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Everything posted by flyingrodent

  1. Well, fans of any team that's flown high for years then suffers an almighty crash in their status are going to get a massive pish-ripping from everyone else. It's guaranteed. Most teams pick themselves up and get on with it - some come back stronger and some don't, but the general rule is that both team and fans put up with the mockery, stitch their finances back together and focus on the football. That's what happened at Celtic, at Leeds, at Motherwell, and I hope it's what happens at Hearts. What we have here is something altogether different - a bunch of fans who glue themselves together with a common contempt and paranoid hate of absolutely everyone else, with a survival instinct clawed out of spite and a mad rage for revenge for injustices that never happened in the first place. As we've seen a thousand times on this very thread, if you pin a Rangers fan down on the source of their anger, it's plainly not that the rules were broken or conspiracies proven. It's this - You were mean to us and laughed at us. Well, yes, we were and we did. It happens to every club that goes bust, and it was ten times as bad for them because they were at the top of the game for so long. They could've just sucked it up and focused on the football. Instead, it was orchestrated hate campaigns, enemies lists and cvntish proclamations not just from the fans, but from the club itself. A fairly incredible state of affairs all round, that. That's why there's no prospect of bridge-mending between fans, although you'd better believe the clubs are all in cahoots behind the scenes.
  2. Yeesh. I guess these wee victories must seem pretty grand, when you're stuck in the outer arse-end of Scottish football.
  3. Another topic we've been through before but, If by "choking on" you mean " laughing at", then you are correct.
  4. And here was me thinking it was all disguised Chelsea fans that make all those mental, nasty comments...
  5. We've been over this a bajillion times, to no avail. Once again: an action is either right or wrong in itself. It's either right to cheat and steal, or it isn't. This belief that an act can be right and just if a court finds that it isn't criminal, is the mindset of criminals. Only criminals believe in enriching themselves by doing whatever they can get away with, without getting caught. Ordinary people don't spend their days poking and probing around the edges of legality, looking for ways to profit by skirting this law or bending that rule. In fact, ordinary people correctly perceive that kind of behaviour as deliberate and intentional criminality. This is why your club are fvcked in the court of public opinion; it's the reason why you're regarded now and forever as cheats and robbers. The fact that your lawyers have helped you slime and sleaze your way out of taking responsibility for your club's actions for the time being cuts no ice whatsoever with the general public.
  6. OJ Simpson getting it right up everyone because a court found him innocent type post IMO
  7. IMO if Rangers not being accepted straight into the SPL is really the reason why Hearts are fvcked, then that proves all over again how right and just the decision to tell the Newco to GTF was. Also, if it is all over for the Jambos, they can surely just reform in the third division, call themselves The Hearts, or Edinburgh Heart of Midlothian, or Borussia Divvybaws if they want. The Airdrie chairman said it loud and clear - thanks to the Newco shenanigans, you can now call yourself whatever you like, because there are no rules any more. Hell, since we're making shit up, New Hearts should just go the whole hog, call themselves Rangers FC and claim they've won a European Cup Winner's Cup.
  8. "Please accept that Craig Whyte is solely to blame for Rangers' demise, pin all the blame on him and totally exonerate everyone else", more like. It'd take an evil genius of Machiavellian proportions, for one man to have masterminded a decade-long, howling clusterfvck like this, but "Craigy is an evil genius" is now the most convenient story left to sell to the suckers, so evil genius Craigy it is. Of course, anyone who read about CW's court cases would realise that he's not even an evil bright spark. He's a petty conman rather than a super villain. His defences were about as convincing as a six year old claiming that the cat was sick on his homework, then the dog ate the sicky homework, and then a big dragon called Kevin ate the dog. Never mind, though - if it later becomes convenient to blame it all on Charlie Green or Sir Dave or the SPL or a big dragon called Kevin, then they'll do that instead, for as long as it takes, until the story needs to be revised all over again.
  9. All these cries of "we support a full investigation" while at the same time rushing to lay all the shenanigans at the door of one man tells you exactly what kind of "full investigation" is supported IMO. After all, it's not like many Teds supported the previous investigations - the legal ones or the journalistic ones - until it became clear that Rangers would get off on a substantial chunk of the charges against them. Quite the opposite, in fact - they were kangaroo courts, remember? All attempts to damage the club and why, oh why, weren't football fans angry about Vodafone's tax dodgery? I'll wait and see whether Hector's appeal goes against them, and then we'll find out how deeply committed to transparency they are. My guess is that the principles end where the defeats begin, in justice as well as in sporting terms.
  10. There's a lot of this "you used to be decent" stuff around these days. I think it's because not much is happening and positions are settled, and it's not really an enticing prospect to join in the four thousandth "Yer deid-No we're no'" argument. What we need is a big, tasty, bullshitty disaster that enrages everybody equally, even if just for nostalgia reasons.
  11. The point wasn't that you aren't annoyed at Sir Dave and Craigy Whyte, as you well know. The point was that you "have to be poked and prodded and provoked" into laying the blame where it belongs, with a slight hint that when you do, it's plainly an irritating distraction from raging at the SPL or the bloggers or whoever. If I were sad enough to go Googling all those quotes, would I find that you'd been prodded into them by folk reminding you that your woes stem almost entirely from your former owners, rather than from - say - the BBC or the Daily Record? I think I might.
  12. I'd hardly expect you to admit it, but I think non-Rangers readers will spot the frequency with with Sir Dave gets a booting from you, your pals and your extended support, compared to the amount of time you spend beeling about bloggers, hacks, the SPL, Peter Lawell and anyone else unfortunate enough to attract your attention. And I'm glad Kincardine welcomes this new investor. May there be many more corporate governance experts just like him in the pipeline because if you've enjoyed the last few weeks' boardroom shenanigans, there's going to be a lot more where that came from.
  13. Yup, Private Eye - a magazine that can apparently predict who's going to buy into Rangers in 2013, from years ago.
  14. Given that the two are generally mutually exclusive, as has been repeatedly shown, then of course you're incapable of doing both. As has been repeatedly proven on this very thread, you have to be prodded and poked and provoked into remembering that you're a bit annoyed with Craig Whyte and Sir Dave, and even then it's not a very convincing performance.
  15. Well, maybe he's turned over a new leaf and won't spend every waking hour kicking up as much shit as possible while trying to extract as much cash from you has he can, like he does everywhere else he goes. Maybe he's only there to see the Rangers? Probably nothing to worry about.
  16. I imagine you're right - he is, after all, a convenient distraction from the enormous shite-sandwich on your plate. And I think that anyone - Rangers fans especially - who give even the vaguest of fvcks about the Rangers Tax Case blogger is a mentalist, and I find your highly selective demands for justice hilarious.
  17. A simple error, now corrected - I meant "Charlie Green". Apologies, but the older I get, the more difficult it's getting to remember which of your conman ex-directors is which. And you are, of course, correct to say that the Record don't call him an "infamous capital-hungry pirate". I called him that because that's what he is - see In The City in Private Eye, various issues over the last five years or so. Now the Record, they call him a "finance shark" then note his previous company-looting behaviour. I'd see this as very bad news if it was my club but thankfully, it isn't. But again, here we are with you parsing some guy on the internet's comments... while a giant, toothy predator circles your season ticket money. "Some MFs are always trying to ice-skate uphill", as the great philosopher Wesley Snipes once said.
  18. What, this again? Okay, I'll repeat myself - I couldn't give a fvck whether the RTC blogger is named or not. Almost nobody does - he's plainly nobody, and a nobody with a very high opinion of himself at that. He put a lot of information into the public sphere that turned out to be correct, which is about ten times more than most of the major papers did. He made many predictions that turned out to be right, and many that turned out to be wrong. In that, he's in the same boat as 100% of us who made predictions about Rangers' death and zombification, including you, me and every other joker who posted on this thread. Beyond that, who cares? Near the entire country has forgotten about some guy with a blog, except for a bunch of hilarious mentalists determined to make him "pay for breaking the law". Ironically, these zoomers are the same ones who keep getting their frilly knickers in a twist and yelping about "obsessives" whenever they take offence on websites. Ironic, really.
  19. I looked at the newspaper stand in the shop on the way home. The giant, unmissable front-page headline on the Record says that Craigy Whyte* is selling part of his shares to an infamous capital-hungry pirate who loots everything he can grab out of every company he touches. And I know he is one, because I've read about him before, in the broadsheets. As for why care, why wouldn't I? Everything about Rangers' catastrofuck is hilarious and if the LOLs are fewer and less astonishing these days, that doesn't stop them being funny. *Craigy Whyte? Pardon me, I mean Charlie Green. These club tie-wearing shysters are all starting to blend together.
  20. Damian McBride was once a major political figure in the Brown faction of the Labour Party. He's already been shat upon from a great height in a fairly minor political scandal - if the press suspected he'd been leaking confidential information about anything, they'd be all over it. Given that the RTC blogger has had contact with members of the media, we can be sure that it's not him. If it was, we would've found out ages ago. Surely everybody knows that he'll turn out to be some trumped-up, farty wee accountant with a blog. That won't stop the Rangers fans celebrating as if they'd slain a giant when they identify him, but it should certainly put all of the time, energy and passion they've ploughed into exposing him into perspective. Especially when you consider the story on the front of today's Record which is, as far as I can see, both correct and very bad news for that mob.
  21. Bad terms. You should've included "suffer an insolvency event" or "transfer to a new company" in the Death category. Youngsy can't lose, now...
  22. Probably late to spot this, but I see Airdrie United are assuming the name of the long-extinct Airdrieonians... http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22762457 Quote: Chairman Jim Ballantyne, who has been in charge since the new club was formed, explained on the club website how reverting back to the original name was possible. "When the old company went into liquidation, it was in a different football environment and the use of the name was not possible at that time," he said. "With all the recent changes, however, and subsequent rulings, it paved the way for us to make the move and therefore we set the wheels in motion". I doubt a translation is necessary, but it's something along the lines of "We used to have rules about this type of shenanigans but now that Scottish football has decided that you can be anything you want to be if you just brazen it out, we've decided to call ourselves something we aren't".
  23. Good God, this must be what it's like on UKIP forums: a bunch of folk sitting around LOLing about all the oversensitive gypsies, black people, Muslims, foreigners, lefties etc. who are inexplicably annoyed by your behaviour, presumably because they're all so thin-skinned, humourless and desperate to make you look bad.
  24. Okay, so you and your mates are The People and everybody else is not The People. Sounds legit.
  25. Rather than all this eye-rolling and LOLing, it would probably be more useful to ask: If You Are The People, as in "The People with capital letters", then what's everybody else? That might cut through to the heart of the matter.
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