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    Raith Rovers

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  1. Tait is a good signing for them tbf. I see from Falkirks pre season pics thats where our sports scientist has ended up aswell.
  2. Cheers. Its great we have a proper structure through the club now that they are prepared for anything like this. In the past it would set us back a fair bit if we lost the manager. I hope Murray does stay and I think he will but wouldn't blame him if an approach was made.
  3. Article on the courier website with Barrowman talking about Murray being linked to Hibs but stuck behind a paywall. Anyone a subscriber and can give the rundown of what was said?
  4. Tbf thats more your opinion than a fact. Hes been a solid enough player for us over the last couple seasons but its an area we need drastic improvement regardless what league we are in.
  5. Aye just seen Murrays interview from weekend. Looks like hes back which is a big plus for us if thats the case.
  6. Hopefully Murray and Dabrowski are back for this one not sure on Millen but assume it was at least a 2 match ban. I'd go back to the 4231. Dabrowski McGill Corr Murray Dick Brown Byrne Connolly Turner Gullan Hamilton
  7. This is a tricky game. Our form has been patchy for a few games now but still finding a way to pick up points. Will need to be switched on for this.
  8. Anyone able to get the game on the fire stick? Can’t see it only showing the Falkirk game
  9. Millen has been more than solid for us pretty much since the ICT game early last season. He might not be the best in the air but his all round play is very good.
  10. Hes raw but all the talent is there. His pace should be a huge asset for you guys.
  11. I thought Masson had a really good game Saturday. These injuries might be a great opportunity for him to get some real minutes under his belt alongside Murray.
  12. Getting an extra £8,500 in tickets is a no brainer. Hopefully getting the singing section in the south stand makes it a better atmosphere.
  13. McGlynn was the same with us. First season was average then when he had a couple windows to get the players he wanted he got the job done. Looks like it could be your year this season with only Hamilton really looking like challenging.
  14. If we have the budget to bring anyone in I think first priority is a defensive player. Ideally someone who can cover LB and CB or an attacking LB and move Dick into central role as mentioned above. Another big striker to come on for Hamilton would be good as well but its finding one that's useful at this level.
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