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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. That latest report follows the same formula as their "all 11 Gers players were assaulted or spat on" thing. They take what happened and magnify it by 5 and then report it as fact. These Daily Record 'journalists' offer nothing to society whatsoever. All they do is cause anger or scorn.
  2. What is it likely to get then? I am ignorant about the laws here. I think morally if someone tried to punch a Rangers player who is walking off the pitch doing nothing, then that person deserves jail. But I am no judge (obviously).
  3. * Anyone attacking Rangers players should be jailed. * Anyone shoving Rangers players should be banned from football. * The Hibs fans who went all the way up to the edge of the stand to goad Rangers fans are almost certainly bellends, but they aren't going to be punished for goading. * There were only a handful of Hibs fans goading until Rangers fans decided to belt out the The Billy Boys. This brought hundreds more Hibees over to join in the goading. * I reckon hardly any Rangers fans were aware of any assaults on their players at the time. Unless they all happened to be looking at all Rangers players at all times. * Even if they were aware, the Rangers fans came onto the pitch considerably AFTER the players had left the pitch. Which makes the Rangers statement they were protecting their players an utter lie. * So the only reason Rangers fans came on was because they couldn't handle a good old fashioned goading, and they wanted a fight. * Any fan of either team caught throwing a punch or kicking on the pitch deserves jail (unless I'm self defence) - that includes the guy in a suit who swung a kick at the Hibs fan as he ran past in the dugout area. * Keith Jackson, Chick Young and James Traynor: GIRFUY. * The reaction to the whole episode by P&B Rangers fans is level-headed and mostly responsible - but Jesus Christ the majority of their support really are utter cretins with the emotional maturity of a 10 year old.
  4. Happy with the signings and the fact we've got business done early, but I don't see this propelling us from 7th to 1st. 7th to 4th perhaps. Based on the last 1.5 seasons, there is sadly no evidence whatsoever that the management team have got what it takes. Delighted to be wrong of course but I won't be getting at all excited about next season at the moment.
  5. Just wait for the next statement that reveals the subs were ruthlessly attacked, the management team stabbed, the physio headbutted, the 9 in a row heroes slapped, David Murray's wife indecently assaulted, and the Team doctor subjected to a brutal and sustained goading from which he will never recover.
  6. The police need to start rounding up these goaders. They can't be allowed to run free in society, disgusting people. Apparently there was a goader living 3 houses up from me for several years. I had no idea. Just think at any time he could have walked out his house and started goading innocent passers-by. The police knew him. He was on the Goader Register but they didn't tell the neighbours because apparently the cúnt has a right to a life. Aye right. Try telling that to the victims of the goading, many of whom are traumatised to this day.
  7. Yes, except the Rangers fans only came on after all their players were safely indoors.
  8. I will say a prayer tonight for the victims of the serious goading incidents that took place on Saturday. IMO the Rangers fans were left with literally no option but to enter the field of play looking for a fight, and to sing sectarian songs. The goaders should be thoroughly ashamed. Goading is a crime and we need to eradicate both goading and goaders from modern society. You certainly wouldn't catch Rangers fans goading away fans at Ibrox, would you?
  9. Keith Jackson, Chick Young and James Traynor. A hat-trick of absolute cretins. Is there anyone at all in the MSM who will call out this Rangers statement for the shameless dribbling nonsense that it is?
  10. Fair play to you and I have to say most "bears" (shudder) on here have been gracious and balanced in defeat. Pity they didn't let you write their club statement today.
  11. "We acknowledge that a tiny minority of Rangers fans also encroached on the pitch but only after having been faced with prolonged and severe provocation and in order to protect our players and officials who were being visibly attacked in front of them Any club’s supporters would have done the same." So the provocation was "prolonged" before this "tiny minority" reacted and invaded the pitch. By which time the players and officials were already safely inside the dressing room and so there was no one left to "protect". So it doesn't make any sense whatsoever Traynor, you haivering wà nkstain.
  12. "The Club would like to commend Rangers fans for the restraint they showed under severe provocation" I guess entering the pitch to fight and singing sectarian songs is what they call "restraint" down Ibrox way.
  13. And the point goes sailing right over your head. A diddy team ending a 114 year hoodoo just scored an injury time winner after a season of heartache. This doesn't compare to anything Rangers have done in terms of explosions of joy and relief.
  14. As an Old Firm fan who likes loaded competitions his team can win regularly, you will literally never understand the explosion of joy we just saw from the Hibs fans. That's why they invaded the pitch. Unlucky.
  15. Exactly. Andy Walker doing more than anyone to put the focus on the pitch invasion. Weren't there pitch invasions all over the English playoffs throughout the last week? Yes it's wrong but Walker made it sound like an act of war or something.
  16. Deleting old posts so they don't get quoted Still makes me laugh. What an absolute fucking embarrassment.
  17. I, for one, am astounded that you aren't getting which aspect of this he is comparing. Normally you seem pretty switched on.
  18. Whether you agree with him or not, you have to give credit to nacho for providing supporting documentation for his argument. And like it or not he has all the major footballing bodies on his side. Yes he is blinkered to anything other than his preferred reading, but it's his team and we all get biased to our own teams. And I'd much rather have him debating on here than "blogs lol" or "you missed an apostrophe you brain dead diddy moron" type input from certain other Bears.
  19. Yes! Youngsy is putting in an appearance Standby for lots of WATP style rhetoric from another grown man who needs to support a winning team in a top heavy competition in order to feel good about life.
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