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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. Also aye that is grim. Did Kwarteng or Truss step up as a guest writer for that statement? Out of touch and stupid as f**k.
  2. Seen the words “change” and “manager” as I glanced at the clubs latest post and absolutely shat myself.
  3. Have to say, developing some very strong feelings for Mr Burrell already xx
  4. I get you, but I'd argue McCann been one of our best, most consistent performers since he came into the side. There's been plenty players who've had bad games who have kept their place in McGlynn's starting 11, I just get the vibe (though I may be wrong) that he ultimately wants to play Mackie there and will take any chance he can to put him back in.
  5. Anyone else a wee bit worried that the first time Leon McCann has anything approaching a below-average game, McGlynn will use it as an excuse to get Mackie straight back in at left-back?
  6. If it’s gonna be one up front, it’s Burrell over Alegria every time for me.
  7. Might all go wrong, but with what we have at our disposal in the squad, I’d argue that’s pretty much our strongest 11.
  8. I’ll sit mute in my seat for any minutes silence, but even a note of that anthem will be getting booed to f**k.
  9. What a lovely day for a game of football. I hope you're all sitting in your houses feeling suitably mournful.
  10. Anyone care to show their working on how cancelling football games, or any form of entertainment for that matter, equates to a ‘mark of respect’? Doubt she’d have been arsed if Falkirk vs Alloa went ahead or not, to be honest. On a wider scale, you’re going to have people across the country who will have booked trains, hotels etc and workers who might rely on money from these shifts having them cancelled at short notice. Riddy and a half.
  11. Better than we expected without being brilliant, but can’t and shouldn’t be expected to be a League One title challengers first-choice striker.
  12. Ken we have to try and keep perspective and an understanding that we are where we are for a reason and we deserve to be here etc etc, which is certainly the case, but when it's spelt out like that, it really is a fucking riddy. Years and years and years of mismanagement.
  13. I get your point, but tbh we did lose 2-0 to a Kelty Hearts team who haven't won a league game in 5 previous attempts, only managing a solitary goal in those games too.
  14. Moving McCann from left-back was unforgivable; I hope he learns and never does that again, but I do worry that Mackie might be one of his favourites and he'll do whatever he can to shoehorn him in there. For all the praise Nesbitt rightfully got last week, it's really disappointing to see him revert to type too. Lawal shouldn't be too far from displacing him in the team, but again Nesbitt appears to be one of McGlynn's favourites so it's not necessarily a given. In terms of the loan market, strengthening up front is a must. As much as Alegria has proved to be a serious option, I'm still not entirely convinced a side (supposedly) challenging for the League One title can have him as their first-choice option. Burrell should get a start next week but McGlynn spoke in the week about potentially using the loan market if money allows and right-back and upfront would definitely be the two areas I'd be looking at.
  15. Lawal in for Nesbitt, Burrell for Alegria, Mackie back to CB and Yeats at RB is probably what I would do after that. Lawal and Burrell I feel deserve the chance to see what kind of impact they can have from the start of a game, instead of trying to influence it off the bench. The back 4 of Yeats, Donaldson, Mackie and McCann wasn't perfect (with Mackie probably the weakest link at CB), but it was a solid enough foundation for the improved performances we we were having. If Williamson isn't fit, that's what we should be reverting to.
  16. McGlynn a lot to answer for regarding that selection. Perhaps a bit of knock back down to earth for us all (me included) after eulogising a large number of these players last week. We've still got a long way to go.
  17. McGlynn will rightly take a large amount of the flak for changing a winning team but it doesn't excuse the players performing like they have.
  18. Burrell for Alegria. Lawal for Mackie. Put McCann to left-back, move Yeats to RB and Lawal into midfield. Ken we need Yeats in midfield but no other option right now.
  19. He’s not getting a look in so I’d really hope we’re keeping tabs on Henderson at Hearts. Would imagine a couple in the Championship would be options ahead of us though.
  20. Alegria is an odd one. There’s times where he looks hench as f**k and literally batters a CB out the way - he did this well a couple of times tonight - and then the following ball that gets played up to him, he’ll look really weak and end up just falling over. It’s probably inexperience but could get quite frustrating.
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