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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. Iirc I read somewhere that the 7 year rolling contract is dependable upon paying back the £5 million. Don't pay the £5 million for the next 2 or 3 years and then when paid it still is in place for 7 years after the loan has been settled. The longer King ignores paying back Ashley the longer the deal with SD will stay in place. It's a rolling contract much like Fat Sally's, it is only ended 7 years after Ashley gets his £5 million back. So I do not see why it is in the companies best interests long term to keep this deal going on longer than is necessary when they would benefit better getting this paid off as soon as possible. It is quite possible that they may pay out more than £5 million to Ashley in profits from SD during the term of the loan than just settling the loan ASAP. If the Mad King is there for the long haul over a decade then it would be definitely more prudent to settle up now to release revenues later on if he is here for the long haul.
  2. Somers explicitly said in the media back last October thereabout that he personally invited Llambias & Leech onto the Rangers staff as consultants. Although previously known to have worked for Ashley there is no proof that they were nominated onto the Board of Rangers by Ashley himself. So it's be very hard to prove in court that it was Ashley himself who placed them on the Rangers board personally when Somers himself had publicly announced he hired them and gave them places on the BoD of Rangers. That's my take anyway. Also you have to factor in the predicament the club was in at the time, skint as fcuk and desperately needing cash. As Tedi and the other bears put it !, there were other offers on the table but the board refused it at the time claiming there was no proof of funding when asked for and also in the boards opinion what King was asking for was 51% shareholding in RIFC making his consortium the highest controlling shareholding for the funding. iirc. It would appear that all the contracts are legal and above board and The Mad King has decided to whinge in public because it fucked up The Mad Kings plans for not putting a penny into the club. As unfair to the club as they were, the club was in no position to bargain a better deal and had to give up certain conditions or the club would have went into insolvency back last year. Try getting a judge to sympathise with Rangers FC for placing themselves into a position were they had to agree to certain unfair terms or go into administration. Mad King "your honour these contracts are unfair to the club" Judge "What would have happened if they weren't done ?" Mad King "Administration I suppose" Judge " Case closed" edut tipooo
  3. Let me ask you a question Tedi and do try to answer it please. That £2.8 million operating loss in the accounts we both know about, what would have happened if it didn't get serviced ? A, Nothing it isn't debt. B, Insolvency event because players, staff, Police Scotland, Electricity, creditors etc didn't get paid because they were running an operating loss with no means to pay it without accruing debt to service the operating loss. Option "B" by the way automatically becomes debt in the event of an insolvency event because the club/company becomes indebted to it's creditors for services rendered on the goodwill the company will pay them.
  4. Aye he stopped an Ashley right hook with his face. Next up is stopping Ashley's right foot with his nutsack and that will be claimed a resounding victory.
  5. Get on the phone to The Mad KIng and tell him he can run up gazillions of operating losses in the accounts and it isn't debt so therefore does not have to be paid ever. Only a fool would claim an operating isn ??? wait a minute it's Tedi I'm replying too. Five stars strikes again.
  6. So much for you proclaiming you pay money to watch football and that's it. The cnuts who run the club have gave you a product on the park but here you are greeting like a raped sheep because ?, the club is a financial basket case for any crooked cnut to rip the piss out of with onerous contracts to keep the club afloat so that Tedi can still go to Ibrox and pay his money to watch football. These onerous contracts you keep spilling tears & snotters all over your keyboard with have in fact given you what you claim only to be interested in, a team on the park playing football at Ibrox. Without those onerous contracts we'd be celebrating the death of another Rangers FC est 2012. They may be unfair to the club, but it's the clubs fault it ended up in such a position where it couldn't negotiate for itself a better deal in all the revenue departments because it had no fucking money in the first place and had to take any deal to keep the lights on and give Tedi what he wants. A team on the park called Rangers FC playing football at Ibrox. I'm sure if you were RIFC's CEO and were placed in a position were you would get financially raped at will and not only that willing to be raped so that you could still field a team on the park and staving off insolvency for another few months you would do it. Because if you did not then it's goodnight and goodbye Rangers FC's cloned Frankenstein club.
  7. Clueless as ever. The club/company runs at an operating loss but it isn't classed as debt ffs ? The operating loss is covered by soft loans to keep the club solvent but you still claim it isn't debt ? The soft loans become debt to the club/company that paid the operating losses, so the operating loss now becomes debt to the lender but to you it still isn't classed as debt to be paid back to the lender. So in your tiny mind the operating losses aren't accrued debt run up by the club/company that if it isn't settled would in fact have brought in the administrators sooner but it still isn't debt. So Tedi get on the phone to Rangers FC and ask for The Mad King and tell him RIFC or Rangers FC do not have to service the operating losses because it isn't debt according to you. The operating losses are things such as players wages, managers & BoD's wages, staff wages, electricity bills, water rates etc etc who all need paying by the way or the club folds over in debt to it's own staff and creditors but it's not debt according to Tedi and does not need to be paid to pay the clubs wages & bills. It's still debt you moron that someone needs to pay or cover until such times the club can pay it's debts in loans to whom they borrowed from to service the operating losses. Operating losses = not debt according to Tedi.
  8. Seriously ???, so when does an operating loss not be known as debt then ??? Here is your initial post I responded to, So it isn't any sort of debt accrued from operating the club then is it ?, it's an operating loss you predict to be around £6.8 million by the end of the season but it isn't debt. You are having a mare here by trying to claim an operating loss isn't actually debt run up by mismanaging the clubs/companies finances ffs. So we can just ignore any operating loss the club runs up because it isn't really debt at all, is this what you are saying ?. The Rangers can just ignore the operating losses by not servicing them because according to Tedi it isn't debt. Sooooo by the end of the season the operating losses won't be debt that was supplied by loans from Ashley, T3b's and The Mad King to keep the club solvent that ends up in the club/companies accounts later on as debt to be serviced but funnily enough is also known as an operating loss.
  9. Aye your right he just posted £2.8 million in his post from the accounts and using the Mad Kings view it isn't really debt at all is it ?
  10. OK chump change, then discredit what I posted then. Dispute and back up where you think I have supposedly got it wrong and you are right ??? £6.8 million you claim to be in debt at the end of June ???, you are seriously fucking stupid if you think that. Copied from a blog ???, it's as clear as day you thick orc and all the figures are in the public domain. From the interim accounts are, Wee share issue & Commonwealth games money totalling £4.3 million the club won't receive this season that it used to try and plug the operating losses. The £2.8 million in debt you posted but there is also an unpaid loan in the accounts totalling to £1.5 million. From what we actually you fucknugget the club has borrowed and is well documented in the media and in the public domain are, Ashley's £5 million loan or will you do a Mad King's approach and say it isn't actually debt ??? T3B's two £1.5 million soft loans from March & April this year. King's apparent £1.5 million to cover May's bills. So not including the wee share issue and Commonwealth money the total amount of debt your club has run up not including the soft loan to cover June's wages and bills is ? £13.8 million without this June's bills being included. If there is anything you have a query or problem with in my accounting abilities then feel free to make a complete arse out of yourself by trying to be a smart arse by discrediting what I have posted or just shut the fcuk up and admit you got it completely wrong again because you are as thick as fcuk and need much smarter people to help you see what did or where you got it wrong.
  11. The Rangers fans are so fucking stupid to a man. Boycott buying replica tops which will eventually cost the club plenty of money it sorely needs. The deal is done and deal with it, buy the amount of tops the fans need to buy and the club won't suffer, buy in excess and the club will make some money, it really is that simple. The only reason the deal is in place is because the club has been pissing money into the wind racking up the debts totalling well over £40 million in the past three years and needing surplus funding to stay solvent. It was placed into a precarious position and had no leg to stand on and had to relinquish some of their future revenue in order to sustain the debt driven business model. Any company in the world running at a loss stands to be shafted financially by any company willing to give it immediate funding in the short term, RIFC was in this position by their own doing chasing a dream the fans bought into and now they want to greet about it, Every fucker on P&B told the The Rangers fans this is exactly what would happen to the club/company if it didn't run a sustainable business model based on working within it's own revenue streams without the need to piss millions into a financial black abyss that is a Rangers FC to crack a nut with an asteroid.
  12. I remember the old Rangers did everything possible to keep their EBT contracts out of the public domain. Slating someone for doing something your dead club used to do isn't exactly the best defence is it ?
  13. Seriously Tedi, I love it when you post your back of a fag a fag packet finger number crunching accounting skills showing you up to be completely stupid at times. £6.8 million you say ?, do you really believe that or did you just go on a fishing expedition ? OK, let's start of with the easy numbers shall we, £2.8 million from the interim accounts and I'll add the rest on very slowly. Let's add the T3b's loans of £3 million and it is debt for the moment pushing it up to £5.8 million before we add in The Mad King's supposed £1.5 million plus Ashley's £5 million pushing the debt up to £12.3 million getting close to twice the debt you believe you think. Also look in the interim accounts where it explicitly shows there was £1.5 million in unpaid loans outstanding raising the total debt to £13.8 million and is now twice the debt you posted. We will now do another non recurring debt addition your club will not receive this season where The Mad King has claimed he will "overspend" from last season showing up the bullshit that falls from The Mad Kings gub. The interim accounts show the club received monies from the wee share issue of £2.8/£2.9 million and from the Commonwealth games at £1.5 million. Add that to the £13.8 million and the grand total The Mad King will overspend for the upcoming season will now top £18.1 million and any soft loans to cover June 2015 wages & bills etc taking the operating loss for next season to £20 million thereabout. That kind of puts a major dent in your farted out assumption that the debt will only be £6.8 million doesn't it ? The Mad King will need to stump at least £20 million next season to fulfil his promise of assembling a Premiership squad to compete in the Championship with his "overspend" statement. Let's face it Tedi, the clubs fucked financially. The Mad King does not have the finance to piss up against a wall and why he won't pay the £5 million to Ashley. King won't pay because it will financially fcuk the club with no ST money to cover Ashley's loan, it will be deferred or push the club in insolvency.
  14. Ever get the feeling that King has been stitched up ? Took over the club fucked over by onerous contracts and with the assets & IP tied up so he couldn't use them for funding his demented crusade. Ashley probably has had King & Co investigated down to the level that Ashley knows how many grey pubic hairs they have and how much cash liquidity the Kingco have between them and how much they might be willing to part with, fcuk all I'd wager. King has lied to the fans with stupid amounts of money that over the months gradually got smaller he'd personally invest with. Is Ashley going to catch King out with his pants down talking oot his arse at the EGM ? If they do have £20 million plus between them to invest that £5 million might be the difference to finishing next season with the projected debt in excess of £10 million to start with. Also another thing I noticed !, each season the wage bill has apparently been slashed by the clumpany and the ever increasing debt reduced to £8 million season 2013/2014 from the season before £14 plus million. How the actual fcuk have they managed to run up an operating debt of £17 million this season without including the wee share issue and Commonwealth money ??? Have they adopted the practice of paying the players and BoD's bonuses on July 1st so they aren't included in the accounts until next year ? Just a thought because Tedi was sooooo fucking certain they are paying less in players wages each year even though we all know they are on an increasing scale with each promotion. The Clone Rangers have actually doubled their operating debt from last year if they were funded on their own revenue streams.
  15. It's simple, They do not have the money they said they did. Especially after Ashley locked up the clubs assets and IP so that when King got RIFC de-listed King can't sell or mortgage of the clubs assets and IP. That surely must have put a major dent in Kings plans for sure. King urging the fans to vote not to pay off Ashley when in fact the fans would rather he did pay him off so they can say they own their own IP and assets, and also King trying to get Ashley's voting share in RIFC blocked shows Kings intent not to pay it if he can get away with it. King will use Ashley to deflect from investing claiming not a penny in until Ashley has finally been dealt with including the contracts, which suits King because Ashley won't budge a fucking inch "fat cnut that he is" McCall will most likely be named The Rangers manager and will already know the players budget has to be squeezed but will still need to bring in the players to sell the ST's. McCall didn't get them promoted but certainly got them close and that should be good enough for the board with McCall being able to assemble a squad that isn't Fat Sally's legacy, but it depends on who McCall signs and they have got to be from at least Premiership level to keep the orcs happy they will canter the league or they won't buy into the dream. IMO Ashley has asked for the EGM not to get his money back but to show that King & Co don't have the cash to pay him back from the supposed £50 million, £40 million, £30 million, £20 million etc etc etc investment. £5 million out of say £30 million to pay back Ashley and the fans would flock back knowing he has the cash before a manager is named and players acquired for next season.
  16. Don't forget they are already planning the debt for next season they will try to hide. Starting off the season looking at £10 million plus in debt surely isn't the way a football club should be conducting it's business. That's the players budget plus having to be placed in the debt department before a ball is kicked and having to be funded by borrowing money to keep the club solvent. They can't keep doing this season in and season out, it will eventually catch up with them placing them into an insolvency event at some point when there isn't anyone willing to throw money into the black hole that is a Rangers FC. A share issue might relieve some of the immediate financial strain but if they are still trading in debt there is only so many share issues before investors say "FCUK AFF" and then they go into admin. It's a bad business model and only Ashley had the funds to keep the club afloat indefinitely so it would appear. Ashley could keep loaning the club until at some point in the future the club posts profits and then Ashley squeezes the clubs balls for his money back.
  17. Mon the EGM I hope the shareholders pass the resolution to pay off Ashley, not that Ashley needs or wants the money but it will most definitely put a huge dent in King's so called kids inheritance. Just Ashley squeezing Kings balls that little bit tighter after Ashley had sewn up all the clubs assets and IP before King took over so that King had nothing of value at the club to flog off or mortgage to fund his demented takeover behind the fans backs after he deliberately got RIFC de-listed. "Not the clubs best use of resources" to pay back Ashley, WTF ??? , that says it all that he doesn't have the money he promised to get rid of Ashley he promised the fans. Negotiating a better deal for the club ?, another stall tactic not to put a penny in. I'll bet King is waiting till after the EGM before he does anything further. If RIFC have to pay back Ashley then expect the clubs company to take this to some sort of legal mechanism to stall paying Ashley back costing the club money in legal fees and still have to pay Ashley so King can avoid coughing up. Should Ashley be successful and the pay day loans from King & Co paid back through the ST's, The Rangers are looking at a £20 million shortfall next season and Ashley knows it.Tedi is advocating a decreased players wage budget next season, good luck with that watching an even worse The Rangers team fail next season because the budget was cut is what all the bears want. No marquee signings and the ST's will dwindle after all they are the Rangers n aw rat and mediocrity isn't for ra peeps. £20 million shortfall and the bears will expect King to increase the budget with the warchest he promised to build a squad to win the Premiership in the Championship. Next season could be the best yet for the clown club est 2012.
  18. I want an SFA released statement from you blaming Llambias & Leach as exercising Ashley's dual interests. All they have released is that Ashley is guilty of influencing a dual interest, the rest you are making up as I have posted Somers invited L&L into the club so therefore cannot be legally deemed as Ashley's henchmen. Also dopey you keep deliberately missing that both the club & Ashley were fined, and the only time that these two are mentioned together is way back in October 2014 when the club asked the SFA to increase Ashley's share stake to allow Ashley to have a controlling stake in RIFC which breached their rules and were subsequently fined. And yet you still haven't produced anything from the media accusing, blaming or apportioning anything towards L&L being on The Rangers board have you. Because it does not exist anywhere other than in your tiny deluded mind. It's simple just like you but it is just too simply complicated for you to comprehend, Rangers asked to allow Ashley a 25% stake in RIFC. The SFA didn't like it and punished the club and Ashley for seeking to breach the associations rules on dual ownership by allowing Rangers permission to allow Ashley the controlling stake in the club by shares.
  19. So you have now changed your approach from blaming Llambias & Leach influencing loan deals with strings attached, to ?, well the SFA have found him guilty and fined him ??? So you didn't find any media related source blaming Llambias & Leach for breaching the dual interests charge then ? So you argued with me that it's because of L&L over the last two pages only to find out you made a cnut out of yourself again ?, well done five stars.
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