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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. The older guy in front of him is walking very staunchly and the guy on his right is wearing the right colour of brogues.
  2. 9 in the comedy quiz. That'll be a relatively easy one for those of a certain vintage. Hadn't heard of Meet The Wife.
  3. A £26M loss (page 26) https://assets.ctfassets.net/39646iezddpk/iqWGrSHuBKRWHdWfD47xh/f13e45eb51a6e0f5a54e6b5e02195d01/Rangers_Reports_and_Accounts_2021.pdf Who's underwriting these losses?
  4. Rangers always play better with 10 men. Wait, wait, I meant 12 men.
  5. I thought Rangers were the more dangerous side in that half. Fortunately, I know little about football.
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