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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. Chilly one tonight lads, wrap up. Forecast says -11 in Hamilton.
  2. YAS. Fucking superb man. What a feeling. We were always gonna do it the Falkirk way, weren’t we? Referee and standside linesman giving all the aid they could, with Accies kicking us off the ball all game. Junior level jobber performance backed by a junior level support. Get it fucking round you.
  3. I’ve seen this play out too many times with a packed out crowd. We know this script all too well. Please Falkirk. Turn up this time.
  4. I am still embarrassed to be in League One - that’s never gone away and it was even worse when the clowns in positions of power dragged us closer to the mean of the incredibly poor standard of this league over a number of years. It’s no surprise when we finally got competent people operating the club both on and off the pitch that we’re back challenging at the top. That’s not to understate the amount of work that has gone into making that happen in such a short space of time; it probably actually highlights how badly the previous custodians were doing. Some might say that embarrassment is wrong, that’s fair enough - but I don’t think it’s actually too dissimilar a feeling from what has been driving the squad that is so different this season. McGlynn recruited born winners who were well aware a properly functioning Falkirk shouldn’t be at this level and they’ve been relentless since the day they came in. It’s turned us from being a soft touch where teams thought they could turn us over to the kind of Falkirk we expected when we initially came down. I do agree that if we do win the league this year (still not done and dusted, all of us know this) I’ll celebrate like mad - I’d be absolutely delighted. But it would be dishonest of me to say a significant part of that wouldn’t be out of relief that the last 5 years were over as a period in our history and that the club would be in a better position than when we came down. A catalyst would have taken place to kick on, and lessons would have been learned to never make the the same mistakes again that led to us being down here in the first place.
  5. That groundbreaking TV package as well that can televise every single English Championship game tonight, but no Scottish games.
  6. Even if they do switch ends, it’ll just fire up the crowd even more. f**k them. All the more reason to get right into them in the first half.
  7. I’ve been to far too many Falkirk games over the years where there’s been a big push for the crowd to turn out in their numbers, only for the team to not show up on the day, to think that this is a forgone conclusion. Regardless of Hamilton’s apparent issues, I think they will be up for it - they kind of have to be, as this is a must win for them. We have a better team than them - dare I say, the best squad in the league - but it’s up to the players to show that on the day. I’d like a really early goal to get Accies rocking. Play to our best and we win. Fail to show up and we could be struggling.
  8. I know crowdwanking on this thread is a running bit, but jokes aside, the extent to which our home crowds have held up after being down here half a decade and having to endure some amount of eye-bleedingly bad slop is nothing short of unbelievable tbh.
  9. I get this totally - but I’m indulging in it purely because a) it’s funny lol and b) if we don’t win it from this position, we’d be as well fucking packing it in tbf.
  10. To be honest, any desire to have Pars games next season would definitely be outweighed by the hilarity of passing them by on the way up. Would also be #NaturalOrder restored too.
  11. Totally on board with him staying, his recruitment has been absolutely spot on this year. Agree with others that a) ideally would have waited until we were definitely up to do it (but I totally get why we haven’t in terms of planning, so that’s fine) and b) I’d have preferred one year to two as I’m unsure he’s a ‘take you to the next level’ kind of manager, given his limitations. But on balance it’s a good call, gives some stability and hopefully it settles the squad and allows us to sign up the stronger players longer-term.
  12. Genuine question for those who may be in the know about these kind of things; what would the finances be behind opening up friendlies like tonight to the public? I know it might not even be entertained because managers want want to try new things, tactics etc without the public eye/a crowd, so maybe a non-starter. But put that to one side because talking about getting money into the club - say you only opened the main stand and charged 8-10 quid a head and got, say 800-1000 people showing up, would that even be financially worth it for the club or would it cost more to operate than the money brought in? Slow weekend with no actual game I know, but I do wonder whether it’s even considered or it’s just always assumed these games will be behind closed doors.
  13. It is a tricky balance. I've always thought there are some people on here who only seem to show face whenever the club is struggling or has a bad result; I've always questioned their intentions and do sometimes wonder whether they are fans that regularly go to/watch games or whether they are just shit-stirring for the sake of it. I think most people can identify these posters when we see them, and for that reason, they are often left out of discussions entirely - the thread 'self-polices', if you will! However, I do think there are, as roman_bairn said, a handful of people who take any form of criticism to heart and seek to almost stamp out discussion. Accusing posters of being overly negative, fickle, 'attacking the players' or even holding an agenda for positing pretty mild opinions like "as good as this season has been, some of our squad might not cut it at Championship level and we have to be prepared for that" or expressing concern at McGlynn's lack of tactical flexibility during games where teams have worked out how to play against us (something which has been widely levelled at him as a shortcoming throughout his managerial career) doesn't help anyone. A case and point actually comes from the TNS game; a number of posters on here labelled Nesbitt as one of the few players who got pass marks, while a bunch of others labelled him as one of the worst players on the pitch. It's what makes a discussion board interesting - people hold opinions and see the game differently. We as Falkirk fans are widely engaging in the positivity this season has brought; why wouldn't we? It's been a grim few years and things look like they are on the up - finally. Ignore the few who clearly want to drag the club down at any opportunity, but let's not drown out differing opinions or solely think that our view is the right one 100% of the time.
  14. This is common sense and hits the nail on the head and should be the end of the discussion. The club statement was spot on too. Trying to make a meal out of this 3 days later is just tedious man.
  15. 10,000 pages of unadulterated Falkirk Football Club goodness. A feat diddy clubs the length and breadth of the land with a mere modicum of our absolutely humungous fanbase could only ever dream of. Here’s to 10,000 more.
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