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velo army

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Posts posted by velo army

  1. 2 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

    Tell me you're doing a milton75 there. Although you didn't put it in italics so maybe not.


    I read that as she is correcting and perfecting the list so that it satisfies all of her messages needs.

    Later on she will chastise JG for not getting something that she has decided is essential but did not put on the list.

  2. 3 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    What are the chances of that happening? Did they realise on the way it was heading to where they live?

    Aye what they were saying was that they're super unpredictable, so no, they didn't know it was headed to town until it got a bit closer. Sometimes they die out, sometimes they make a sudden reverse (which sounds terrifying if you're following behind it) but aye, it started just outside Columbus, which is  56 miles from Tuscaloosa. Imagine a Tornado lasting that long. Mind boggling. I never experienced tornadoes when I was over there (they're a springtime phenomenon, I was there in summer), but I was in some fairly hefty thunderstorms. The weather really doesn't f**k about over there. 

    I can kinda see a relationship between the fact that the "bible belt" and "tornado alley" are more or less the same. That kind of weather would make you believe that the very wrath of God was upon you.

  3. On 26/06/2021 at 12:47, GordonS said:

    Yep. I'm absolutely definitely never posting on the depression thread. I've prevaricated a few times but I've definitely made the right choice.

    So you keep saying mate.  You've been told frequently that the depression thread is a hive of guidcuntery and is a great place for support. Seriously, I've seen erstwhile arsehole posters show themselves to be deeply compassionate on that thread. If you want to keep up this victim story though, go right ahead. 

    I do think getting through depression is only really possible through taking ownership of it, whether that means going through some really deep therapy to figure out the story you're unconsciously re-creating, doing a course of CBT where you choose to think differently about your life, or cutting out the things that are definitely negatively altering our mood (booze, television or shitty pals). 

    Obviously it's not as simple as just going for a run. It's an existential condition that needs to be treated holistically. I don't like the term "disease" as it tends to focus on the physical aspects of it, or the chemical imbalances, as if they just happen and are the cause of all the other symptoms. I like Gabor Mate's thoughts on it, and those of Marion Woodman (Jungian Analyst) who said that it was unexpressed grief. We fail to mourn a loss and we become stuck in depression. I know it's simplified but it's late and I'm tired. 

    Take care of yourselves a'body.

    Oh, and my unpopular opinion is that Doric is the greatest form of Scots.

  4. On 24/06/2021 at 23:08, MuckleMoo said:

    I've got an unhealthy obsession for tornadoes. Would love to go on one of those tornado chasing tours in america

    I once stayed with a couple of lads in Tuscaloosa for a weekend and they were big into that. They told me a wild story of them chasing a tornado form Columbus (Mississippi) all the way back to Tuscaloosa, where it ripped through the town, causing about 20 deaths and completely obliterating about half the town. Utterly surreal. Their home town too. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Empty It said:
    2 hours ago, velo army said:
    Who was also nowhere near good enough for Liverpool. 
    Liverpool also signed El Hadj Diouff, Andy Carroll and (going back a bit mind) Neil Ruddock (what an agent that man must have had tbf).
    I think McGinn would do fine at Liverpool. He's got a phenomenal work rate and tremendous attitude. The transfer fee is nonsense though and attaches unfair pressure. Also, why would you pay £50m for SJM when you can surely get a similar quality player for significantly less? I can see him staying for that reason only.

    What similar quality player could you get for significantly less in your opinion?

    Aye I was more speculating that there must be. It seems that homegrown players in the English top league have their prices massively inflated simply by dint of being homegrown and other factors like selling to competitors.

    I like McGinn, but he's not world class or even the class just below that. I can't think of players of the top of my head who are better than him and cost less, as I haven't researched it. I was merely speculating, but as Bonksy has demonstrated evens cursory glance at the market can yield a few names, so there will be more.

  6. On 25/06/2021 at 17:44, Mr Tourette said:

    People saying McGinn isn’t good enough for Liverpool need to remember that Liverpool signed Charlie Adam not so long ago

    Who was also nowhere near good enough for Liverpool. 

    Liverpool also signed El Hadj Diouff, Andy Carroll and (going back a bit mind) Neil Ruddock (what an agent that man must have had tbf).

    I think McGinn would do fine at Liverpool. He's got a phenomenal work rate and tremendous attitude. The transfer fee is nonsense though and attaches unfair pressure. Also, why would you pay £50m for SJM when you can surely get a similar quality player for significantly less? I can see him staying for that reason only.

  7. 23 minutes ago, HuttonDressedAsLahm said:

    That's interesting, because numerous sources quote the opposite: 

    Football London


    Daily Mirror:

    And yet, the official competition rules state the opposite.  I wonder what press release was sent out which resulted in so many outlets getting it completely wrong.


    I stand corrected...

    I would wager TalkSport and the Mirror just writing what they please as their readers/listeners are largely made up of numpties.


  8. 16 minutes ago, Uncle Psychosis said:

    I think the most emotional thing for me was being stood at Hampden at kick off, realising the full extent of what covid had robbed from us all. Our first game at a major tournament in 23 years, at Hampden? It should have been a glorious celebration regardless of result. 

    In normal times the place would have been absolutely jumping. Friends of mine who have been going to games together for decades had tickets but either lost them due to the reduced capacity or being unable to travel (thanks Covid). 

    Although the atmosphere in the ground was about as good as I could have hoped for in the circumstances it definitely felt bittersweet - we were robbed of a proper cathartic moment. The game itself was almost irrelevant to that. 

    If I can offer a bit of perspective, if we'd played the nation's Leagues games when we should have we would have been pumped. Covid gave us time to bed in a more competent manager. Not trying to gaslight your point though. Not being able to have a full Hampden is a huge loss.


  9. Agree that Armstrong and McGinn are getting too easy a time of it. The preoccupation with Henry's "involvement" in their 2nd is pretty odd and I'm surprised it has persisted in the discussion for so long.

    Armstrong hid for much of the game, but the tactics were pish and made us highly predictable. Hanley was giving me a rage-headache through his propensity for continually passing behind teammates. But the fact that SOD was an obvious liability and he never changed it until we were 2 down was pretty painful. 

    It isn't confirmation bias to blame SOD. He was no t the only player playing poorly, but he was terrible and an absolute bag of nerves.

  10. Aye I'm feeling emotional right now, but it's a feeling of deflation and just feeling sad. That second Czech goal had my bottom lip wobbling knowing that this was probably game over for us. Keeping SOD on for so long given his head had gone after about 15mins was baffling. Seeing Slovakia come out with vigour and purpose to get a result was even more sickening given our utterly lacklustre performance.

    Aye, still emotional.

  11. 13 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    My mate doesn't tell lies but he does recount the same stories very repetitively, to the extent he uses exactly the same language and pauses for effect etc.

    I always wonder how he can have perfect recall of his story, but not remember he's told it a hundred times.

    I didn't realise I was pals with any Bon Accord fans.

  12. 32 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

    Cremola Foam.

    Looking back at Creamola Foam - the pink fizzy drink created in Glasgow -  Glasgow Live

    The original "cremola kid" was featured during the early 30's and his name was Jack McMartin. He was depicted taking a spoon to a big globe of the earth. I know all this as he spent his last years at the care home I worked in.

    Absolute diamond of a man with cracking stories.


  13. On 11/06/2021 at 21:56, madwullie said:

    Hello everyone, Mrs Madwullie here. You all have more words than me right now and it's been a pleasure to read how highly he was respected on here. God knows every single time he took a crap he was was on this forum, glad to know this was time well spent. Although maybe I should post this infuriating behaviour on another thread 😉 That brutal honesty was just how we rolled tbf. We are lost without him. 

    You absolutely should post on the infuriating partners thread if it feels right for you. Its probably the funniest and least rancorous thread on p and b (until this one obvs) and if it's not to presumptuous, it may be a cathartic and valuable part of your process. I know it would be of huge value to us to read and engage with whatever you post.

    Thank you for your response.

  14. Aye I'm fearing the worst and might watch whatever shite movie is on Channel 5 at that time instead. Feeling a bit sick tbh. I miss the days when I just showed up expecting to get pumped but hoping for us not to completely disgrace ourselves.

  15. Just finished the first series of "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" which seemed promising.

    It's a good buddy story with a decent redemption arc for Bucky and good chemistry between the two leads. It's spoiled, I think, by a very poorly written (and cast) antagonist and intrusive political messaging that is condescending and, quite frankly, incongruous. 

    The acting is good from Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan and the excellent Daniel Bruhl, but it's baffling why they cast someone so bad as the antagonist, not to mention her crew. The development of those characters, as well as their motivations, aren't remotely developed. We never find out who they are which is why I never ever give a crap what happens to them. The writing suffers from the failure to show rather than tell. We're variously told by other characters that Karli (the central antagonist) is brilliant, charismatic and intelligent, but she never really demonstrates any of those qualities. It shows a complete lack of imagination and faith on the part of the writers, as well as a huge insult to the intelligence of the viewer. She exhibits absolutely no charisma or presence, doesn't seem to be that intelligent and shows us no great initiative or guile. Add this to the fact that the actress playing her has no charisma or range and you end up with a fairly entitled teenage lassie and that's it. 

    The political messaging is becoming almost expected. This is where the writers do decided to show rather than tell. They show us Sam getting stopped by police and them not recognising him, and then becoming super obsequious. We see Sam and his sister denied a loan. We hear Sam's sister tell the viewer that it's because they are black, but it's dishonest and manipulative and a bit jarring (we never see white people in similar circumstances receiving credit, and in fact the bank manager provides ample reason not to give credit, Sam hasn't registered any income for 5 years.....). There's also the inclusion of an earlier super soldier, Isaiah Bradley, who as a black super soldier was experimented on. It recalls the horrendous treatment of the Tuskegee Airmen after WW2 and is actually quite sensitively handled. It all felt overdone and melodramatic, leaving the viewer no space to think and form opinions of their own. I think there's space for political commentary in these types of series, in fact I love it when it can be worked in in a way that still stays true to the story, but when I feel like I'm being led to one conclusion then I tend to feel manipulated.

    There is enough to get invested in. Bucky and Sam's relationship is warm, but the writing for the rest of the characters leaves a great deal to be desired.

  16. Gave you a greenie for calling it the First Division.

    Echoing my fellow luvvy above, Chic Charnley is probably the best Thistle player over the last 30 years. Gary Harkins was just a beautiful footballer too. Our pitch was the worst in the country by miles (shared with the egg chasers) and he still looked like Zidane. 

    Scott Paterson is my favourite Thistle player though. Just absolute silk on the ball and would start attacks by dribbling out of defence. He'd do fucking step-overs as well!! Rarely would just lump it clear, instead opting to chest it down, slide past the opposing striker and play it to a midfielder. If not for a chronic hip injury that curtailed his time with Liverpool and then his career he would have been an international. A wonderful, wonderful footballer.

  17. 22 minutes ago, Sensible Soccer🏴 said:

    Does anyone else think that Clarke will play McTominay as a right sided center half again on Monday?

    I think playing him in midfield for the two friendlies was a rouse for our rivals looking on, and our midfield will be something like McGregor McGinn Armstrong. 

    Our right side of defense and ability to keep retention of the ball are our weak points, playing McTominay at the back, has been an answer for this before, will Clarke go for it again?

    It wouldn't make sense playing a midfield that hadn't ever played together in a match. I like your thinking though, but I'd have Gilmour instead of McGregor.

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