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Everything posted by flyingrodent

  1. On a seperate bit of Rangers dodgery... There was an article in the Herald today about how the RFC players are baffled by the triallist rules that are preventing them from getting games. They certainly made them sound bizarre, with some players allowed on in this game but not in that. They quoted one - Daly I think, but could be wrong - saying he was frustrated and just wanted to get on the pitch. I was thinking how weird and ridiculous these rules were, but then I remembered that Rangers have this problem because they are - yet again -attempting to slime their way past the rules by designating their players as triallists. Basically, the complaint is that the rules make it difficult for them to evade their punishment, even if they invent farcical scenarios explicitly to dodge them. Most of these players had regular games in far better divisions, but they opted to take a wage hike to play for a shyster team, and are now complaining that they can't get a game. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't the rules that are at fault here?
  2. My favourite bit was No. 8 insisting that, because RFC have the second biggest attendances, they can afford the second biggest outlay. This, while the press are quoting a load of accountants saying that Rangers are spending a million a month more than they can afford, will soon run out of cash and will require further investment to avoid catastrophe. This is exactly the kind of voodoo financing that destroyed the Oldco. Like Wesley Snipes says in Blade, some motherfvckers are always tryin' to ice-skate uphill.
  3. They need to ask themselves only one question, and it's "Did we try to shut the gate before our horse bolted?" And the answer is "Neigh".
  4. The press seem to think you can't afford the players you have, are burning through your cash reserves at world-record speed and will be out of funds sooner rather than later. I take it they're wrong, then?
  5. Good stuff today, but a sad lack of "This is all Charles Green's fault, us Berrz never liked or trusted the man"... Especially not the ones wearing orange tops and shaking CG's hand in those pictures. Three world-record beating shyster owners in a row and one Dyson-strength supporter suck-job for each. Who's going to dig them out of the hole and pick their pockets this time? Seriously, they're more gullible than all those American women that got groped by the "Door-To-Door Breast Inspector" back in 2006. Social work should assign them all case workers just in case Rolf Harris shows up saying he's got a £30m player warchest hidden in his pants, and inviting them to have a feel.
  6. Yup, that's what I meant. While the verdict in the last hearing was a cause for jubilation amongst them, a defeat now would seem like a minor inconvenience, compared to the last few days' news.
  7. Ouch. Compared to the disasters of the last few days, I imagine that a setback as minor as, say, losing the Big Tax Case appeal, would feel like a birthday present.
  8. Let me get this straight - so in only one day, The Rangers have - Been exposed and condemned by the charity regulator for cheating a charity - Seen the ASA judgement that they arent a new club overturned as hopelessly wrong - Seen their complaint to the SFA exposed as a laughably shyte bit of trolling and - Seen their club relapse into a financial catastrophe run by a bunch of squabbling thieves and - Been told that they'll have to stump up a bajillion quid if they want rid of the vampire lord sucking on the club's bank account? Well, I'd like to apologise to Bendarroch for doubting him all this time. Clearly, when Mr B told us that everyone was wrong about Rangers collapsing, and how we'd all be raging when his club were back destroying everyone with expensive signings and European football, he was totally right. Sorry, geezer.
  9. Even if that was the sum total, which it isn't, that was still absolutely hilarious and entirely deserved, and everybody enjoyed it very much. But like I say, my preference is having you back in the top tier getting embarrassingly murdered weekly. And at the rate your owners are spending your limited finances, that's a good possibility.
  10. If "what (we) want" is "Rangers out of existence" then we got that last year. Fact. What I want is an utterly shite Rangers in the top tier, so that we get the excitement of pummelling you six-nil four times a year and get to chuckle at you getting repeatedly horsed by the rest of the division from August to May. And that reality may very well be in the post.
  11. You're confused here. You're comparing a man choosing a new set of clothes to a man choosing a new head.
  12. So we know the men who run Rangers are deliberately spunking away vast sums of money in order to sell enough STs to make the club attractive to new buyers before all the cash runs out. There's a name for this strategy - its called "putting all your eggs in one basket". We know that the directors are extracting massive payouts from the club. We know that lots of these guys have a chequered history at best, and are at least actively untrustworthy. Through all this, the Rangers fans are STILL sitting on their hands. When they're roused to do anything, the best they can do is wail and whine about the football authorities, who we know have bent over backwards to keep some form of Rangers alive. Who knows? Maybe some Croesus-rich bajillionaire will buy over RFC tomorrow. This is all a shitty situation for Rangers fans and given their well-known grovelling, lickspittle attitude towards the men who own the club, it's no surprise that none of them can be arsed to raise a peep of protest about this. But we really should remember this - if the men who run Ibrox fvck the support over yet again, they won't be able to claim that they didn't know what was going on. They know full well, right now, and are visibly doing nothing at all about it. If it all goes tits up again, there won't be a Craig Whyte to blame everything on.
  13. I would've thought mere acceptance that all this was nobody's fault but yer own, maybe even accompanied with a slightly less belligerent than usual attitude, would've done.Hearts and Dunfermline seem to have managed it without blaming everything on a super-sekrit conspiracy against them by everyone else, so it can't be that hard.
  14. Perhaps. I take it this bout of football necromancy means that it's not time to focus on The Journey any more? Or are you simultaneously looking back in anger and onwards to the glorious dawn?
  15. I recall that the draconian punishment was issued because the appropriate one was nuclear annihilation of the club by booting it out of the game altogether. Which doesn't suggest unfair treatment to me, unless we mean "unfairly lenient". I may be wrong about this, of course.
  16. So we've got different people taking different decisions on two different situations, based on differing interpretations of the rules, and a club complaining that the club it used to be - a different club - was treated differently? Yes, it sure is a mystery why there are differences. Peter Liewell and his mind-control rays again, no doubt. I take it Rangers paid that fine, by the way? It's take some neck to complain about it otherwise.
  17. It's no fair, boo hoo hoo! Unbelievable. For a massive European powerhouse on a rocket-propelled surge to glory, they don't half sound like a gaggle of whiny little bitches, about 90% of the time.
  18. Tedi doesn't really care whether any of this makes sense, geezer - he's trying to change the subject from Rangers' severe disadvantages to something else. Anything would do just as well - record-breaking pie sales, who's got the biggest, shiniest bus etc. And indeed, it's worked. I'm off to bed.
  19. And while I'm at it, if your last title was won for £16m, even that level of spending didn't work out too well for you in the long run, and no sane banker is going to lend you anything like that much money for a long, long time.
  20. Yes, I think we can all agree that only winning two trophies and making the last sixteen of the CL was pretty catastrophic for us. I mean, you must be on the windup. Even a rough comparison of our 12/13 and yours leaves one team looking a good bit sillier than the other, especially if you insist on bringing "expensive squads" and "lack of record-breaking points hauls" into it.
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