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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Can't believe Higgy wasn't or hasn't been offered a new contract. Think it's more likely that he has told Archie that he is moving on.
  2. Totally agree. But Taylor looked more likely to get a goal than Dools, so for me personally, I was surprised to see him getting hooked!
  3. To me, Higgy and O'Donnell deffo said their goodbyes today and they may be followed by Lawless. Lyle Taylor looked less than pleased getting subbed today, especially as Dools was having a shocker. Be surprised (but delighted) if he was here next season. As for Gary Fraser, he was nearly at the end of a Shaggy howitzer for stomping off towards the dressing room when subbed. He was rotten today and being honest, the boy needs to grow up pretty damn quick to resurrect his career. He can have no complaints about being subbed today!!
  4. Not good news on Stevo the knee injury he picked up against Hamilton Academical. The Scottish Premiership club say the full extent of the cartilage damage is unclear and that they therefore cannot put a timescale on his recovery. The scan showed that Ryan had suffered a medial meniscus tear," said the Thistle website of the 30-year-old. Ryan is due to go in for surgery tomorrow afternoon. Thistle added that, after the operation, their medical team "should have a much better idea of whether he will be fit to return in time to go through a full pre-season". Thistle's Stevenson facing operation joined the Glasgow club after leaving Hearts in June 2014. during Saturday's 1-1 draw on Accies' synthetic pitch. Thistle striker Kallum Higginbotham criticised the New Douglas Park surface following the game. Dundee United midfielder John Rankin and St Johnstone manager Tommy Wright have also since criticised artificial surfaces. insisted that his players enjoy playing on a surface he views as "the way forward" for Scottish football.
  5. Think that's what we would all like to know, especially The Sevconians. There is obviously more to this than meets the eye. TLK said he was investing £30m of his kids inheritance, has reduced that amount substantially since getting voted in, in fact has he put anything in? Why should such a piddling amount be such a problem, especially if it gets Ashley out of the equasion, apart from the retail deal? Why are The Sevconians giving TRRM such an easy time over this. Looks more and more like TLK can't get his hands on this type of wonga!
  6. And here it is.....Cashley wants his wonga back , NOW. Looks like he is getting a bit annoyed with THE LYING KING!! http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/mike-ashley-goes-war-rangers-5687137
  7. Exactly. It's a load a bullshit to cover his back if they don't come back up.
  8. Jeez, even looks like Wealth Off The Radar is having doubts about Glib and Shameless!!!! http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/keith-jackson-biggest-storm-yet-5589631
  9. I assume it's the rugby grounds right at Anniesland Cross. If true, it's a helluva come down from MP. Sadly these things happens when you are a Diddy club with no money, plying your trade in the 2nd tier of Scottish football!!
  10. Maybe they are about to sell Murray Park to do just that!! http://www.philmacgiollabhain.ie/on-the-move/#more-6148
  11. Red Knob appears to have had a breakdown. Pity the poor soul!
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^ Trying desperately to convince himself and seriously not enjoying the journey...lol
  13. Pretty sure a lot of the usual Sevco Neanderthals will be raging by the clubs reaction to this low life! The Twat should still be in prison!
  14. They want the vermin out but replaced by a convicted criminal and members of the old board that killed their club. Only at Ibrokes!! You honestly couldn't make it up!
  15. Why are you asking a question No 2 if you know the answer? Strange person. Anyway here is a question for you. Did the Sevco fans and management not say at the start of "the journey" that once they got promoted to the top tier they would refuse to play in it because of the way the top teams stabbed them in the back. (lol,lol) Will your team and fans stick by this bravado?
  16. My teams falling like a stone as well, but I would rather we got relegated than stay up if the end result was that Sevco got shoe horned back into the league. What is the fecking point of having rules if they are not strictly adhered to.
  17. Let's just say, given the serious fact that Sevco look unlikely to get out the 2nd tier this season, that no one should be surprised if something like this happens. The SPFL and SFA have their rules but they appear not to apply when it comes to the bigotfest that is Sevco!
  18. A Sevco fan calling someone a bigot. Pot, kettle springs to mind. Feckin unbelievable!
  19. Cowdenbeath beaten 10-0 last week and lost 23 goals in their last 5 games prior to today. The fun never stops at Ibrokes!! They are on their way right back to the top....ha!
  20. The glib and shameless one only needs to whip out a mirror and look directly into it to find the biggest crook of all!! http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/new-rangers-chief-dave-king-5288569
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