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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. Salivating at the thought of the 'Retained/Released' list hopefully published next week. Paul punting diddies for days. Roll on Monday xo
  2. Any optimism for next season vanishes at the idea of watching Scott Shepherd in a Falkirk top again. Hartley seemed to suss him out fairly quickly. Good on him doing well at City but I'm pretty sure most Falkirk fans could have told you he was a seaside leagues level striker about three years ago. He must have had the photos on Houston, because even though he was going fucking senile by the end he wasn't so far gone to honestly think Shepherd was a potential future Falkirk striker.
  3. Sorry but also seeing people on Twitter beginning to claim "McKee isn't that bad", "there is worse in our squad" etc in response to the Herald article this morning. He was one of the biggest culprits of engaging in the complete shitebaggery that helped cause the first half of this season. One out of every 3 or 4 freekicks he'll give you a decent one, the rest of the time he passes the ball backwards and sideways and any time the game looks like going against us, he will revert to hiding and completely fall out of matches. Him and Harris should two of the first ones to be told to get to f***.
  4. The thought of McKee and Harris having another year makes me want to greet. Hope Hartley does everything in his power to chuck them.
  5. For the statisticians who know (and because I can’t be arsed working it out and seeing us in 8th just upsets me lolz), how far away are we from being mathematically safe? Expect to see squad moves as soon as that (hopefully) happens.
  6. Btw thank god we got the man Sir Paul after Coyle got snapped up by County. A busted flush.
  7. I agree. Fact he was constantly played out of position didn’t help. It was plainly obvious he wasn’t a wide player despite the fact he kept getting played there, and clear he was best deployed behind the strikers. Isn’t really the grafting type though, so won’t have fitted into Hartley’s plans.
  8. Another one bites the dust... ETA: Kerr and McKee next please xx
  9. Beginning to think this total clusterfuck of a season has relegation written all over it, doesn't it?
  10. I'd heard Miller and Kerr but no idea how much weight that has to it.
  11. Would actually be the highlight of the season so far tbh.
  12. http://www.deadlinenews.co.uk/2017/11/15/falkirk-manager-paul-hartley-vowed-stand-kevin-ohara-wake-strikers-eight-game-ban/?platform=hootsuite
  13. If it stops Harris getting a game I’m all for it.
  14. Paul Hartley is the best candidate for the job, which probably means we won't appoint him.
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