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Everything posted by hellbhoy

  1. They still died Boab. And the dastardly demented cnuts in the associations came up with a cunning plan, "let's clone them cheating bassas again and make their fans suffer and pay for their cheating". And the rest is history full of laughs for all the P&D's whilst the orcs get the pish ripped right out of them failing at everything just about.
  2. Even if I gave you the "fucking" answer there is no way on God's green Earth there is even the slightest whiff of a chance you'd notice it. The fact that you have now adopted a new truth that Joseph Goebbels would be jealous of, the club is now some sort of mythical entity that can't be legally put to death. So to answer your question how can a club now have legal representation when it can't and won't be recognised by the judicial system ?, it's the company that operates the club that has all the legal shit to deal with seeing as the club is merely a tool that the company uses/operates as a trading device/mechanism. Yer mask slipped again didn't it Kinky ?, you can't even keep the Gestapo party line the club is separate from the legal pish and it's the company that runs the club that has to deal with legal shenanigans because it has abused the club in some manner and that the club will be the victim of someone else's mismanagement. So it will be someone else facing any legal shite for using the company that owns the club and has used the club for any illegal activities. So if you think what I have posted is a lot of pish then we'll all know you are a bare faced liar that it is the very same club you still support.
  3. Fecks sake man. Not pushing 50 yet, on the way there but not quite.
  4. Because Rangers FC were by far the worst offenders in abusing the scheme by avoiding the full amount paid to players for services rendered in the loans. All the other EBT scams by others never even came close to the amount of tax your dead club avoided paying. At least the other companies abusing the system paid actual TAX through the scheme to keep the HMRC of their backs. Most other companies syphoned of a couple of million or two but your dead club went way out of it's way to rip the pish right out of a legal pension scheme to pay out countless tens of millions of money the HMRC were due to players the dead club could never have signed without conning the HMRC. This isn't about Scottish football clubs, this is about companies trying to rip off the Government by avoiding the full amount of tax they should be paying into the public coffers. In your dead clubs case ?, they were by far the worst offenders and even laughed about it that the HMRC couldn't or wouldn't catch them and even increased the amount they paid players whilst under investigation ffs.
  5. You'd be absolutely correct by thinking that the new club/company is not liable for the old club/companies debts, they are two legally recognised separate entities by law. One is being wound up and liquidated and the other wants to join it before it is wound up. Apparently the HMRC are going to pursue the recipients of the EBT scam to recoup their money due from unpaid taxes.
  6. According to bible scholars about 7,783 years after Adam although the precise date is still up for debate on whether or not to start from when he bit the apple or when Adam was created. If it was when Adam was created then the whole thing falls apart because Adam is now believed to have lived for thousands or tens of thousands of years before he was conned by the witch that was Eve. Can I ask why ?
  7. Never mind Hibs Johnny, what if QoS go two goals up in the first half on Sunday no matter what the ref did to hinder QoS ?
  8. My clubs history is not my history Boab and happened before I was born. However your old club dying from an embarrassing and humiliating death is now part of my history and I do laugh at your history Boab. Boab watched his beloved club die and is watching his new club funnily enough almost exactly the same as the old club follow follow the dead one into it's grave which is also dying an embarrassing and humiliating death, because it acted the same as the previous one. So your history is the laughing stock of Scottish football.
  9. Never mind the £5 million Ken. Look at the debt overall the club has run up makes Mike Ashley's £5 million pales into comparison. £4.2million in debt from the interim accounts and have used Ashley's £5 million and they have taken £3 million from the Gullible Bears and need probably another £3 million excluding nest seasons ST's. There is no point trying to work out the bonus payments if the club gets promoted. So the new board and the club face £16 million in debt to themselves if they pay off Ashley his £5 million for this season alone, of which they T3B will personally have to put in £11 million to cover the running costs the club has burned through for this season alone. Do the 3 Gullible bears have £11 million to carry the club through till next season ? On top of which the club still faces running costs in the millions next season should they get promoted or not. If the debt this season is not paid and put into the clubs overall debt over the past 3 years they will have to add next seasons loans to the pot that already stands at a whopping £32 million to the holding company. Even running a loss at £600K a month next season puts them over £40 million in 4 years of existence, that's £10 million a year in operating losses. So T3B will have to pony up £11 million up front for this season and still have to pump in most likely around £7 or 8 million or even much more to cover next years operating losses. So do T3B have £20 million plus to throw into a black abyss knowing there is a high probability sometime in the future the club will suffer from an admin event and they could lose millions in the process ? Is King & Co's plan to pay back the £5 million at the latest possible time, acquire the clubs assets and then mortgage them off without telling the fans to fund the clubs operating losses for a few years ?, meaning King & Co never ever intended using their own money in the first place. Methinks Ashley knows they cannot afford to keep the club solvent and has timed his move to perfection because King & Co will need to stump up £20 million plus to cover the clubs losses from this season and will need to cover next years losses as well. Do they have the money ?
  10. Whereas your support are more concerned about Celtic getting ten in a row and overhauling the 49+5 tainted EBT titles. It's all about stopping Celtic with your support which makes your mob more obsessed about Celtic's achievements than their impending financial failures and disappearing into annuls of history as the only club to ever die twice apperently.
  11. Tedi has seen the contractual agreement don't ya know ?, he knows what clauses are triggered by whatever means by "the good guys" since they took over. The loan contract most probably was made to fcuk over King and his imminent take over. Not just the stadium but all the clubs assets were tied up into the SD loan. So when King got the company de-listed as he said he preferred he had absolutely fcuk all he could pawn off to pay back Ashley or most likely fund the club by mortgaging off all it's assets so King & Co wouldn't have to dig deep into their pockets. I'm sure Ashley seen this coming from when King first asked for his EGM. It would be funny to think that Ashley voted for King himself at the EGM to get King in the door just to rub it right in for King to find that the cupboard is bare. The club is running on fumes and with a wage bill due up soon to cover the costs then Ashley has played the waiting game best to show his hand. King and the 3 gullible Bears will now have to fork out at least £6.5 million to buy out Ashley and keep the lights on until June and with the ST's due out some time soon the fans will be tentative whether or not to renew if they think it's to pay off Ashley with King & Co not investing the tens of millions they promised before the EGM. If King & Co do not pony up the money soon the fans will start to get really impatient and we all know what they are like when they find out after they have been taken for mugs, again.
  12. You mean your posts of incoherent pish ?, do forgive I did mean to ask for that Enigma machine you possess.
  13. Eh ?, this has come about by Ashley you muppet whom is taking the new board by the balls and squeezing them hard and harder. So it's Ashley who is smarter than yer new Messiah and his 3 gullible bears and I'm only posting Ashley's master plans as they unfold.
  14. How the fcuk is this inconsequential ?, your club will have run up £16 million in debt for this season alone and have NOOOOOO money and now Ashley has pulled the clause that means he wants his money back. Which means in the time frame given King and his cronies 10 days after the EGM WILL have to pay Ashley or default on the loan giving Ashley ownership of the assets. Ashley has also timed this so the board can't use next seasons ST money on the fly not telling the fans to pay back Ashley. Ashley has effectively called the boards hand knowing that Ashley has all the bases covered, King can't use anything that is owned by the club because Ashley has them locked up under his loan deal. King has an option but I fear Ticketus will tell them to fcuk right off. King & Co will now have to dig deep to pay Ashley 10 days after the EGM or default on the loan.
  15. The timing of this couldn't be better if you were a poker player. This is the equivalent of Ashley squeezing the balls of the new board completely. The ST's are due up soon and King's hand has been forced publicly as well as Ashley tying up anything that the new board could have used as collateral to get finance that didn't come from their own pockets. I also pointed out that King couldn't use the stadium either to fund his finance problem and thus has come to be true and now King and his chums will now have to dig deep before the ST's are due. The orcs on their forums are adamant they are not willing to buy ST's to fund paying back Ashley his £5 million are now want King to pony up and pay Ashley his loan back or fcuk off outta Dodge. This is a real power play from Ashley to force King & Co to pony up. Now over to King & Co.
  16. Cup competitions always throw up shockers for the wee clubs and aren't a good judge of where a clubs level is at. MK Dons smashed the mighty Man Utd 4-0 in a league cup match earlier in the season and they played in League One, should we now consider MK Dons an EPL quality side ready to compete for a Champions League berth and matching the likes of Bayern Munich ? League and cup competitions have two completely different mentalities when being played. One has the option to lose a few games and still win the competition and the other a loss and you are out of it. In Sevco's case they have shown to have decent cup form until the last pivotal games where their bottle completely crashes, in semi finals and finals they aren't that good and don't have what it takes to up their game for 90 minutes under pressure. Maybe McCall can turn that around, but we'll see.
  17. The dumb fuckers loyal already preparing for a Premiership title assault next season and then playing in Europe the season after ? ^^^ Aloud & herd ?, even failed to correct after editing !, oh the education of the average orc FFS. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ Aye sure they will. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=282839&page=2 Their Big House is on fire but all they want to do watch the other mob waiting for their house to catch fire.
  18. FFS KInkster ?, there is two l's in travellers. I suggest you visit the forum that represents the Rangers fans as a whole "Ragers Medjia" where you will find many deluded orcs believe that, A, Rangers are owed from Scottish football for putting plenty of the bloo poond into the lower leagues over the past 3 years and B, All the money made from hosting any play off games at Ibrox should stay with The Rangers. So yes you are correct there is more than sufficient amounts of small minded people mainly Ragers fans who agree with me.
  19. Nah Kinky, blue-nosed thinking is that all the money made in the game belongs to The Rangers because they ara peeps n aw rat.
  20. I'm sure that I had read somewhere that the SFA were to receive a cut from the SPFL to share with clubs that were not part of the SPFL set up in the lower non senior leagues. I may be wrong but I have a nagging feeling this is the case.
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