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Everything posted by flyingrodent

  1. Not surprised - in any other country, interviews like the ones Smith did today would have headlines like "Clueless Walter Doesn't Know What's Happening, Predicts Catastrophe"; "Confused Ex-Chairman Pleads Ignorance, Incompetence" and "Smith: I Got Paid £50k For Nothing While Crooks Flushed New Club Down The Cludgie".Unsurprising to see Chick still sooking up to Smith, though. Good old Walter could pump Chick's Mrs and kick his dug, and Young would still defend him to the death.
  2. For sheer comedy, I'd have thought an embarrassingly one-sided walloping off Aberdeen would be even funnier.
  3. Probably worth noting that Walter Smith's interviews today are flat admissions that Rangers old and new feel/felt so entitled to success that it's impossible for them to run a sustainable business. This is, by the way, indentical to the analysis of half the folk on this thread. Good to have you on board, Mr Smith. Now, I wonder how Berrz of the Bendarroch type are going to square this with their Just Wait Til We're Pumping You 7-0 Again patter? After all, when even Smith is openly admitting that Rangers can't survive without unforeseen cash windfalls, it doesn't look like those houndings of SPFL sides will be coming any time soon.
  4. If anyone ever wondered what Old Rangers' tax advisor did next, the following link may be of interest... http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2013/2944.html
  5. Wee Ally Takes Percentage Willingly Acquiring Terrible Players Wur Administrators Told Porkies Worrying Accounts To Ponder Walter (At Tremendous Price) Whyte Almost Taking Power Wanking About Thrashing Part-timers Whoops, Administration = Total Pandemonium
  6. Cynical, cynical. Maybe he only bought the place so he has somewhere quiet to recover from his Rangersitis?
  7. Was this before or after Dave offered HMRC a multi-million out of court settlement?
  8. Clearly, you've never seen the Rangers v Celtic, Celtic v Rangers forum. Although there's no reason for any such thing to exist:
  9. I have my own opinion on poppies and remembrance and don't take my cues from the Celtic board. Because there's more to life than football, eh? Nonetheless, I won't change my advice. I've always chosen my own opinion and I couldn't give a damn whether my "fellow supporters" disagree. The sad thing is, everything I'm saying here dignifies the poppy bullshit as an issue worth getting worked up about. It isn't. Everybody, Celtic fans and non-Celtic fans, should ignore it. It's a wedge issue designed to create mutual hate and loathing, and should be rejected as such.
  10. Human nature, geezer. Most folk don't care about Political Issue (x) but if you pressure them into taking a side, then Issue (x) gets more polarised, idiotic and angry.That's exactly what the poppy protest was about - forcing people who wouldn't otherwise care to pick a side, exploiting their club loyalty. Far better to say "Those people are deliberately trying to foster division and hatred because they are idiots" and leave it at that. Sadly, because of the tribal nature of it, that's not what happened.
  11. "The powers that be" that you're talking about are Celtic FC. I trust their judgement better than I do a bunch of yahoos who turned us into a figure of national approbrium.
  12. Just while folk are talking about it, the whole point of that poppy protest was that it forced loads of Celtic fans to take a pro or anti position on a topic that not many of them actually care about that much. There was no popular discontent about the poppy thing at Parkhead until a bunch of absolute roasters decided to make a big thing of it. Sadly, the very act and the massive negative press made many of us take a stance on it, where we - and everybody else - should've said, "What a bunch of arseholes" and then got on with it as usual. The blazing furore was the whole point of it. When Celtic fans who wouldn't otherwise have cared defended it, these morons chuckled and gave each other high-fives. Don't dignify them with a response - ignore them. They represent a near-extinct breed, which is why they're forced to resort to PR stunts like that.
  13. This pro/anti military stuff is just irrelevant nonsense, pushed by horrible people. Just ignore it and it'll go away soon enough. All of it is attention-seeking idiocy that has precious little to do with politics, let alone football. Roll your eyes and change the channel. They thrive on controversy and want everyone at each others' throats over nothing. Ignore them all and they'll die out.
  14. To be fair, I can see exactly why the owners of a brand that is infamous for corruption, fraud and bankruptcy would be very twitchy about allegations of corruption and fraud. That kind of thing is no joke when you have a share price to worry about. Circular firing squad it is, then.
  15. I'm guessing it's to do with Leggo's "exclusive" about PC Plod investigating Rangers. There's chat that bans have been handed out and Leggo's post vanished quick smart within a day, which indicates a big, hairy legal threat to me. Also, I can't see even the Rangers board being thick enough to sue if any claims made are actually true. Recall - Craigy Whyte made a big noise about suing the BBC, but nothing actually happened. I could be wrong, of course. I frequently am.
  16. Aye. Here's another thought - not even the Newco are thick enough to sue over a story that's actually true, which means that Chris Graham is digging his heels in and shouting "come and get me".. And he's going to get got. If the lad has any sense, he'll issue a full apology. But he doesn't, so he won't.
  17. Fiver says it's over that story about the cops investigating Rangers, and they're suing Leggo as well.
  18. Rangers must have deliberately provoked the fans to get such a response, just like Jim Spence, the BBC, Montrose, Rahman Bardwaj off STV, the Sun and all those other evildoers did. Sad to see Rangers kicking Rangers when they're down.
  19. I imagine that's a reasonable position to take, if you entirely ignore reality and just start burbling whatever nonsense you find most convenient.I could be wrong, but I'm guessing this is yet another issue where either Rangers fans are wrong, or every football fan in Scotland you ask about it is. There's a lot of them about these days.
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