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Everything posted by AyrTroopMajor

  1. That's fair enough, in the spirit of the thread, I'm not gonna hit you with a meme or anything like that. I do have a question though; Does it not bother you that we, as a nation, are voting predominantly on the opposite end of the political spectrum as those down south? Its not a new argument and I appreciate that, but are you okay with the fact that, even if every single person in Scotland voted for the same political party, it still wouldn't make a damned bit of difference to the result of a general election?
  2. An absolute howler again for Sunderland at the weekend. Won't be long before its reflected in the home attendances. People, however passionate and loyal, have better things to do at a weekend than watch an absolutely spineless attempt to grab a 0-0 draw against mediocre opposition. Absolutely sick of it. As stupid as it sounds, I look at Newcastle with envy at the moment. When you're scoring goals, pulling in the crowds and winning games, who really gives a f*** what division it's in.
  3. Somerset stil has a couple of enclosures at the front of the stand, one for home fans and one for away fans, depending on numbers.
  4. I just don't see the point in his ownership to be honest. Why own a club if he has no ambition to see it progress? There is no reason that Sunderland as a club should be languishing as much as they are, everything is in place bar the team on the pitch. The recruitment in recent years has been absolutely pathetic, and it all stems from Short's unwillingness to make a proper go at it.
  5. Ellis Short really needs to either properly invest in Sunderland or sell up to someone who will.
  6. Sunderland's population is only 270k, and manages to average around 43k crowds, which is pretty decent already. There's no need to expand the stadium at the moment, and I can't ever see it happening tbh. Glad to see that the club are replacing the pink seats though.
  7. Charles N'Zogbia scored for Sunderland on Saturday. Christ...
  8. Newcastle United: After the embarrassment of last season's relegation, featuring hilarious cameo's from Steve McLaren, The True Geordie and the always entertaining Michael Ashley, Newcastle will be heavy, heavy favourites to bounce straight back this season. The 3 wins out of 10 'Messiah' Rafael Benitez signing a new contract has brought a lot of excitement to Tyneside, and Newcastle have done well so far in the transfer window, so there is no reason why they shouldn't be sitting in the top 2 come the end of the season. Sunderland: Shafted by The FA's amateurish way of interviewing potential England managers, Sunderland's pre-season has stalled in a very bad way. They had the right man in charge to stabilise what is probably the most unstable club in the league, but events this Summer, stemming from Roy Hodgson deciding that Raheem Stering is a good player and Harry Kane is the right man to take corners, has led to Sunderland losing the man that they hoped would take them to the next level. Moyes looks set to take the job if/when Allardyce does go, but is he the right man for the job? Boro: A team on a total high with some excellent business done so far by Karanka to bring in Negredo and Victor Valdes, would be no surprise if Middlesbrough end the season as the highest ranked team in the region. Travel to Sunderland on the second matchday which will see the two pictured below renew acquaintances.
  9. Just got round to watching the Sportscene Highlights today, and I've got to say that the ending was brilliant. The sound of the fans singing Sunshine On Leith with footage showing Hibs previous Cup Final defeats before showing the moment they finally clinched it genuinely got to me. Absolutely delighted for my pal that's a Hibs fan. As for the absolutely ridiculous stuff appearing in the media, Rangers should be genuinely ashamed of their actions in the aftermath of the game. What followed was a shambolically put-together rant with no purpose other than to tarnish what was undoubtedly one of the best days in Hibs' history. Regarding those who have and still are partaking in the Rangers paranoia, i.e. the club themselves, the Daily Record, 'Ibrox Loyal' and the rest of the cretinous element of their fanbase, get to f*** and accept the defeat and the goading with a little bit of dignity.
  10. Might be wrong but is one of your coaches waving the players back to their own half as if to say 'never mind celebrating, lets win this in normal time'? Seems like that to me when I watch it but maybe he was just giving some frantic fist-pumps.
  11. My view really echoes that of other neutrals in that you were very, very unlucky, but I disagree with those who are having a go at Falkirk's first half performance. ICT didn't exactly pound your goal in the 1st half and let's not forget that you were a foot away from scoring with that 30 yard effort from Vaulks. In the end, I think your players saw a chance to win the game in the 90 minutes and paid the price for showing a bit too much ambition. ETA: my girlfriend had never been to a football game in her life before Saturday, and when I asked her what her favourite part was, she said 'When Falkirk scored'.
  12. It was brilliant to watch. Regardless of what happened after it, moments like that are what it's all about.
  13. Posted on the match thread but thought I'd post on here too, what a fucking noise when Grant scored by the way. Was in the wee neutral area down beside the Inverness end and the noise gave me the chills. Know yous will still be gutted at the result, but if its any consolation, Grant sticking his noggin on the end of that cross gave me one of my favourite football experiences to date. The fact that Falkirk had over half the town's population at that game has proven that the game up here's no as dead as some folk seem to think.
  14. What a brilliant game to go to as a neutral. The atmosphere in the pub in the centre of Glasgow before it was fantastic, fans of both sides singing loudly and never seen more uncomfortable-looking bar staf in my life! As for the game, thought Falkirk just edged it overall and were horrifically unlucky not to win it. The roar when Grant scored was unreal, as was the 'WE'RE BLUE, WE'RE WHITE...' after it. Proper goosebumps. Congrats to ICT, yer a bunch of b*****ds for only existing since 1994 and winning more than we've managed since 1910, but well done anyway!
  15. Got tickets for me and my girlfriend off the SFA site in the Neutral section, can't wait for this. If I was waiting for Ayr to get there, I'd be waiting forever. For the simple reason that i did not appreciate being spunked on 7-1 at Somerset by Inverness Caley Thistle, I'll be hoping Falkirk win. No that I'm still bitter...
  16. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=278932#entry1062443650 DutchBlueGuard, on 26 Jan 2015 - 10:29 PM, said: Shout out to RangersMedia user B1872 for suggesting the following: "Up to our knees in big trophies mate". What an absolute balloon.
  17. They were quick enough to shaft Michael Moffat for betting, Simonsen's got off lightly. Nae complaints like, he's dugshite and the longer Sevco 5088 continue to field dugshite players producing dugshite results in front of dugshite crowds, the happier I shall be.
  18. Haw haw, wrap that pish right now. We're on the same side here...
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