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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Bennett, did you choose your avatar with 'washing machines live longer with Calgon' in mind, hoping the sentiment would rub off on your team/club/company (delete as appropriate)? I'd ask for my money back.
  2. The SP has gone up 0.25 pence on the back of fewer than 5000 shares changing hands. Don't get too excited.
  3. To be fair to the bookies, their prices don't reflect who they think is actually most likely to win the cup. Instead, the prices reflect where the bookies think the weight of money is likely to fall and, hence, their risk exposure.
  4. They'll get themselves 25 points clear, just in case, then start playing their youngsters. Every time the gap slips below 25 points, the 'big guns' will be rolled out again. Assuming the club lasts that long.
  5. 1. Club owes millions to the the company shareholders. 2. Company says 'we'll take Ibrox off your hands and, in exchange, we'll write off that debt". 3. Company now has Ibrox and can rent it back to the club. 4. Club is once again debt-free. Unfortunately it's also asset-free. Which of those 4 steps gives the club enough cash to see them through the next few months? [Edited for crap typing]
  6. You're a wee bit late, Boss. We've all been laughing. most of us, since last night. Can someone explain this lease/buyback stuff? My understanding is that the company already owns the club which owns the property. So, if the club gives up the properties to cover the debts, no one is any better off. Yes, the company can ask the club for an annual rent to allow them to train and play but there's no new money being passed to the club, just a writing-off of debt.. Where is the money coming from to cover the next few months?
  7. No one is likely to win unless Celtic slip up one season. And the team most likely to take advantage of any such slip will be whichever team is on the up at that time. Unlikely to be Rangers but you never know - they might have a crop of youngsters that they've managed to hold together for a year or two.
  8. It's their total lack of self-awareness that's so funny. And so worrying. "Yes, read this last night. Everything I have seen, regarding that place, would seem to indicate it is more a hotbed of sectarian filth rather than one of learning!" Unlike The Bears Den, then?
  9. Despite there being no explicit threat in that sentence, I think it sums up the whole twisted mind set of a significant number of Rangers fans.
  10. You really are a thick sh!t, aren't you? Can't even follow a simple argument. You 'got past' them in the days when there was a level playing field. Understand? The world has since changed. There's no level playing field any more, not even for your latest incarnation. You will never have the funds in place to mount a serious challenge unless either another sugar daddy comes along, you cheat or, most likely, Celtic just have a really bad season. And those circumstances would suit any of the diddies, not just Rangers.
  11. There's no longer the relatively level financial landscape of the 60s and 70s. Short of massive luck or massive investment, no club can overcome Celtic's head-start in hoovering up the European kitty on an annual basis. We just can't get past them. Look what happened when Rangers tried. For the sake of the diddies, I wish it wasn't so. I'd love to see one of us keep a strong squad together for a couple of years and challenge them but those days are gone. Celtic have just got too big a financial head-start. (BTW when I say 'diddies', I include Rangers. Welcome to the club.)
  12. Since we talk about what the owners have to say, what the manager and players have to say and what the papers have to say, there's no problem with usalso discussing what the fans have to grunt?
  13. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=264419 Only a really short-sighted Rangers fan could read that article and focus on Paulo Sergio's hair-ruffling comments about Rangers staff while totally missing statements like: 'SERGIO was dismayed when the winger left Tynecastle to join Rangers in the bottom tier last term and says Templeton has been dragged down by his 18 months away from the top flight.'
  14. Oh no. They're ganging up on me. I'm glad I took the chance and decided to fight back. Just as well my greeny bank is well-stocked.
  15. Oh dear. Do I just ignore him and take the chance that he thinks he's won?
  16. 'When things are going well...'. Let me know when and I'll look in again. 'Enthusiasm and aggressive salesmanship...' How's that working out? 'Strong desire for success and all amenities of affluence.' Looks like Super Ally has gone for the latter before ensuring the former. It's not your real name? I'm shocked. Why would anyone post under an assumed name?
  17. Don't know if you've ever googled your name. I have! Check this http://www.kabalarians.com/Male/dasodaha.htm I thought this bit was pretty appropriate for a Rangers fan. "However, in the attempt to impress others with the scope of your success, you can over-extend your resources to the point that you have inadequate means to cover your basic expenses. There are times when you would be advised to start in a smaller way, and gradually reach your desired level of success through perseverance, patience, and attention to details."
  18. I haven't seen these emails mentioned in The Bears Den yet. Wonder who'll be brave enough to poke his head above the parapet.
  19. Two should be enough. One for 2012-3 and one for 2013-4. You won't need a third.
  20. A basic knowledge of business and commerce is hardly uncommon. Oh, wait...
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