company/club is running to an unsustainable model and saved by a dubious last-minute loan at who-knows-what rates. Where will your next last-minute loan come from? And you're chuffed about this and see it as some kind of victory over the Ps & Ds? Absolutely beyond parody.
  2. Based on what we've heard so far, £1.5M is enough to see them through 8 weeks or so. That covers the February and, possibly, March pay days. Does anyone know whether the season ticket money come in before the April pay date?
  3. Quite right. That article is ridiculous but indicative of sliding standards. "We have kept a clean sheet for 1320 away minutes - apart from when we haven't. Let's pretend those 30 minutes at Glebe Park never happened."
  4. You've got to admire their ambition. Those 6-stars don't come cheap: they're obviously investing for the future. Oops...
  5. I get a bit worried when I think about what these idiots will do with all their free time once their team nosedives again.
  6. So that's the bookies effectively saying it's 33/1 against the company going bust! Well, them being experts 'n all, that's me convinced - Rangers will make it into next season and I'll need to find a new comedy show to see me through to the summer.
  7. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=265220&st=0 Why am I reminded of a scene from Blazing Saddles?
  8. Have you checked your bookie's rules in the event that Rangers don't complete the season? All bets might be void or might suffer a 99p in the pound deduction.
  9. No one mentioned PMG - some kind of obsession on your part? And none of the other names on your list was discussing company law.
  10. Selective blindness or just comprehension issues? He also states: "a modern professional football club is not a “club”, in the sense of an unincorporated association of members who join together in pursuit of a common purpose, but a commercial enterprise whose function is to generate profits for its shareholders." When the 'commercial enterprise' goes bust, 'the club' goes bust.
  11. It was an opinion given by a legal person but not in any court - it ain't 'law'. It was given in an independent commission funded by the SPL, nothing more. You, yourself, could create a club, draw up a set of rules and invite a dozen of your mates to join. If one of those mates breaks the rules and you eject him from the club, you could then engage a lawyer and ask her whether those rules had been applied correctly. Her saying 'yes' doesn't make it a legally-binding point of law, just confirmation that you'd acted within your club's rules.
  12. I've asked before how sale & leaseback would work and I'm still not sure of how it benefits the club. I can see 2 scenarios: 1. The company takes the property and writes off the club's debt. But that doesn't add any money to the mix. It only writes off debt between parent company and club. The company now has its mitts on the property and can charge the club an annual rent but there's no obvious benefit to the club - they're still broke. 2. The above scenario plus the company then sells the property onto someone else for real money. This adds maybe £10-20M to the company's coffers which they might decide to make available to the club to subsidise their running costs. Some of that cash would be used to rent back the stadium from the new owner. But, in this scenario, the company now has nothing - it's sold its only asset and there's nothing left to justify the share price. In addition, the combined company/club is now spending and extra £3-5M each season for rent. What am I missing (apart from a brain cell or 2).
  13. Kyle, the risk of going into admin or liquidation isn't something that goes on hold during the 90 days just because the BoD are off doing their sums. If the money runs out tomorrow, they've no choice in the matter.
  14. Mebbees a misplaced comma in that second sentence? I'd have put it between the 'own' and 'Sir'. Not even sure 'Sir' should be capitalised. Can we stop this grammar and spelling pish now?
  15. That sentence has a whiff of the ungrammatical about it. I assumed he'd get it right (this time) and say "Is that going to be your specialist subject on Mastermind?"
  16. He's not missing an apostrophe: he's missing a verb. (I debated whether that should be a colon or a semi-colon.) Nice try, Kinky.
  17. I suspect he's ben brought in to assess the best time to go into administration and then see the company and/or club through that process. However, if the money really runs out this month, as some commentators would suggest, I can't see that even admin will help. Sacking half your staff to staunch your outgoings doesn't help if there's no money coming in and no money in the bank account - how do you pay the remaining half? If they can make it through February, I suspect there might be an early season ticket drive.
  18. But, as the months go by, United's finances will stay much the same, possibly even improve. Rangers', though....
  19. So thick that he confuses the Scottish football authorities (who may or may not want a strong Rangers in the top division) with the administrators who, assuming it's not Haudit & Daudit again, couldn't give a flying fock.
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