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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. My missus says that when she is sucking on my boaby, so I'm assuming King's tastes the same eh Tedi ?
  2. Think about it Kiddy, the SFA are as corrupt as fcuk to the core and so is King so therefore King is fit and proper to run one of their member clubs which is also corrupt as fcuk to the core. A match made in heaven some might say.
  3. There is no limit you will go to to make Celtic fans look more stupid than they already are is there ?, pulling quotes from your aliases on KDS doesn't count.
  4. No not really, something I'd expect the fuckwits at the SFA to do to give their demented brainchild the cloned Rangers a wee boost before their biggest ever fixture. Or ?, it may be a cunning plan executed by Big Peter that runs the game apparently to help finally get rid of King for Good by letting the slanty eyed fucker take over the holding company before Big Mike crashes the company and King gets banned from ever owning Rangers again. Big Peter's way of protecting the Rangers fans from themselves.
  5. ^^^ That you fucked your post up completely. You really know how to come across the cnut at times don't you.
  6. Won 2-1 at Palmerston and DREW 1-1 at Ibrox. It's pretty darn clear that the fans The Onion Bhajis wanted their team to win the 90 minute match to be played that day. Your club failing to win on the day is as much a failure as your comprehension and understanding that the UBER fhuds wanted to win the game played at Ibrox and not the draw they ended up slugging out at the end of the game with hanging onto with grim death. Your club won the two legged tie 3-2, but they certainly didn't win the game on the day.
  7. Tax avoidance v tax evasion. And now Stoney throws into the blender. Tax v duty.
  8. Rangers used EBT's and knew they were breaking the law in some sort of smart ingenius way to circumvent the HMRC and the two football associations rules & regulations, they got caught and had to stop using EBT's and then they died as a result of using the EBT scam, it's that simple. What pisses me off completely is the cnut in charge of the SFA at the time of the clubs demise, this cnut sat on the board of Rangers during the EBT scam and knew exactly what the club was doing and was completely complicit in Rangers tax avoidance during the EBT era because he took EBT payments, and this cnut is still in charge of the SFA. This cnut was part of the rewriting of association rules & regulations that removed the rule that killed clubs when the liquidation process was given, and now we have rules that help and aid clubs in racking up huge debts into the millions and how to evade it. This cnut did nothing to help Gretna FC when they folded over but did everything he could to help Rangers still be apparently Rangers even after doing a Gretna. Why is this cnut in charge of our ruling association when he was up to his neck with the cheating at Rangers FC ?
  9. Remember when the orcs laughed at some Celtic fans reporting their company that runs the club for an advertising campaign ?, hypocrites sounds apt at this time. Is this more embarrassing than the other mobs greeting faced whining at ASA ?, is this a competition by both sets of fans to out fanny the other fannies at anything ?
  10. This will annoy the bears, I have personally skipped into games at Ibrox by not paying at all for OF games, Celtic cup games with some international fixtures whilst Hampdump was being upgraded. I am glad to think that I had a helping hand in the demise of Rangers by not paying them for anything whilst I worked as a cleaner at Ibrox taking money from them. Illegal and immoral and I couldn't give a flying fcuk about it because it helped fcuk over the Rangers.
  11. Yip Murray dumped the club off to Craig Shyte fur a poond the very season the last of the EBT payments were ever issued. June 2011 Rangers made their last EBT payments to the players and Rangers were sold leaving agent Shyte in the shite by having to renegotiate the EBT receiving players contracts so that they kept their mouths shut by taking home the exact same amount of money home as with they got with EBT loans (snigger snigger). The Rangers wage bill shot up by millions during Whyte's tenure even though they didn't make any big marquee signings that season because of the renegotiated EBT contract players. I don't think Minty really wanted to still own Rangers FC after season 2010/2011, because firstly he would have needed to deal with the EBT players contracts to be adjusted legally and would have upped the wage bill by millions when they were in dire straits. Secondly he seen the writing on the wall for the club and needed a patsy to take the fall when the club eventually got liquidated because the money would eventually run out and catch up with them. And lastly he didn't want to be known as the man who killed Rangers by using illegal financial mechanisms, some Rangers fans may argue different but it is what eventually killed the club off facing a tax bill into the tens of millions. The EBT's killed Rangers and is karma come full circle. What we didn't expect or foresee coming was the corrupt associations had already made plans to clone the club and try to con us all with the club is separate from the company ffs.
  12. I really don't know the EBT stuff is still doing the rounds now and again. No judicial judgement upon MIH's use of the scheme will affect the current Rangers FC in any way shape or form. The corrupt SPL has dealt with the matter and their cheating was swept under the carpet a long time ago. Even if MIH lose the case at the highest court in the land, Rangers will still keep their tainted silverware forever.
  13. ^^^^ Reported to the HMRC for tax evasion or avoidance by a self incriminating post.
  14. Just to clarify the proper use of the EBT scheme Grandpa. It is legally defined as a lump sum pension fund, you and your company pay into the scheme each pay day and that money paid in isn't taxed by the HMRC. You keep paying into the scheme until you retire and then you receive a lump sum retirement payout that gets taxed by the HMRC but not at the higher amount they might have done if it were wages. Benefits of a properly run scheme is to borrow money from the fund to pay for goods or services in the UK without paying any UK tax because the money is from an offshore account. Not only that you will avoid any interest from banks or lenders for borrowing thousands of pounds. Say you borrowed £20K from the EBT scheme and not the bank for a housing extension, you'll save countless thousands in borrowing interest and also you won't have to pay any UK tax for the extension saving you thousands in UK tax. Who wouldn't use a legal loophole like this ? Now the money you borrow will have to be paid back into the EBT scheme before you retire so that when you retire the HMRC can then tax your lump sum retirement fund accordingly. This system ran for years very legit until some smart fuckers found out you could use it to avoid paying any tax by giving out countless loans which where legal in the EBT scheme but without the need to ever pay it back which the HMRC took exception too and are now ending EBT schemes, the dilemma is the ethical use of a loan that has no intent to be ever paid back and can it be deemed a loan if there is no repayment of any kind ever. Rangers never even paid back a penny from all the loans they gave out.
  15. This is where the corrupt associations have helped the club keep their tainted titles and cups. Firstly the former dissolved SPL has ruled upon their breaching of the rules and actually found them guilty of cheating, BUT ?, the associations also put into their rules that no retrospective punitive measures could be meted out because they weren't caught in the act of cheating at the time ??? Conclusion !, they did in fact cheat for over a decade and were given a whopping £250K fine which they gave to the oldco/dying club and not what they see as the same club, BUT ?, they weren't caught in the act of doing so at the time so couldn't be stripped of their tainted silverware and why the orcs can boast "no sporting advantage" because of the fucked up associations rules won't punish them for past rule breaking/breaches. Even if the HMRC win the case finally the club will not even be punished at all because the SPL has dealt with the matter according to their rules and has also dissolved so therefore will not be able to retrospectively remove their ill gotten gains because the SPL does not exist any more. Possibly one of the reasons why league reconstruction took place, to bury the cnuts cheating.
  16. Sanctimonious clap trap ?, morality ?, No none of those two things where in my post Grandpa, I was merely pointing out why the HMRC were pursuing the tax dodging cnuts. Interesting point though why aren't the HMRC chasing them for complete tax evasion on the EBT scam itself. After all not a single penny from the scheme was ever paid in tax, but that all falls apart when it comes to Minty's defence, legally they were loans so to speak so can't be called tax evasion or avoidance. Where the HMRC are chasing them down on is the abuse of the EBT scam they ran for over a decade. If they can proof MIH breached the rules & regulations of the EBT scheme by using the loans as wages then they will hammer Minty and the EBT recipients for tax avoidance because the recipients of the EBT scam did pay PAYE & NI through the club paying part or most of their wages at the time.
  17. Yes flash did give a sensible reply to your legal requirements in the field of companies. I am pointing out that you can't keep up the charade about the club is separate from the company by making and asking questions as if the club has any legal obligations by any judicial system as if you still view the club as a company that trades in football. So Kinky, you are supposed to post according to your warped view it's still the very same club that the club has no legal representation at all in any way shape or form. This is because you can have many companies owning and operating the club nowadays, but it will always be the company who owns the club, and operates the club that will have all the legal shit to deal with. If the company goes broke then the associations will allow new owners to make a company to once again clone and own and operate the club.
  18. Tax according to orc philosophy A, Any money Rangers can tax from the government is money invested into the Queen's 11 and it's her money, right. B, That's for other people to worry about. C, Fcuk all to do with the club, it's the company that deals with it. D, It's better spent on players to put them scum in their rightful place, in our shadow. E, It's a warchest. F, It's to be avoided. G, The players buy things with the money and it gets taxed when they buy shit, right ?
  19. This was your initial post asking a question. Bold and in red is where you went wrong from the initial question. The Gestapo party line from Govan HQ and the suits in the associations is that the club is separate from the company who has the legal shit to deal with. So in simple terms "NO CLUB" will ever under go any investigation or legal action because it is the company who owns and operates the club that will be held liable for all the companies misgivings by misusing or mismanaging the club. The club is merely a tool the company uses to (don't giggle) make money from the financial sector that is sporting activities. The clubs reward for good management is to win trophies and titles for the fans whilst making money ( ) for the owners from operating the club in association competitions. This is why you Rangers fans are so fucking thick to a man at times by allowing yourselves to be willingly conned but can't keep up the pretence for too long about the club being separate from the owners who now use a company to operate and run the club. Got it now ?
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