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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. "According to Haggerty, representatives of the Rangers board threatened to reinstate legal action over the Spiers column unless she was sacked" I have difficulty accepting that. She is like a green version of Tedi, totally unable to see things objectively. So I treat her opinions with extreme caution.
  2. Any journalist tweeting or supporting anything to do with Spiers will duly have their character assaninated and assumed to be part of an anti-Rangers campaign, by the usual suspects for whom defending literally everything Rangers do is their raison d'être.
  3. I had exactly the same thought. If I recall correctly, the video on the news I saw was Findlay just joining in with all the other fans at the party in the billy boys sing song. He wasn't doing a solo with a mic or anything. Maybe that's why youngsy is insisting he only sang The Sash. There's an interview with him where he says he considered suicide, hardly the words of man who sang one "non-sectarian" song.
  4. And Scotsman said it was two songs: http://www.scotsman.com/news/the-two-faces-of-donald-findlay-qc-1-714392 Mr Findlay's comments have surprised those who felt the prominent lawyer had successfully rehabilitated himself after his public disgrace in 1999. The then vice-chairman of Rangers Football Club was filmed at a post-season party singing The Sash, and another anti-Catholic song that included the lyric "up to our necks in ****** blood". The pictures were splashed over the national press and the video was played on television. Mr Findlay was forced to resign from the board of Rangers Football Club and stand down as rector of St Andrews University. He was also fined 3,500 by the Faculty of Advocates
  5. BBC and independent and guardian all claim Findlay sang The Billy Boys at some point or other. They could well be wrong though. But why did Findlay resign if it wasn't a sectarian song, youngsy? Why was he fined £3,500 by the faculty of advocates?
  6. Maybe you film every conversation you have benno but the rest of us tend not to.
  7. You think Spiers made this all up out of thin air, because you think he doesn't like Rangers? And you're calling other people paranoid! Wasn't that long ago Donald Findlay was filmed singing TBB. And the vast majority of Rangers fans have sang it at one point in their lives. Thousands of them were at it a month ago. It's hardly unthinkable that a director said he liked the song. It *is* actually quite a powerful chant but its content is wrong and it needs stopped. I just don't see how you can flat out call Spiers a liar. No "not sure about that" or "I doubt that"... Just straight to "liar". The man himself is sticking by what he said. I wonder if in a parallel universe there is Tedi the Celtic fan. You need to get away from assessing the validity of a point from purerly based on who is saying it and what team you think they support.
  8. Maybe the director is denying saying that and so you have a standoff. We don't know the context of the conversation. If Rangers threatened to sue the Herald then that would put the paper on The List and therefore I'm not surprised the Herald issued an apology. They are protecting their sales. I highly doubt Spiers would make this up. At the very worst there is a misunderstanding. As an aside, didn't Rangers say they will deal with the "minority" would were caught singing sectarian words at the Hibs game? I take it the CCTV reviews are working as well for that as they are for the bottle throwing incident against Morton?
  9. Magee pollutes the Stirling Albion board these days instead (we are his wee team, lucky us). Believe me if Njord is Magee then he has toned down his chat 99% from what we have to endure.
  10. Neil Doncaster: "The third option (starting Rangers in the bottom division) I was keen to stress yesterday, would inflict massive damage on the whole of the game in Scotland and effectively punish 41 innocent clubs for the misdeeds of one" Most of us didn't need the benefit of hindsight to see he is a spineless scaremongering arsehole.
  11. Basically if someone else made a statement before you did, then you can claim it wasn't you who said it. Bennett logic.
  12. Quite right chief. If you say there's a FIFA statement then no sane question would question you. Your opinion is like DNA evidence - infallible.
  13. I'd like to put my hand up and say Mike Ashley is a total kunt. He deserves hee haw and people only support him because he is out to harm Dave King. They are a pair of kunts actually. I think you're overstating how many diddies and Tic fans support Ashley.
  14. Don't think I've ever been wound up in my life. Only person FB winds up is himself.
  15. Think I've replied to about 5 of your 500 verbal vomits. I'm just glad we're all clear that you're boring and crap, I couldn't stand the thought of you thinking you were actually winding people up. And you're clearly hurting at people laughing at Rangers, which is why you reinvented your online persona. So I'm happy now I've got that off my chest. Thanks.
  16. ...or (3) be funny. Which shull is. Whereas you are just hopeless. Imagine failing at being a troll :lol:
  17. A wee hint to forever_clichés: if you're going to be a troll (1) be subtle, and (2) don't tell people you're trying to be a troll.
  18. Turn off your cliche generator. What's the longest you've gone without saying "tears" or "tear stained" or "tantrum"? Your posts add nothing since you decided to act the arse. We'd be better off without you. See how I typed that without losing my cool? You should try it some time.
  19. Every time you reply with your unoriginal tripe, it is confirmation things get to you. Otherwise you wouldn't be here having a go at anyone who says anything against Bigot FC Its like a woman with PMS, continually lashing out at anything and everyone
  20. "OMG you're all obsessed!!! I am here to laugh at you all!!!" In other words "please stop laughing at us, I find it upsetting". Good to know it gets to you. If you truly came here for laughs you wouldn't spend your whole time insulting those who make you chortle.
  21. ...yet the vast majority of you fans supposedly wanted to start in the 3rd division. (Of course this was only cause they were scared of finishing 8th or something; and from a horribly wrong belief that their absence would kill off other SPL outfits)
  22. As soon as Phil starts a sentence with "I understand" you can pretty much ignore the rest of the article.
  23. A guy who wrote a letter to the First Minister (the fucking First Minister) about a banner is in no position to be using the phrase "utterly embarrassing" about anyone else.
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