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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. So you admit he has been a shameless liar to get onto the RIFC board then ?
  2. Maybe you didn't, but plenty of other Sevco fans did.
  3. Don't buy ST's and don't buy from SD was the war cry last season from the Mad King causing the club to haemorrhage millions in the process and now you think he is fulfilling his promises ? Yes I do understand it is nice or better for the club to at least like it's trying to try to live within it's means, but it certainly wasn't the message he promised before he took office was it ? It was all spend, spend, spend to match Celtic or compete with Celtic and how the club needed off the radar funding from outside investors to take the club to the level he kept harping on about to get Champions League music back to Ibrox. Funny seeing you and your fans when he took power all ballsy about how millions upon millions would be pumped into the playing squad to get promoted this season and to have a squad of players that would make a title challenge in their first season in the top tier with a years experience in the Chumpionship. Now what you have is a squad that would just about compete for a top 6 place in the Premiership and the fans have been told to cough up or it's your fault Celtic will get 10 in a row, and he'll use the same excuse over and over again that at this time he doesn't need to invest because the club doesn't need his investment and the fans will have to cough up and do their bit or they have let the club down. He said one thing before wrestling power from Ashley's boys and now you have all been told something completely different !, wake up ffs and smell something at least never mind the coffee because that will be too late.
  4. King has publicly stated that the fans were co-investors in the club, nice bit of spin from the glib telling the fans they will have to pay up.
  5. And don't forget to by offishal team merchandise from SportsDirect.
  6. That sounds about right Tedi, I'm assuming it will be spent early and then relying on loans at the latter part of the season like last season.
  7. Are this seasons ST sales been taken in as cash like last season ? this was the problem that lead to the many soft loans to keep the club solvent as Christmas approached. Is this a ploy for the new board to post maybe even a slight profit should they be successful up until Christmas or later and then the loans are depended upon to keep them going until the end off the season ? Will the new board convert their soft loans into shares or will they take their money back from the ST sales ?
  8. Did you have a problem with my post or with me ? The post I posted earlier was the reality of the clubs financial plight for the upcoming season. They lost 11 players taking a supposed £5 million of the wage bill but that may actually be a fudged figure with the bonuses to the players being paid to them by some other mechanism to portray the wage bill as anything but what they posted in the accounts. How do I come to this conclusion ?, simple, by the amount of debt or operating losses the club posted in their accounts which does not add up with the so called wage bill they claim to the debt they ran up. If their wages were anything close to the operating losses there wouldn't be a huge black hole in the accounts showing money disappearing as if by magic. Even though they did manage to achieve some non recurring revenue last season it is not guaranteed for the upcoming season and that puts a £5 million dent in next seasons finances. It just about cancels out the 11 players basic wages that left leaving a £15 million deficit as things stand. Extra ST sales and on the day cash if they are successful on the park through the season may or may not take another big chunk out of the operating losses they posted last season but it's hardly likely they will cover the expected losses for this season. Yes the new players are more than likely on smaller wages than the lot that left in disgrace but that only adds debt on top of the £15 million black hole. King and the T3B's tenure is a tricky situation because they need success on the park or they will face a backlash from the fans expecting them to plough that expected tens of millions of pounds investment to ensure they stay successful. This may or may not work out for the board as they appear to be playing poker with high stakes, failure on the park whilst trying to pull the belt in and saving up the pennies is a risky strategy for the club as the fans will abscond from attending games as well as other activities the fans indulge in when things are going badly on the park. Success on the park then they can expect to plug that black hole but they will definitely not post anything close to a profit and will take with them into the season after more accrued debt on top of the £40 million plus they already have over the past 3 years. Yes the new board can exchange their soft loans for equity in the form of shares but there are only so many shares left to absorb any financial aid from the board and at what value do the board place on the shares they take in exchange ? above or below 20p ? my initial thoughts are they will value the shares well below market value to procure as many as they can on the cheap. So the boards strategy is to be successful on the park whilst pulling in the debt they run up which goes against King's mad ravings about overspending if the need be. The fans are happy they are pulling in the belt for the moment but it depends upon winning and winning often to help boost the clubs finances. Will the fans be happy this season to go up via the play off's if Hibs or any other club start running away with the division ? my gut instinct says no fucking way as they have a mind set and mentality that they have to pummel their opposition into a pulp on the park or they will not be happy. So it's over to the board and will they give the fans what they crave ? automatic promotion, the challenge cup and reaching the final stages of the major cup competitions or even winning one. We'll see eventually what prevails and did the board do the right things albeit not soon enough but is it enough and have they got it right this time, or will they fail because they promised big spending but won't actually put in what they promised because they didn't actually have it to begin with and was just King trying to be a big shot saviour of the club.
  9. To gauge the possible state of this seasons finances it would be best to look at last seasons financial disaster. They had three non recurring financial boosts from The Commonwealth games, wee share issue and the selling of a player totalling £5 million thereabout. We know the clubs running costs that stand around £15 million for the stadium and all other facilities. The interim accounts released for up until December 31st do paint a pretty picture but it all goes badly as soon as January comes around where they posted an operating loss of £2.88 million. But a closer look at the accounts show an unpaid loan of £1.5 million and we'll add that to the interim operating loss and totals £4.38 million for the time being. Then comes the SD £5 million loan which the club took which then pushes the accruing loses for the season up to £9.38 million. Since they didn't take the second tranche of the SD loan they then borrowed 3 similar amounts of cash from the T3B's and the Mad King of £1.5 million, two from T3B's and one from the Mad King apparently totalling £4.5 million. We'll add this to our total and now stands at £13.88 million. June's wages and bills still have to be met but which source will have paid them this time ?, ST's or the Mad King or the gullible bears ? I'll wager it won't be as much as £1.5 million so I'll speculate just less than a cool £1 million and the total of debt now stands at £14.5 million possibly or thereabout. £14.5 million So far we have £14.5 million but some of that loss can be absorbed by the club and converted into shares, the Mad Kings investment and T3B's reducing the losses to £10 million. That might cover some of the debt but still leaves £10 million in operating losses. On the other foot it looks far far worse than the above. Firstly there is the non recurring items they might not or will not get next season depending on how the club is run. That £5 million from the Commonwealth, wee share issue and McLeod being sold, if they did not receive that last season then they would be staring at operating losses of £19.5 million ? yes that's correct they have overspent last season by that amount removing the non recurring items. £19.5 million This season the club appears to be reducing it's players wage bill, the management and the boards wages plus all their bonuses, we'll see. They will save even more when gardeners and suspended members of staff have eventually got their contracts honoured. But is this enough to dramatically reduce a running deficit of nearly £20 million from last season if they do not secure non recurring funding for services rendered ? There is a claim that nearly £5 million came of the wage bill when there was an exodus of players at the end of the season. How much of that £5 million will disappear as the club signs new players ? that's anyone's guess I think but it will not be enough if said players are getting paid much less than the previous players that have left. King has publicly stated they will overspend from last season if need be, seriously ? Is he going make the club overspend more than £19.5 million this season if he has to ? Common sense says he is talking complete pish by the new managers approach to procuring players, no marquee signings and scraping the barrel for possible missed talent they can sell on for good money if they prosper. Also we know the glib is famous for manipulating facts and figures and await with baited breath for such laughter. For The Rangers to generate as much as cash as possible so the shameless glib & liar puts in next to nowt the club will need to be successful under W&W so the stadium is filled near maximum occupancy every other game, failure to do so will definitely see the horde going mental at seeing failure again and with a shoestring budget. Success under W&W then it's pats on the back and job well done spending the pennies to save for a title challenge to Celtic next season. Even with the ST hike I just don't see them posting anything less than £10 million in operating losses for the new season unless some dopey idiot throws money at them with no chance or hope to get it back. What's the new boards max limit on funding ? there has been a myriad of amounts with no real intent with a figure laid out in stone. If they do post less than £10 million in operating losses then I'd say the new board have done something right but they will post losses into the millions for sure covered by soft loans converted into equity. One other thing ? Is King and his cronies going to keep converting soft loans into shares until there are no shares left for any future share issue ? this could give them a huge stranglehold on the club in future with voting rights keeping them in place even if the fans want them to fcuk if they fail miserably. King wants to sell 45K ST's and that money will go into the playing squad budget, by the way W&W are procuring players it looks like they are already close to that limit. The Rangers fans may argue their wages on record or rumour but are they factoring in bonuses here ? appearance money, winning bonuses, clean sheet bonuses etc etc etc. As things are for the moment the club is pulling in it's belt and that's a good thing but is it already too late and they are one disaster away from going into admin because the running cost of The Rangers FC is based on success and not on budget ? If it were based on budget they'd have been posting profits for the last 3 years and this year looks like the last 3 years, accumulate debt to gain success and deal with it when they get to the top tier. Even in the top tier it be save to suggest they'd still run up operating losses chasing the dream and not living in the reality.
  10. We await "The_No8." or "The_Trumpet" just for the lolzas.
  11. The mega meltdowns from the orc horde as each ray of light was snuffed out almost as soon as they seen it was one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed.
  12. Yeah the decision was upheld by the UTT from the FTT and it has went to the CoS, but UTT sounds a whole lot better than the CoS IMO. Mon the QC.
  13. Absolutely Jambos, The entertainment value on this forum is top notch.
  14. Should MIH be worried or is there a funny handshake protocol in place ?
  15. Not that I'm aware of Flash. So who is this guy you speak of ?, should we check which school he attended ?
  16. That wasn't me ya fanny, and was half the story bub. He gave a poster a red dot whilst supposedly being at the game from a mobile when at the time it was impossible to give out rep points from a mobile. Go figure.
  17. TBH Tedi, you posting pics from a plane in mid flight on yer way to yer holidays would have topped it all.
  18. A quick search on google should help you sync your Iphone to your PC. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=how+to+tranfer+photos+onto+iphone+from+pc&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=jbyeVanMMPHd7QbI8IK4Bw
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