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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. It'll be a full house after today's game, they might just actually make some money......... for the SFA.
  2. Well they finally did it, Sevco today will now officially according to the BBC website under live scores will playing a "Scottish Premiership" game. Let's hope it will be yer last.
  3. No English revision ?, you must be gutted. Best to just drink yourself into a stupor and post relentlessly on P&B just for the fun of it.
  4. Capitalism never ever existed, it's just one of these phrases thrown around like it means something. Making a law so that you can legally rob someone of more of their hard earned cash isn't Capitalism, it's daylight robbery made legal. Capitalism is supposed to be a fair mechanism for all to benefit from, in today's financial climate it appears that only the rich benefit from laws that exclude those on lower income streams so therefore isn't Capitalism but corruption at the highest level to protect the rich and powerful from the poor and needy to keep them rich and powerful.
  5. I am actually sickened that my club who doesn't need that money at all will benefit from the play off's. £100K split amongst the current 2nd division will be a massive boost to those clubs.
  6. The money should be split between the clubs in the lower divisions only including the amateur leagues to help develop players the Premiership clubs will rob them of eventually. There will be IMO plenty of potential Premiership players in the making in the lower leagues who will benefit from the extra income to blossom into future superstars who will now be robbed of that chance to make it big.
  7. Make it out to "Club And Sevco Holdings" or just C.A.S.H. for short and send it to South Africa to the warchest department owned by Dave King.
  8. Yip, mob manipulation at it's finest. A classic stop looking here at us and look over there chaps and take it out on the real enemies of The Rangers trying to rob and steal money from you even though we intend to do the exact same ourselves whilst you are busy elsewhere being fannies. It worked for the board and now have the fans parroting out what they wanted them to believe and practically on their side for now deflecting the fans from asking awkward questions about how the new board intend to finance next years Premiership title assault and Champions League qualification.
  9. "Here's the reason why the board changed their prices" according to Ragers Medjia. So according to the orcs over there it's about Celtic apparently receiving 13% of the revenue raised from the ticket sales. So they have went from not bothering about paying, to moaning about not letting ST holders in for free, to just let the fans in for nowt and buy an expensive matchday program then was about sticking two fingers up to the associations cashing in to finally it was really Celtic's master plan to profit from Rangers. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=282762
  10. My mistake for using the fucking spellcheck on Firefox. Boffins came up with the squiggly red underscore saying the punctuation was wrong and needed an apostrophe and I just went with it.
  11. No shit Sherlock. As do most newbies before adopting their own style and creative sales pitch. I did really good for a while before the big financial crash in the late 80's with 50% commission on each sale taking home well over £600 most weeks. And my my you really have a stick up your arse wedged in sideways about me don't you ?, and all over the context of a word I posted ffs. How fucking childish can some grown ups be at times. Now I know you are stalking me for bhad glammar errors I will make sure to post as many as possible because I know it bothers the shit right out of you. Have a nice day, moron.
  12. Might as well just have a top tier of 10 clubs with more relegation positions. Three down with three up IMO. Leaves three clubs in the middle close to or near a European spot or a relegation position. Also gives the fans more different grounds to visit year after year instead of the same clubs bar 1 or possibly 2. I'd agree on this point if it were last season with not much points differential between 1st and 4th with 14 points between them. I also know that 3 large clubs found themselves competing in the Championship this season and explains the huge gulf from 1st to 4th this season because they had far better players than there usually is in the Championship, they won far more games as well as result of having much bigger budgets than the rest of the clubs. I just think personally that 3rd & 4th should earn a play off spot and should finish within 10 points of 2nd place. If 4th didn't finish within 10 points to 2nd then they lose the right to play 3rd and also the same with 3rd to 2nd if they didn't achieve the required points. Means the games have more meaning in the run in and not just jockeying for who finishes 4th or 3rd. They would have to keep up with second or risk losing a play off for a chance of promotion. The bit in bold in your post is just for the Grammar Nazi's who have been victimising me for murdering the English language apparently.
  13. No, that's a job for the boffin's in the Oxford Uni English department to tell the plebs how to use and spell words according to their ideology of what constitutes the proper use of the English language at large. This then gives some fannies like yourself and ThepettedLip some sort of superiority complex that they are better educated than others who don't really give a fcuk if they have spelt a word wrong or used it in the wrong context.
  14. What the fcuk is your problem ?, I worked in advertising and we all called it a shpeel as a take the piss and a funny comment. We all knew we were giving out shite in our phone calls to sell advertising space and replaced "spiel" with shpeel for the fun of it.
  15. You obviously haven't been in the advertising trade. A shpeel is a piece of literature set out in a format to best get your point across quickly as well as interest a potential buyer to trap them into buying some unneeded or unwanted advertising space. Feck all to do with Yiddish ya shmuck.
  16. Wait till the fans go to buy a hot pie and a drink only to find out the prices have jumped up by 100%, when they complain they will be told the mandatory shpeel it's for the good of the club so cough up ya miserable fucker and do your bit.
  17. Nah, the sensible approach would have been charging the fans a fiver in the first instance instead of manipulating the orc horde into a frenzy over something the board knew they'd have to back down on. Still the board have now gotten the lemmings onboard and they now think the board are doing them a favour by taking on the corrupt associations as the orcs view it. Can't argue with the pricing though, they should have done that from the start.
  18. Do forgive Cyder, I was using orc logic and orc speak to emphasis their demented thinking and belief system. Instead of the new club not being allowed into any league they believe they were kicked down the divisions and actually were relegated.
  19. Personally I think the split is a fucking stupid idea in the first place. We now have Hamilton and Partick Thistle with a better points and goals tally than Dundee in the top six ??? I think the idea was brought in to supposedly give more meaningful fixtures between those chasing a European spot and the relegation and play off's after the split ???, well it hasn't worked has it ? The TV money needing 4 Celtic & Rangers fixtures a season has fucked it up completely, they took the pieces of silver and the rest have to suffer with stupid league structuring to accommodate a fixture that isn't even there any more. Also I think the play off's are fucked up as well, how can you have a club 30 to 40 points from the eventual winner vying for a promotion place into the league above ???, it should be given on merit, if you don't finish to within a certain amount of points to the winner then no fucking play off should be awarded simples, earn it by right I say.
  20. By God you'll be gutted if they don't. Anything can happen in six years, pumped out of Europe at the first time of asking for consecutive seasons ruining the finances and having to cut back, pish league performances just about winning the league making ST sales go down, then sadly another big diddy club in a small league finishing 4th in the league. A bit early to crow yet.
  21. See if this works Poz ? When the real Rangers went bust and after all the votes cast in the old SFL association to bitch slap the cloned version into the old Third division in a count back showed that !, out of all the 42 senior clubs around 62% of all clubs or just less than 2/3rds actually voted to kick the B'stard of an abomination down to the lowest division by virtue of an SFL vote. I'm sort of sure that some clubs voted to let them into the old First Division and hence why the magic number of 62% of all the votes cast including the old SPL vote as a sum total of all votes to allow them into any league. So brings us around in a full circle for the benefit of cnuty No8, 62% or just under 2/3rds of all senior clubs voted NO to allow his new club into the Old 1st Division. I'm 62% sure on this although being just less than 2/3rds sure looks a better option here.
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