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velo army

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Posts posted by velo army

  1. People saying that O'Donnell has been as good as Robbo is a bit much. He's clearly not good enough at international level, but he tries hard and never hides, so I like him, but he is poor on the ball and his crossing is utter shite. Robbo on the other hand is good on the ball and his crossing is miles better. 

    I thought Tierney was incredible today, the number of times he took the ball from his own half and made 60 yards or so was fantastic.


  2. Aye we had uniform. no blazers, thankfully, but it won't stop the pisstaking about clothes. If your shoes had two stripes instead of three, if your bag or jacket weren't one of the more acceptable brands it was fair game for a slagging. That combined with having a dinner ticket would mark you out. 

    I'm not surprised the Daily Mail have looked at children being bullied/slagged for being poor and their solution is to just make pupils wear the same clothes. It's an act of denial. It's like looking at homelessness and saying that the solution to that is to ban begging. All it does is to remove the optics of the problem from those who aren't disadvantaged by it. Poor kids who wear school uniform will still be dealing with the consequences of their relative poverty when they go home, or when they can't go on the same trip as their classmates.

    In saying all that I looked smart as f**k in  my uniform. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Henrik's tongue said:

    Willy, Neil Lennon isan awful football manager. Surely you’ve come to realise that?

    Well no, Willy is a troll who seems to still provoke responses from all and sundry on here despite showing no sign whatsoever of engaging in good faith debate.

    The fact that all and sundry do respond frequently indicates that he is, in fact, very good at it.

  4. 20 hours ago, JustOneCornetto said:

    Singin' In The Rain (1952)

    I usually avoid musicals at all costs but having seen a few clips of this I thought I would watch it in full. It really is a fun film with so many great dance sequences. Gene Kelly is such an effortless dancer, so energetic and full of enthusiasm in his role, ably backed up by Debbie Reynold and Donald O'Connor.The iconic scene with Kelly dancing in the rain is the standout that's been imitated so many times. Great film.


    I, on the other hand, love musicals and this might be the best one. Gene Kelly really is a captivating performer. The energy and chemistry between the three leads is palpable too and for a film that has so many big dance scenes none of them feel gratuitous or self indulgent. A truly joyful experience.

  5. On 11/03/2021 at 17:58, Richey Edwards said:

    Further on to this, I had an email from UCAS earlier. It informed me that I had an update regarding my application.

    I logged in to check it, expecting to see something like "your application has not been successful this time".

    NOT SO.


    I bellowed like a madcunt, the shirt was whipped off and I ran about the house.

    Delighted for you amigo. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Pato said:

    I dunno, it casts things in a new light when you read a bit about stuff like this. 100 years ago there were only 20 million people in the whole UK, it's triple that now. It was probably fine for everyone to have a dog if they wanted one then,  is it still reasonable now?

    I think dog ownership has rocketed proportionally too. When I was a youngster maybe about 1 in 10 families in my estate had a dog. Now it feels like closer to half. 

    I take @mishtergrolsch's point about them not being as environmentally horrendous as humans, but they're still pretty bad. There's also the cruelty of breeding, and the aforementioned inconsiderate pish of leaving shite and dog detritus a'where.

    So aye. Too many dags. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

    This happened to me once and I tried to kick the fucker off his bike as he went past, just missed him. Fucking hate cyclists who think that they have priority over everyone and anyone else. (does not apply to all cyclists)

    Aye I've been a regular commuting/training/occasional touring cyclist for the last 20 years and I've noticed a bit of a downturn in behaviour over the last 5 or 6. The deliveroo lads give me the absolute fear.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

    Biscoff is rank

    Congrats on a thoroughly unpopular opinion. Biscoff ice cream is the absolute tits.

    Mine is that there are too many dogs. Was out playing football and in the hour we were there we saw no fewer than 35 dogs. Some people have multiple dogs. You can see the environmental impact with bits of chewed tennis balls littering the pitches. I love a dog, but there are,quite frankly, too many.

  9. Predictable that this thread should degenerate into whitabootery and point scoring.

    Watching that clip back made me pretty sick. You can see kamara's  reaction is one of shock and devastation. As has been pointed out too, the other Slavia players seem a bit shocked too. Although it might seem like there's nothing to be done I think it might be important to remember that UEFA aren't the criminal justice system, so may not need corroborating evidence and "beyond reasonable doubt". They won't want their tournament marred by racism, so I can see them looking at the available evidence and handing out a ban. 

    I'm also well in favour of him receiving a decent punch to the coupon. A ban and an apology will have to suffice.

  10. Dinamo Zagreb's football was utterly joyous tonight. Some of the passing by the boy Majer was utterly mesmerising. That's one of the best hat-tricks I've ever seen.

    This is an infinitely better tournament than the champions' league. 

  11. Definitely up for another bicycle tour. I last did a proper one across the USA in 2014 (Orlando to Seattle) and a wee mini one across Englandshire in 2017, and this pish has had me absolutely dying to go for one again.

    I fancy somewhere with a fuckton of trees and hills and a low population density. Poland is high on my list as is Albania (in fact a wee Balkan tour sounds ace)

  12. On 15/03/2021 at 22:16, Gianfranco said:

    Unforgotten is class.

    This. The second series is some of the most gripping telly I've witnessed in years (after a slow start). The Scottish boy with the white hair has a scene with Nicola Walker's character near the end that had me absolutely bawling. Incredible acting.

    Currently I'm watching "his dark materials" which is utterly fantastic, wonderfully cast and superbly acted. I started watching it for Dafne Keen as I loved her Logan, but f**k me Ruth Wilson puts in one of the best performances I've ever seen. She's superb.

  13. 39 minutes ago, GordonS said:

    Just so they know, I've put the bootlickers on ignore. Your opinions are worthless to me because they're based on feelings rather than evidence.

    You seem really angry about this mate. I'll admit I didn't read the article at the start and having looked at that herald piece I'll accept that there is a problem with racism in police scotland. I had no problem accepting that there was homophobia and misogyny before, I took that as a given tbh. While I find that objectionable institutional change takes time. 

    I have no skin in this game. I have pals in the polis and I've dealt with the police both personally and professionally. I've been lifted, ticketed (all during my heavy drinking days) and had other engagements with them. I'm not particularly keen on how they deal with protest. That's something which might need to be looked at. I had friends involved in sit-ins at universities a few years ago and the police were quite unreasonable apparently. it gives more truth to the notion that they are there primarily to defend property.

    Enjoy your night mate.


  14. 2 hours ago, Shotgun said:

    Even if he isn't technically dead, the look on his coupon suggests Phil has seen what's on the other side and he doesn't like it at all.

    Discovered that heaven is overrun by wogs and nignogs and that the electronics have been wired by an Indian fella imo.

  15. 1 hour ago, GordonS said:

    Your disapproval is entirely expected. It's not so much your naiveté, it's your lack of logic and imagination. You're going to reject all the available evidence about Police Scotland being riddled with misogyny and racism because... what? Being a black woman you've never seen it? You want to believe the polis are the good guys so you choose to reject anything that contradicts it?

    "Sheku Bayoh custody death officer 'hates black people'"


    All available evidence that Police Scotland is riddled with racism. That's quite the claim mate and I would expect more working to be shown than a single officer.

    You also said that we shouldn't use our own positive experiences with the police to judge them, especially if we are white and male. It's a profoundly biased and dishonest take that presumes sexism and racism without providing any evidence for it. It's also a textbook example of confirmation bias; i.e. you have decided that police scotland are institutionally sexist and racist (and not the met, before you use the Stephen Lawrence findings to bash PS with) and will ignore evidence to the contrary.


  16. Saying that you're not addicted to sugar, but dopamine, is a bit obtuse. It's like saying that heroin addicts are addicted to dopamine, not heroin. Heroin causes a huge and sudden spike in dopamine, which is why it feels so bloody good (so I've read). 

    If it was purely dopamine you would be able to sub out sugar for gambling or, well, heroin.  

    Oh, and @GordonS, I recommend the depression thread. It's choc full of guid cvnts. Even if you're not in need of advice or help, just reading the stories of others and offering some experiences of your own works wonders.

  17. 2 hours ago, Anglichanin said:

    Paul Sturrock. I know he's been retired a while but still writes on Facebook groups and seems a good sort.

    Dick Campbell comes across brilliantly but I have been in a crowd at Partick where they, to a man, were chanting for him to GTF, so I guess not everyone likes him.

    Met Davie Irons briefly once and he seemed pleasant.

    We loved Campbell on a personal level, but we were frustratingly pish at that point, so he was the convenient punchbag. 

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