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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. Nicely summarised. No doubt he'll get something right one of these days, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.
  2. Phil has a strong track record of writing unsubstantiated pish which turns out wrong, or (as in the example above) he just states the obvious - of course if Rangers have to park 500k they'd be in trouble. The guy has no credibility. He makes claim after claim hoping one of them is true. He doesn't explain the dozens he gets wrong. If tweeting football inside info was a league contest, Mad Phil would be in the relegation zone. His "source" is probably just winding him up. And in any case who inside Ibrox would talk to him?? It's like someone at Celtic Park giving Leggat exclusive inside info.
  3. This reminds of when there was post-liquidation talk of placing newco Rangers in the SPL but with a transfer ban in place. The thought of being "uncompetitive" (ie losing more games than they won) was so unpalatable that there was a sudden clamour of volunteering to to go to SFL3. There are many Rangers fans for whom winning is all that matters. I am sure a sizeable minority will be concerned though, but the ones with the massive entitlement attitude seem to be the ones with the loudest voices. The fans moan when the board overspends, then a new chief exec comes in to finally talk some sense, then soon enough the fans want him bullied into overspending again. It will be funny watching their (now sky high) expectations being dashed if it doesn't come off.
  4. ^ ^ ^ anxiously waiting on his Mum to shout up the stairs that his cheesy pasta is ready.
  5. I actually pity you that you don't see what's wrong half the time. AWRA alias creation procedure: 1. Add three tablespoons of Whataboutery to a large pan. 2. Break in two doses of Triumphalism. 3. Stir frantically for two minutes, then sprinkle in a healthy dose of Casual Racism. 4. Do NOT add any self awareness - it will spoil the dish entirely. 5. Garnish with Still Living With Mum. 6. Create new email, alias, and fake IP address. 7. Login, make 20 posts in first hour. Make sure all posts are in bad taste. 8. Say something especially stupid. Get banned. Go back to step 1 (unless Mum has shouted you down for dinner).
  6. Bennett may be a woeful poster but his sexuality is about as relevant as his eye colour. Mentioning the fact he is gay is as tolerable as mentioning someone's race. Cut it out.
  7. Far be it from me to defend a Bear but I agree with this. There is so much material out there to laugh at Rangers with if you so choose, just leave the disaster memorial statue out of it. And you don't need to be personally "outraged" by something to know that it's wrong.
  8. Sounds like a job for bennett. Especially if it keeps him off this message board.
  9. "There's no disputing these numbers". Haha what a bunch of idiots. Too busy trying to portray the usual false sense of superiority that they failed to check a blatant error. Pleasing.
  10. I happen to reluctantly accept continuation but when an organisation's chief executive says a CVA is necessary to "preserve history", the head of communications says it's a new club, and you aren't allowed to enter European competition, you can understand the ambiguity? But the main reason people say it's a new club is none of the previous reasons: it's because most people think if you get liquidated because you can't agree a CVA, you don't deserve to carry on as you were. Consider also that it is in no way in UEFA or SFA's interests to say "Rangers are a new club". Even although it's a hugely grey area, these organisations will never want to piss off some of their most successful clubs by wiping out their history. Plus it opens a big can of worms about every club that moves parent company for reason other than an insolvency event. Plus even if UEFA did say "it's a new club", you'd still disagree. People quote a source because it backs up their opinion, not because they believe everything from that source. As it stands, a club could get liquidated every single season between now and 2020, but still keep the same history. That can't be right. But by your logic Rangers could do that and still be the same club. So it's a grey area. My take is it's the same club but it's a break in history and a pretty heavy dose of embarrassment to boot.
  11. No one is denying various people have said it is more competitive without Rangers. Literally no one. What we're debating is the part where you said the media and "many P&Bers" had claimed many teams would be vying for the title. Dave made a comment about competing with Celtic which can be interpreted many ways. So as it stands you have listed a grand total of one person, and it's highly tenuous at best. Now, if you don't mind, please list the media outlets and the various other P&Bers who thought several teams would be vying for the title. It's a straight question. Will you duck it Tedi-style? 1. Dave J (which everyone else either disagrees with, or considers his statement too ambiguous to draw conclusions from) 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5. ? 6. ?
  12. List of evidence brought so far: 1. An ambiguous remark from Dave J about competing with Celtic, which is at best open to interpretation. Specifically which other people, or media outlets do you genuinely consider believed that "many teams" would be "vying for the title"?
  13. Bennett is showing tremendous courage here. In the face of overwhelming evidence and countless posters dismantling his point, it would be easy to cave in. Instead he chooses to keep spouting utter drivel that even he himself doesn't believe anymore, rather than admit his "many teams vying for the title" claim was clearly a step too far and not a statement anyone in their right mind would make over the course of a season. People claiming the league is competitive are generally media types who need to talk up our game, and they are referring to the fact that one of the behemoths was no longer in the league, therefore giving everyone a chance of finishing 2nd for the first time in 15 years.
  14. Oh what the hell... I've copied you with the red dots. NOW can I be in your PM gang?
  15. Currant isn't a term we should be using IMO, even if it doesn't offend you personally. It causes problems for enough other people and there isn't really much need for it. The world would be a better place if we did away with currants and tiims and no surrenders and orange bstrds etc.
  16. "No Surrender". It's such an innocent, everyday phrase, isn't it Bendy? I just did a search for the phrase "No surrender" in my work Inbox. That's over 30,000 emails. Didn't find it mentioned once. I can only conclude my work is overrun by hysterical, perenially-offended mhorons.
  17. It is perfectly possible to dislike Rangers more than Celtic for whatever reason, and yet not be a Celtic supporter by any stretch. Just about every regular non-OF supporter who posts on here gets labelled a Celtic fan or has a superfluous 'h' inserted somewhere into their name. It's childish and daft. Regards, BhinoBalls.
  18. All Bendy's opinions are fed into a special Sevco Filter at the periphery of his brain. The Sevco Filter works as follows: Inputs: Reasonable, balanced opinions. Outputs: Rabid biased viewpoints and inappropriate use of smileys. It doesn't require any batteries but it does require the user to connect to the internet weekly to upload the latest biased group opinions on all matters relating to Rangers FC.
  19. So why is Dingwall so widely disliked? He represents some sort of supporters organisation, right?
  20. Funny as fck. I like the guy who says "The days of spending £12 million on players are finally back. I smell a raid on the Premiership."
  21. Nah, "LOL @ Celtic" can't have been him. He told us last week he hadn't heard of P&B until August 2012. He would never lie, he's a stand up guy. The fact they have exactly - and I do mean exactly - the same style and the same familiarity with Dumbarton is just one massive coincidence. And the insuation he disappeared when his team had their horrendous summer, only to surface again giving it the big 'un just as the team sheets for the Brechin game were being announced, is nothing more than random chance. I, for one, believe him. And I will fiercely attack anyone who speaks against him.
  22. If I had wee man syndrome I'd simply change my team to Rangers and shout WATP to compensate. From the tone of your daily proclamations and persistent over-use of smileys, I'd say you're the one with the need to compensate for some sort of insecurity. My money's on a height problem. Or a baldness issue. Or an exceptionally hairy back. Or all 3. Yes, probably all 3.
  23. More like it's profoundly important for your fragile ego to have some aspect of the entire debacle to cling to and give the full GIRFUY treatment to, thereby satisfying your genetic daily lust to feel superior to others.
  24. Let's face it, if Tedi was born in Torquay, he'd support Man Utd. If Bennett was born in Benidorm, he'd be a Real Madrid fan. If Bendarroch was born in Denmark, he'd have rejected all Danish teams in favour of Bayern Munich, and would spend his spare time informing supporters of Brøndby and Nordsjælland of their implicit inferiority.
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