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Everything posted by flyingrodent

  1. Just a bunch of true democrats celebrating the primacy of Parliament, if some posters on here are to be believed. And if you're buying that, I can sell you this very nice bridge in London, delivery free of charge....
  2. Yes, yes, the "Chosen" patter. It's at the bottom of the pool in which The Newco swims, polluting like a leaky pisser. Not very healthy as a viewpoint, I reckon.
  3. I said it before and I'll say it again - no point beating about the bush, just say what you mean to say. I meant to say that the attendance chat is basically the football equivalent of short man syndrome, and it is.
  4. I'd be very grateful if the admins could ban Saor Alba and his many, many aliases, preferably by blocking his IP address.
  5. That's pretty much what you said the last time you were hurled off the site and came back with a new profile, and the time before that. Admins: launch this one. Basically an EDL poster with a slightly different line to push.
  6. I prefer "direct". No point in monkeying about, after all. Say what you think.
  7. You've previously been here under different names raving about Rothschild Zionists and the Secrit Elitists Who Rule The Universe. You're a mental racist with deeply unpleasant views that hark back to the worst of the 1930s. You've been driven off here repeatedly because of your wacky and hateful Jew-fixation. Don't insult me by pretending you're somebody else.
  8. ^^^^^^^ This nasty piece of work is talking about Jews here, by the way. The imagery is pure Third Reich. The man has all kinds of wacky theories.
  9. No. You're repeatedly making a fvcking stupid and irrelevant point that has been easily dismissed as the obvious ploy it is again and again, then getting a bit tetchy when others won't fall for your risible attempts to make out that shite smells like shampoo. That's your problem, not mine,
  10. Nobody cares, least of all the shambling, drunken, pig- ignorant mutants who show up for these bigotfests. Your attempt to turn marching season into an intellectual discussion of parliamentary democracy is just as transparently false and fraudulent as it is pitiful, laughable straw-clutching. Everybody knows what the Orange walks are. You can't polish that turd, and we can all see you trying to roll it in glitter.
  11. You have this the wrong way round. Rangers fans in the Laudrup era didn't w**k on endlessly about their awesome attendances. They didn't do it when Advocaat was manager, or when Smith returned. It wasn't an issue, because you had a good team on the pitch and won trophies. Now that you're in the arse-end of nowhere as the laughing stock of Scottish football, it's all attendance attendance attendance all the time, over and over and over. Why? Because you have nothing else to say to lord it over anyone else, and being Billy Big-Baws is central to your supporters' identity. It's just one long, pathetic scramble to come up with something - anything! - to boast and preen about. If your attendance drops off this year, I fully expect you to sell a record-breaking number of pies or release the world's most orangest away top. Because you're a bunch of toddlers who are totally fixated on being king of the castle forever, or you're taking your ball and going home.
  12. I studied history for more years than I care to remember, and teaching on the chain of democracy goes more or less like this -Athens > Roman republic > Magna Carta > Oliver Cromwell > American and French Revolutions > 1832 > Suffragettes > Welfare state. Not once in all these years has "the Williamite settlement" come up as a significant milestone. Not once, not even a passing mention. And that's long before we notice that all of this utter pish about democracy is just a laughably thin veneer you're using to gloss over what is basically an ignorant-as-fvck supremacist drinking session. The only reason you're talking about it is because the alternative is the reality of thousands of thick-as-f**k bigots ganging together out of common hatred. The idea that even a large minority of these knuckle-dragging cretins know or care about the effect of a minor war on parliamentary democracy is hilarious. They're there to get it right up Timmy as offensively as they can. Anyone who says differently is lying.
  13. Yup - no surrender to common decency or social progress.
  14. Probably shouldn't make it deductible from wages, or it won't raise a penny.
  15. Not as good as chasing policemen, running away from dogs or getting a job, but probably better than sitting on a sofa watching Jeremy Kyle and sucking down a three litre bottle of Ice Dragon cider.
  16. New and even more disgusting flavour of Pot Noodle.
  17. Orange walks and their Republican equivalents are for folk who are so pathetically sad that they need to gang up together with like-minded morons to make them feel better about their tiny genitals. Dirty, drunken idiots pishing up every side street and disturbing the peace of the non-knuckle-dragging populace. Basically the EDL that the authorities tolerate. Only a society like ours, which is willing to put up with this kind of orchestrated, militant bawbaggery, would allow these cretins to go un-kettled and not-baton-charged by mounted police.
  18. Shame you didn't boycott games like Celtic fans did, really. Your club might not have spent itself to death if you had. Although I do love this sudden, out-of-nowhere, bum-extracted fixation on attendance. It's never been an issue before, but now that Rangers are laughably shite and stuck in the arse-end of Scottish football, it's suddenly The Most Important Thing In The Universe. It's hilarious, to see you all clutching at straws in desperation to maintain your sense of superiority. Truly, it's the " but these amplifiers go up to eleven" of pish football patter.
  19. Or, to summarise the performance of Rangers this last year - players, manager, directors and fans: Waving A Tiny Penis.
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