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Everything posted by AyrTroopMajor

  1. Absolutely shambolic. Played off the park two weeks in a row by a third tier outfit and now probably done ourselves out of an extra signing. Utterly predictable as well who would miss the penalty. Well done to all concerned. Fuuuuuuck me.
  2. Boy in my class at school used to thump his head off the table whenever the teacher asked a question and he got the answer wrong. And I mean thumped. Actually arched his head backwards to create maximum momentum for the follow through. Met him a few years after we left school on the train between Glasgow and Ayr and he had just got a new girlfriend (his first). Spent the entire journey banging on about her and asking if I had a girlfriend, knowing full-well that I didn't. Turned out she dumped him a week later and went off with some other guy on their music course. Get it right f***ing up him.
  3. The Fugitive. Will never be anything other than an absolute belter. 9/10.
  4. Fully agree. As a general rule, nothing featuring Rebel Wilson is allowed on in my house due to the fact that she is a fat goblin with no comedic abilities whatsoever.
  5. Biggest game of wee Stranraer's season tomorrow, we need to be at the races and deliver a professional performance. I would line up with something similar to the team that finished the Falkirk game. I trust everyone has their ticket...
  6. An absolutely shambolic keeper with an attitude problem. Wish you'd done this 7 months ago.
  7. Falkirk will ragdoll Berwick, as will the majority of the Lowland League based on what I saw from them. It's a shame to be honest, they are woefully unprepared for this level of competition.
  8. Based on what i saw on Saturday, Falkirk will absolutely body all diddies that rock up to The Falkirk Stadum in League One this season. They seem to have put together a very competent Championship squad. Shame they've only succeeded in doing this post-relegation.
  9. Hearing we're taking the Segregation Fence down for this one. See you all soon Bayrns.
  10. Absolutely vile. Whoever agreed to that at HTFC should be binned immediately.
  11. The 6-3 game was the season before. A Mark Roberts tactical masterclass featuring Gordon Pope, Kevin Kyle and Anthony Marenghi.
  12. Wee Stranraer outing themselves as the small-time diddies that they are with an entire article about Ayr United. Disappointed but not surprised. http://www.stranraerfc.org/index.php/77-latest-news/1532-moy-gal
  13. Has anyone on here ever taken the time to do this? Is it easy/worth the money etc? Thinking of getting it as a gift for a family member so any advice would be appreciated.
  14. I get what you are saying, but other demonstrations don't include people openly singing about 'Fen***s' and the UVF on the streets, which to me is quite blatant criminal behaviour as much as it would be if it were racist or homophobic slurs. Treating each demonstration/march (Orange Walks/Scottish Independence Marches/Anti-War Rallies/Pride etc) on it's own merit, there is a clear sinister element to Orange Walks that is simply not in evidence at the others. Banning it is a no-brainer for me.
  15. Genuinely curious as to why? Never attended one in my life but any videos that I have seen of them invariably feature audible sectarianism from those in attendance. If we're serious in this country about eradicating sectarianism then why would there be any moral or legal issue in banning it?
  16. As a general rule, any shirt with an Asian betting company as a sponsor is utterly s***e. File Crystal Palace right in there with Wolves, Newcastle, Burnley etc. Absolutely horrific.
  17. I actively will every Scottish team to win with the exception of Rangers. That includes Celtic. I've never personally met a Celtic fan or for that matter a Killie fan that I actually dislike, but Rangers fans are, on the whole, odious c***s and I have no desire to see them succeed in any of their endeavours. I hope that answers the question.
  18. I read at the end of last year that the fan protests had worked and that Monday night games were to be abolished. When does that come into effect?
  19. No idea what to expect but a big opportunity for him.Sure at some point we'll see Steven Gerrard at Somerset, enjoying our luxurious facilities.
  20. Fairly happy with anything that isn't Somerset Boab.
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