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velo army

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Posts posted by velo army

  1. 31 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

    In my current job (like everywhere else) we are obsessed with acronyms but since it's an English government department they don't understand why I keep pissing myself laughing when people ask if I know what "UDF" and "IRA" means.

    Neither are acronyms.

    And that's my contribution to the Norn Iron question.

  2. Really wanting to get good at french. I wasn't all that into Duolingo (I don't need so many basics) but I want something that will be stimulating and, ideally, some sort of conversation practise.

    Anyone had experience with repply? I'd love some suggestions from the p n b universe.

  3. 1 hour ago, Baptiste Bourgeois said:

    Just checked and the "unproven, inexperienced" Gilmour has already started games and played against McTominay, Fred, Fabinho, Andre Gomes, Siggurdson, Ndidi, Tielemens, McArthur, Milovojevic, Victor Claesson(44 caps for Sweden), Tonny Vilhena(15 caps for Holland), and came off the bench in games featuring De Bruyne x2, Rodri x2, Gundogan, Rakitic, Fernandinho and Doucoure. 


    Still though, better off with the likes of Graeme Shinnie's proven experience against *checks notes* "Luton Town" and "Wycombe Wanderers Football Club.

    Genius mate. This is precisely what I'm after but was too afraid to say.

    Thanks for clarifying my position 

  4. Bloody hell. Right, let me just be crystal clear here before we end up weighed down by straw men.

    What I was arguing against was the idea that it's somehow ridiculous to not call Gilmour up, and the specific argument within that that I was targeting was that we should ignore his lack of game time this season and focus on the fact that he had a great game a couple of seasons back against Liverpool. 

    For qualifiers, sure, call him up, but this is too important a tournament to try a guy out who isn't playing in football matches. He may play like he did against Liverpool, or the game could totally pass him by and Clarke needs to sub him at half time. We have three matches, realistically, and I think that we need to be playing the players we know can do a job in this system, not players who have merely been training with good players (and not in a 3-5-2).


  5. 7 hours ago, craigkillie said:

    No, football managers are able to make judgements on players based on how good they know they are, regardless of whether they happen to be flavour of the month at their current club. If Andy Robertson had a contract dispute with Liverpool and ended up not playing for six months would we also simply not know whether he was good enough?

    Come on man. This is obtuse. There's a difference between a young player who only has 20 games and isn't playing at a sensitive time in his development (because he isn't deemed good enough) and one who is proven, experienced and whose exclusion is based on a technicality.

    I have no problems having him in the squad, for what it's worth. I was more railing against the argument that we should take him based on a purple patch almost two years ago. 




  6. 1 hour ago, HuttonDressedAsLahm said:

    Did you miss the game when he ran rings round the Liverpool team last season?  There’s a special nutmeg on Fabinho as part of the extended highlights reel from the game - you know, a Brazilian international and Champions League winner.  

    He’s demonstrably good enough for Scotland, and most likely at the age of 20, a starter every week for all but three or four teams in the Premier League.

    Failing to start ahead of Kante (World Cup Winner), Kovacic (66 caps for Croatia, World Cup runner up, and former Real Madrid/Inter Milan player), and Jorginho (established Italy internationalist) is not exactly the fatal career blow you appear to judge it to be.

    Oli Burke once had an absolutely sensational game against Dortmund. He was unplayable.

    It's a facetious point, but nobody has seen Gilmour play in ages, aside from a fairly poor performance against Barnsley. He isn't obviously better than what we have right now and absolutely needs game time.

  7. 15 minutes ago, banditjag said:

    😱for some unknown reason I thought we were 5 points ahead. Now I'm really bruicking it and my usual negativity is kicking in big time. Hope your scenario doesn't come to pass as I don't think I'll see the end of the season with my ticker.

    Would take a draw tonight, will hope for the win, think your 3 nil would knock back our confidence, this top of the league stuff is exhausting. 

    Bottom line for me is no matter what, cos Falkirk don't play tonight, we go into Thursdays game 4 points ahead of Falkirk which gives us a psychological advantage I'd think. A cove win tonight might give them a psychological advantage. I need a lie down

    I meant to not show up and concede the game, giving our players rest. I reckon 2 or 4 points from the next two games is plenty.

  8. 51 minutes ago, Kyle said:

    A lot of the bad feeling stems from Thistle fans - not you and not the other lad on the thread- previously saying that they would rather be relegated than play like we do and our achievements weren't that big of a deal or similar such nonsense, after we'd won the Scottish cup and qualified for Europe 5 times in 6 seasons.

    I found it quite funny when you were relegated, and then relegated again whilst trying to play like Barcelona. No question we're comparable clubs in a lot of ways though.

    True true. Ours is a game only appreciated by true aesthetes and artisans. Its value can't be measured by such base means as points. Winning trophies is, quite frankly, vulgar.

    Delighted that Saints have finally embraced this total footballing philosophy: that cleverly worked corner routine leaving the goalie unmarked to score will be pored over by coaches and Jonathan Wilson types.

    I hope you lads win a double. Even if your football is horrible to watch.....

  9. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Partick Thistle have 3 stands, sit 3rd in the third tier, and haven't won the Scottish Cup in 100 years.

    No idea how they can't see they're utter diddies.

    Needlessly vitriolic attack on the cuddlies this. How many Tennent's Sixes have youse won?? Exactly.

    I put St J as a similar sized club to us in terms of crowd size, not in terms of success. Your success relative to your size is highly impressive. You're probably the best run club in Scotland. I continually look on with increasing envy that you have managed to be consistently excellent for a decade while we are trophy-less and are knocking about the seaside league for the third time this century.

    Right, stop bullying us nouveau-diddies for now and get back to composing ballads and epic poems about Zander Clark.

  10. 12 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

    I’m 26, and have never been capable of jumping out of bed when the alarm goes off. It’s nonsense to suggest it’s possible for everyone because it’s easy for you to do. You even mention that you wake up naturally 5 mins before your alarm anyway, so there’s absolutely no ‘shock’ to your body. 

    The worst thing about my 90min snoozathon is that I have a wonderfully expensive alarm clock that gently wakes me with a fancy light and stuff. I don't get the shock to my body. I just overestimate how much I want to wake up at 6am instead of 7.30am. 

  11. On 22/03/2021 at 01:23, Sugar_Army said:

    As this year looks like a wash out (was supposed to be backpacking in Africa for her 40th) we have started planning next year.  A bit of Peru/Amazon/Bolivia but if time allows will consider adding in Chile or Galapagos.

    Mate I think we might be related.

  12. I've been single af for a while now, but I didn't realise that I might have to give up my snoozing privileges once I get a burd. I was already slightly anxious about my snoring (industrial decibel levels) but the idea that I may have to stop snoozing my alarm for an hour and a half is making me contemplate lifelong bachelorhood.

    Or aim to date a deaf woman.

  13. 11 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

    Surely you and Randomguy could just send each other private messages?

    Popped on to say precisely this. I have a sneaking feeling there are a few stat geeks among the secret fraternity of lurkers who will tentatively reveal themselves like the munchkins at the start of the Wizard of Oz when Glinda sings "come out, come out, wherever you are" .


  14. 57 minutes ago, AndyDD said:

    Thistle a bit of a juggernaut the now, but I would be delighted to spoil the party Saturday. You imagine there might be another twist or two in the league over the run in so here's hoping; we were unfortunate not to get something at Firhill back in the second game of the season and were on top for a good half hour before the game turned in Airdrie, but Thistle did then blow us away and have gone from strength to strength recently. 

    Over the last ten games we've been the two form teams and both on unbeaten runs, so it's all set up. 

    Sneaky 1-2. Hopefully a dodgy penalty to maximise the seething outrage

    Owen Coyle to take it and you'd see the mushroom cloud over Maryhill from Chapelhall. 

    I'm genuinely excited for the first time in fuckin years (truly amazing what some form can do, and the turnaround in Rudden is stunning) but you lads have been on cracking form lately so it's not impossible that we have a wee hiccup here (anyone else remember the Brian Cassidy QOS game when we were gearing up to win Div2 under Lambie?).

    5-0 Jags. Big b*****ding Brian Graham and Fuckin Goals to share the, ehm, fuckin goals.

  15. 1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

    The shooter in the FedEx one was a Brony, as in an adult male fan of Ky Little Pony. In his suicide note posted online he said that he wanted to go and live with Applejack.

    A subset of incels then? No way that young man is getting his Nat King. 

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