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Everything posted by flyingrodent

  1. Wanking And Then Pissing World Authorised Take-Pissers Walter Also Takes Paycheques Why Ally? Til Payday Whacking Arseholes Talk Pish.
  2. Walloped At Timmy Parkhead Wearing A Trusting 'Pron We Are Tabulating Paycheques Why A Tremendous Payday? Wandering Aimlessly Towards Peril Walter Analyses Then Pisses off?
  3. We Are Totally Perspiring What A Terrible Pantload Why Afraid , Thistle Partick? Where Are The Prizes Whinging About The Premiership Willing Amnesia Towards Players Whyte As The Perpetrator Why's Ally's Taxi Premature?
  4. Will Ally Tell Porkies? Walter Accrues The Pay Winking And Taking Paycheques Waggling A Tiny Penis Wangling A Twelfth Parade
  5. Wanting A Television Partnership Wondering About The Profits Wanking And Typing Pish Worrying About Twatty Protestantism Willy At Torpid Preparation.
  6. Well,yes. McColl is loaded and could shove a few million at you to stave off the inevitable. Will he?
  7. Just seen this, still laughing. Give me a chance to catch up with this fantasy bollox.
  8. I thought you'd said that your bank account got dipped after your IP address was published on P&B to prove you were using an alias, and that you suspected somebody here was responsible. Apologies if I've got that wrong, of course. n.b. A "lie" is where somebody intentionally misrepresents something. When a person says something incorrect that they believe to be true, that's called an "error".
  9. You missed the bit where P&B somehow nicked Bennett's money. Because who among us, defrauded by a website, *wouldn't* keep posting messages on the forum that ripped us off?
  10. Must all be lies, then. Best get a good ex-Rangers man on the case, e.g Hately. Same old fans - every time they're told something they don't want to hear, the speaker is dismissed as a lying friend of Timothy, motivated purely by malice. You'd think they'd learn, but they won't, ever.
  11. That's the first article I've seen in the press that acknowledges two facts that have been absolutely central to the Rangers meltdown:1) Contrary to what most hacks seem to believe, McCoist and Smith are not selfless and honourable men, and 2) Rangers are fvcked because they have the stupidest fans in British football, who will swallow, swallow anything they're told until it's too late. It really is absurd that these two points appear to be almost unsayable in the Scottish press, this article aside, given that the Ibrox debacle would've been impossible if either was untrue.
  12. I do like the idea that Traynor's just waiting for snazzy new equipment so he can unleash his forces of PR darkness, when it's common knowledge that he was one of the few hacks in Scotland who still regarded the internet as basically Teletext for retards.Yeah, surfing the wave of the future, is Oor Jabba...
  13. Well, not quite - it's been more like 95% of the population observing that water is wet while you and your minority mates try to light a barbecue in the sea. "They plastics and diddies won't get any sausages!" you laugh, striking your sodden Zippos. "What a bunch of fannies!".Basically, it's impossible to come to agreement with folk whose self-image is wholly dependent upon missing the point. In other news, this tablet has just autocorrected the word "Diddies" to "Did Dies", although that's probably not significant.
  14. Reasonable chance that the BRALT will have to be moved to a nostalgia forum, alongside threads full of pictures of weeds growing through the terraces at Third Lanark's old ground.
  15. So Bendarroch thinks Rangers are on course for glory; Bennett thinks another poster is a sekrit Celtic fan, and Kincardine seems to be off on some mental tangent about the inherent superiority of Protestant nations. Meanwhile, Rangers look like they need a financial miracle, their directors are lying about it and their fans are doing nothing to prevent it... And everyone else in Scotland is laughing. If you could boil the BRALT down to a couple of pages, the last two would be a good representation, I reckon.
  16. Going by the response from the P&Buns when the directors' plundering came up before, the most important thing to remember is that Peter Lawell gets paid more.
  17. You have to marvel at the slack-jawed stupidity of some of these droolers. Robbing off charity; ex-CEO knifing the manager; directors stealing everything that isn't nailed down; club gushing cash like the lift scene in the Shining, and what do these throbbing mutants want to ask? Whether Rangers have a plan to combat... The BBC. Children aren't this gullible - UKIP voters aren't this thick. Absolutely point-and-piss-yersel hysterical.
  18. Sounds like the Bears are really holding Traynor's baws over the fire here. If they get him to admit that Rangers are the world's biggest and bestest club, that's when we'll know he's really sweating.
  19. Waiting for the big "Ha, we're only shiting half a million a month down the pan, GIRUY" avalanche...
  20. I suppose we could see this as a sign of maturity on the part of the Newco. After all, they haven't issued a string of whining statements demanding to know why the authorities are making it so difficult for them to sleaze out of their punishment, and demanding to know who etc etc. They've only used it as an excuse for getting beat off Forfar. This represents considerable restraint on McCoist's part, given that he could've spanked this up into yet more boiling outrage and resentment.
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