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Everything posted by BinoBalls

  1. RedRob can't see basic sense because of the vast forest of whataboutery in front of his eyes.
  2. Are you, Tedi of BRALT, actually accusing other people of not being open minded??
  3. You're absolutely right - it's first class whataboutery. Why not just admit Rangers did something very wrong and deserved punished, rather than pointing fingers everywhere else?? "Yes I committed a murder but that guy over there assaulted someone last weekend, what about him?!"
  4. B-b-but those medals were won fair and square on the Athletics track!! The fact there was systematic cheating to give athletes an unfair advantage is irrelevant! The Russians should march on Seb Coe's house to protest!
  5. So Rangers winning is now for our fallen heroes? For f**k's sake. Someone have a word with Mr Tavernier please. As if Alloa winning would have made any difference to those who gave their lives. Another example of how too many muddle headed people at Ibrox think rememberance day is somehow partly to do with Rangers FC. Insulting, tasteless nonsense. I shouldn't be surprised but I am.
  6. Has Tedi actually deleted lots of previous posts or is this an exaggeration? Because going back and deleting lots of stuff on a football forum in order to prevent people quoting you really is tragic stuff. And from the man who is always saying he doesn't take this place too seriously...
  7. You inflate your wage capacity by running an illegal scheme which means you can pay players you perhaps otherwise couldn't afford. If you cannot see that then you are an idiot. Of course other teams "could" still beat rangers. EBTs didn't guarantee victory. But it gave Rangers an unfair advantage. Now answer my question rather than inventing your own one.
  8. Do you believe that illegally inflating your wage capacity is fair on the other clubs in a competition? Yes or no. Preferably without any whataboutery.
  9. "The players won the solverware on the park fair and square" - typical thick footballer attitude. Billy Dodds loves a bit of that too. It doesn't stand up to any kind of logic. Rangers won the title by a bawhair a couple of times - if their playing budget was 5% less then they probably wouldn't have done so. It's common sense. Same way Lance Armstrong and Ben Johnson cheated to gain a small but significant edge over their rivals. I can to an extent understand that players of other teams are hardly going to have the questionable taste to be publically clamouring for a medal, years after they lost a game. But the competitions should be voided simply because it's the right thing to do when cheating is involved. It's not so much about giving titles to other clubs - it's about taking them *off* the cheats. I don't believe the authorities will strip anything - because it's Rangers, basically. If this had been Dundee or Stranraer or Ayr etc then absolutely titles would be stripped. But there is already a PR offensive from their fluffers in the Daily Record to make sure they keep them, and grinning imbeciles like Doncaster won't do anything to upset the country's biggest club. And any Rangers fan who disagrees with this - ask yourself what you'd be saying if this had been Celtic. (Special prize to first one who says they don't care about other clubs unlike the obsessed on here blah de blah de blah...)
  10. I'm glad other fans having a good laugh at Rangers gets to you. I will make a concerted effort to come here more often henceforth.
  11. They should have their titles stripped. That's what would happen if this had been a diddy club. Should be no different here.
  12. What have you been doing typically? I've been banned from hills, boylesports, betfred and Stan James - all because I primarily was only betting on their special offers (e.g. Horse finishes 2nd then you get a free bet). But I have five accounts with bet365 and not a single ban or restriction so far. Bookies can use your IP Address or your registered postal address and if it links back to any previous account you had banned, then they can make that link. So maybe the first account you had banned dabbled in some arbitrage, or had too many winners, or you took every single offer and bonus offered to the maximum stake?? Thereafter every account you've opened has been linked back to that one which is why you barely last a few days. There's no rhyme or reason sometimes why they ban you though and it's definitely frustrating when you get no explanation. I got a pay as you go phone and never used wifi, which fooled Will Hills for a few months until they caught up and banned that one too.
  13. So have Alloa managed to hang on to most of last season's squad? How are optimism levels as things stand?
  14. I'm not sure any other footballing nation does the GIRUY factor when celebrating a goal, as well as Scottish Football fans.
  15. This utter pish is representative of a lot of the somewhat thicker Rangers fans' mindsets at that time. Reeling from the hurt of liquidation and unable to cope with being laughed at by everyone else, they quickly sought comfort from targeting new world records to feel superior about. Hateley should have been concentrating on how to make Rangers more sustainable. No wonder they went out and bought loads of expensive foreigners to win the bottom league when you've got idiots like that fuelling the fire. And no wonder it all came crashing down. A bit less arrogance and bit more humility next time Mr Hateley. Arse.
  16. Who is going to pick up responsibility for posting links to mad Phil's blogs now? Or shall we take turns? I think Dhen will be back in some form. Posting about rangers seemed to be his #1 hobby.
  17. You've misunderstood what is meant by "whataboutery". I will explain the difference but I've a feeling you'll be too stubborn to budge from your original interpretation. Whataboutery is when you deflect a criticism by pointing out something else that someone else has done in order to even things up and minimise the effect of the original criticism, without having any intention of discussing the original complaint. A sort of "race to the bottom" from a moral standpoint. That doesn't mean every time someone compares two things, they are employing whataboutery. Mr X plainly wasn't. I look forward to you sticking to your original point of view regardless.
  18. There is a big difference between lying and spin. Perhaps the directors passed fit and proper, but the nomad said DK was a no-go. I certainly wouldn't take a statement from the Rangers board and not try and think what else might be going on. Have you not learned anything these last few years? Why did they only try and get one nomad? Why did DK say it would take 2 days when they couldn't get it in 30? What were they doing for the last 28 days? It's almost as if they wanted to delist. Now who said that?? Oh yes, DK. And yes, you are incredibly stubborn. If this was Celtic in this situation, you'd be very quick to point out the flaws and possible holes in the board statement. But because it's rangers and it's "the good guys", you will defend them like a member of your family, even when they're plainly giving a very unbalanced view of events.
  19. Good so you are just repeating what DK or PM have written themselves. And you believe it unquestioningly. Because you're Stubborn Ted.
  20. Where are you getting this from? Who has actually said this? I know you're unbelievably stubborn by nature but I am even having trouble working out if you're on the wind up or being serious. The previous nomad was happy UNTIL it was clear Dave King walked in. Dave King is toxic. And a liar. In fact, he's toxic because he's a liar and a convicted fraudster. Seems pretty obvious to me that's he's the common denominator when it comes to nomad refusal.
  21. Must be some mistake. I have a quote from Dave King saying it was all going to be sorted weeks ago. That man never lies.
  22. Nah, you lot also need to be winning leagues and beating Celtic and singing Rule Britannia and generally getting it right up everyone else, or you're no' happy.
  23. Pretty good effort, though it's missing the word "rightful" and therefore any sense of entitlement.
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