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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Phil and the name game!! http://www.philmacgiollabhain.ie/the-name-game/#more-5040
  2. http://celticfanzone.net/charles-green-having-more-fun-with-sevco/?fb_action_ids=637304053054974&fb_action_types=og.comments&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582
  3. Cashley will probably offer a quid for MP.........and it will probably be accepted. Doubtful he would get planning permission but it would be a lovely place to build another Sports Direct Superstore...lol
  4. Am I right in assuming Sevco have to hand this money over to the courts who hold on to it until a decision is made on the case? If so let's hope its one of those cases that drag on and on, with appeal after appeal...lol
  5. Am I missing something here. If things are about to look up for the club and its soon to be debt free, with more investment coming in, why don't they just say to Ahmed, we will pay you what you are due by the end of the month!! I mean it's not as if Rangers (RIP) or Sevco are known to renege on debts that are owed!!!
  6. Aim is to take Rangers back to " The Promised Land" and " Back into European Competition where the big money is" says Rangers QC 3:41pm - 5 Sep 14 Bawhahahahaha!
  7. We demand proof, show us all the posts, name names, dates etc.....you know, the usual guff we get from you when you can't answer a question...lol
  8. Oh dear, even that lot appear to have accepted the inevitable. Looks like quite a few are , wait for it....ready to walk away!!...lol
  9. Have to admit, Sevco at the Sports Direct Arena has a nice wee ring to it...lol
  10. Whytey buys the club for a pound, Cashley buys the name of the stadium for a pound. Jeez a pound goes a long way these days...lol. Long gone are the days when the Rangers fans were salivating over Moonbeams "for every fiver that lot spend, we will spend a tenner" Feckin hilarious!!
  11. Not my fault if you can't read! However if you can read and you are just being plain stupid, have a wee look at it and tell me what you disagree with. I have told you I agree with everything, bar the Salary is a great guy bit. I can understand you guys getting upset over the potential 2nd demise of a team playing at Ibrox, but don't take it out on us...haha!
  12. I know the majority of Sevconians are a bit thick and slow on the uptake, but is it too difficult for even you just to hit the link?? You want my view.....Waddell is totally spot on, on everything he says in his column!!
  13. This is spot on! 5 feckin goalkeepers!! http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/gordon-waddell-like-thelma-louise-4137947
  14. Agreed, so Rangers were liquidated for failure to pay tax and NI along with hundreds and hundreds of other debts. Not sure what your point is. Whyte owned Rangers and they failed to pay their debts so Rangers were liquidated and died...end of story
  15. The very fact that the article is written by Keith "wealth off the radar" Jackson sums it up. Paul Murray, Alistair Johnston, the Sevconians all want the HMRC to be held to account. Facts are, Moonbeam sold the club without checking who he was selling it to and the club was already a basket case when Whyte took it over. That was Moonbeams responsibility, not HMRC!Some guys need to seriously look in the mirror. Seems that the death of Rangers was everybody else's fault except the club itself. That should surprise no one!
  16. Changed days from a few years ago when you lot were openly saying you would not entertain going back to the top league after they stabbed you in the back...hahaha! Dear oh dear
  17. Jeez I must have missed the old Rangers paying back the hundreds of creditors that they owed money to including a fair whack to HMRC!!
  18. Legend? Kari who? The guy is obviously a fud....does he not know they died a few years ago...lol
  19. Did Chuckie and a lot of the Sevco fans not say that they would refuse to play in the top league, if and when they got there! Fine by me as it keeps us as Glasgow's 2nd best club for the foreseeable future! Looks like they are getting heartily sick of "the journey"....lol
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