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The DA

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Everything posted by The DA

  1. Hamish MacInnes climbs his last mountain. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-55044054
  2. Dunfermline move the ball around quite well, especially up the right wing.
  3. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Oban...
  4. Jenrick has also just accused the SNP of trying to break up the UK. Shocking if true. Questions for Nicola to answer.
  5. According to the Kuennesberg, he's gone as of now.
  6. Along with Alex Trebek, I think that's 2 for me this week. Happy times.
  7. Did he mean to say that? 'Scotland can rise and be a nation again'????
  8. It's like bringing on your one-star positional replacement when you can bring on a three-star player out of position. The 3-star will still run rings round the fuckers.
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