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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. The response after the Denmark game was hyperbolic. We played very well and Denmark had four key players missing. We get pumped in that game if Braithwaite, Damsgaard and the big blonde boy up top (whose name I can't recall right now) play. I enjoyed that result hugely, but it wasn't as if we beat the European Semi Finalists, we beat that team minus a few very important players. The Serbia game was actually Clarke's best moment, until he almost blew it. We were massively on top and comfortable until he made an absolutely disastrous substitution which put us on the back foot for the rest of the game and almost did for us in extra time. As has been noted his tactical inflexibility is an issue, but it seems there is also a motivational issue. It sounds like Eire were hungrier than us, which is unforgivable. I want him to go but I'm absolutely terrified we get Mark McGhee or whomever is pals with the board right now. Tin pot governance.
  2. Aye this is probably worse than Kazakhstan. We were inured to shite by that point and it was just more of the same. This team have given us promise of something better and this feels like a false dawn. I've not been a fan of 3-5-2 when we haven't had Tierney as every time we've looked lost. I don't want to sack the manager mainly because I have no faith that the SFA will make the right appointment next. I hope he learns from this and develops a decent plan B. This bunch couldn't even score 3 against Gibraltar. We look like a massive soft touch.
  3. Then in that case people shouldn't be parking there. You should have cycled over the cars tbh. I often want to do that when they're parked on a bike lane tbf.
  4. I agree that it should be down to the person opening the door, and it isn't always practical to drive that far away from a car. I was meaning bicycles. I think I remember that liability in this case is down to the cyclist. Certainly it's the safer option to ride a bit out. I've rarely found it too materially difficult to do this, often I just have to get over the psychological hurdle of having a driver up my arse.
  5. Sadly you're kind of at fault here. Granted motorists should be opening their doors with their left hand so that they're forced to look behind them and can react quickly to oncoming traffic, but you need to be riding in the middle of the lane (or at least a third of the way in) when passing parked cars. Sorry it didn't end the way you wanted it to amigo.
  6. 3-0 Scotland with McGinn and Adams finding their shooting boots again. A centre half scoring with his napper seems a decent bet given we are now the undisputed kings of the set piece.
  7. A lovely meeting of minds here. Anyway, like @welldaft I also spouted some drunken pish in the aftermath. Watching the highlights we had several chances in the second half. I just didn't see them very well I suppose due to where my seat was. THe offside was daft. If you have to look that long at it and it's a matter of inches then just leave the ref alone. I thought Adams did fine too. He should have had a couple, but as other posters have suggested he only needs one or two and I think he'll go on a wee run of scoring.
  8. Thanks for that context. I hadn't realised Armenia had 10 shots. That's quite a riddy for Eire.
  9. CB: Souttar, Hanley and McKenna. WB: Patterson and Robbo. MF: Gilmour, Calmac and McGinn. FW. Adams and Christie. It isn't going to be as easy as last night. Eire dominated Armenia apparently and got suckered by a fantastic finish. Armenia had two clear chances against us last night and with a bit more composure would have scored one. It can happen, so I wouldn't read too much into that. They're absolutely the sort of team we'd struggle against and we need to use pace and incision to get behind them, hence Robbo and Pato on the wings with Gilmour playing sexy shroo balls to turn their defence.
  10. I ride on pavements because I'm a 40* year old wearing lycra, not in spite of it. It makes me feel seen. *39 and a half.
  11. Park your car anywhere between Hampden and Kings Park avenue. My cousin parks where I used to live on Kingsacre Road. It's a 10min walk from the ground and from there you can drive towards Shawfield and from there it's easy enough to hop on the motorway. I got a lift to the Cathedral (was getting my bus) last week and we encountered no delays in getting there from where he'd parked.
  12. Aye, this is sensible. I think folk have imbibed the "have a right to cross here without waiting for lights etc" to mean "As soon as I step on this then the traffic must just magically stop" with no consideration that road users are human beings to and rely on things like behavioural cues. I've came close to crashing my bike because of these chumps.
  13. Greenie for teaching me the word "desuetude". Thank you.
  14. This reminds me of the zebra at the start of Broomhill Road just after the Holburn St roundabout. People walking along the street suddenly deciding to cross at said zebra without giving any indication that they're about to do so (instead of turning to face the other side, stopping there for a moment, which unequivocally signals their intention to cross, and then doing so) is a piece of nonsense. I've seen folk just veer on to it, or take a big Brian O'Driscoll side step onto it from the street, just expecting the traffic to read their minds and immediately stop. Insane.
  15. Our problem tonight was a complete lack of penetration. There was a lot of spreading the ball (fucking endlessly) wide, which looked to me to be a passing of responsibility. There was nobody willing to play the through ball or run into the box with it. Armstrong occasionally gave it a go in the first half but for some reason he's as slow as a week in jail these days. It actually looked very disjointed in the final third, with an awful lot of random touches and hopeful crosses. Billy Gilmour is the only one who does this, but it's not that niche a skillset that it should be acceptable for only one player to make the straight forward pass.
  16. Auntie, not maw. She was very lovely to look at tbh, but he was a treat. Been a tough few days, so getting to hang out with a youngster who reminded me of myself at that age was class. Full of questions and kept just wanting to play on the stairs. I kinda felt bad for him because at that age I was just let loose on the terraces and formed a feral pack with other weans. The game was boring. The amount of times we received the ball with our back to goal instead of running on to a ball was utterly maddening. It was a professional job, but a few more goals would have been preferable. Calmac needs his own song. He's class and is the beating heart of our midfield. McGinn is a crowd favourite, but McGregor plays 65 games a season and is never less than 8/10. A wonderful, wonderful footballer.
  17. I'm happy to announce that he did not. Me and a'body else around me were celebrating that more than we celebrated the goals. In his place I got a cool wee boy of about 9 and his quite lovely Auntie to watch the game with. Decent night in all.
  18. It's class. His pal is a Swedish writer living in Brazil and they both love different aspects of football. Their team preferences reflect their personalities and they talk about that a lot. It's great how they both talk of football as emotional rather than rational, and how they offer insights into their own lives, upbringing and culture.
  19. Home and Away by Karl Ove Knausgaard. It's a book of letters between him and his Swedish pal written during the 2014 world cup. So it's at least a little appropriate for the company. There's a Ghanaian lad and one from Slovakia too. High level of diversity here. Only seen one glengarry too. Genuinely excited for this game now.
  20. I don't read car magazines amigo.
  21. On the supporter's bus and it's across between a rugby away trip and an 18-30 holiday. I brought a fucking book to read as well.
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